Race and Ethnicity Which is Categorized By Many Characteristics
The world's inhabitants are categorized by many characteristics, these characteristics place those into segregated groups with people who possess that same quality. These groupings are usually determined by ones customs. appearance. language, etc. There are thousands of categories that one person can belong under but the two of the most defining and recognized characteristic is ones race and ethnicity. These aspects of ones life are present and imaged In each actiVIty and are evtdent factors. In the entertainment realm as well as art. In the novel, How Race is lived in America, three authors present their stories that dive into the realities of race and ethnicity. These stories possess an obwous connection to everyday encounters and question the views on race and ethnicity.
The first article, Shared prayers, Mixed Blessings written by Kevin Sack. demonstrates the changes that occur wrth ones tolerance and acceptance people have with another race and more specifically between blacks and white. Shared Prayers, Mixed Blessings, exemplifies the church, a place for all people In the eyes of God, and how the change of something traditional creates discomfort. Moreover, Churchgoers find It difficult to except this idea of integration into a place that is time-honored and sacred. The white parish members are finding this concept of multi-racial and multi-cultured congregation troubling. Many of the white members grew up with little education and exposure to the black race. This issue of race was drawmg the people away from the real reason of the churchs purpose and meaning. Thus, because minimal Interaction between whites and blacks took place prior to the integration of church, the white members have these provisioned characteristics of blacks.
These prejudices are holding the white members from the realities and importance of interaction With other racial people. in the entertainment industry such as mowes and teleVIsion, the typical stereotype is that a black would be depicted rather than the actuality. For instance, Janice Pugh, the Wife of the minister, was influenced by her grandmothers warnings and outside force, Her View of black men, she says, came from moves that portrayed them raping awhite women or something. When one is not taught prejudice and the truth to things, one Is subjected to a distorted image and stereotypes of others from persuasive word. The effects of the integration of the church force the whites to confront racial assumptions and prejudgments. Black members must venture away from comfortable settings to now face racial resentment and distrust.
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The article raises a question: Is the integration of blacks going to chase away whites? I believe the answer to this question lies in ones ability and willingness to accept this movement of racial equality. The article, Best Friends, Worlds Apart, written by Mirta Ojito, illustrates ones awareness of their difference In color. Joel Ruiz, is black and Achmed Valdes is white. Both grew up In Cuba as best friends, However, their immigrated to the US. drastically changes the relationship, In Cuba, where the color of their skin is of no more significance than the color of their eyestBob Marley) Due to the color of Joel Ruiz skin, he is conscious of race. He may be Cuban but in a world that is concerned with race, Joel is living in a black world, Skin color overrules nationality In the US, Where as in Cubas mix of blacks and whites he was unaware of a difference and was one of the same, Mowes and television show minimal truth to things.
Joel Ruiz states Neither American television and Communist propaganda had prepared him for (this world).(26) I recently came across a drawing done by an African American artist. This drawmg had this African American figure cowering below these images of white superiority. This drawing seems to portray this world as a black sees it. Art seems to reveal the truth in this battle of race. Lastly. Steven A. Holmes presents Which Mans Army. This rare instance that occurs between Drill Sergeants Harry Feyer and Ernest Williams is differing situation from the preVious two. The white Sergeant, Harry Feyer, believes he could was denied an award that no white sergeant had won since 1998. It seems ironic that his is one institution where blacks order around whites routinely. The council who decides whom the award goes to, be made of a core of black sergeants. Bravo, as they called it, pretty much ran things. It is odd to hear of whites receiving the best of things and becoming more powerful than others.
This reverse in roles reminds me of the movie, Men of Honor, starring Cuba Gooding Jr. and Roben DeNiro. Cubas character dreamt of becoming a deep-sea diver and was given the chance to join the navy as a cook. When Cuba heard word that the navy was looking for a deep-sea diver, Cuba didnt hesitate. However, the White officers outlawed that any black cook be given the chance to attempt this feat. Nevertheless, Cuba was persistent and had the courage to stand up to them and eventually became the best deeprsea diver. This example exemplifies the tenacity and strength of this black man. All the odds and people were against him but his fight contradicts all preVIous assumptions. The article, like the movre. proves these presumed thoughts of blacks being inferior to whites and blacks lack the ability to perform as good, if not better than many whites. Examples like these are good for socrety because it causes critics and witnesses to step back and analyze these stereotypes.
Race and ethnicity are demonstrated through a variety of different events, Due to ones groupings under race and ethnicity it now becomes something different and different is uncomfortable to many people. If race was not considered a large factor to ones life than these issues and constant questioning of others equality wouldnt exist. The education of young people plays the largest role in soIVIng this problem. However, with the majority of negative influences and some positive, for instance, Men of Honor, from the media and outside influences, it now becomes practically impossible to ever solve this problem between the acceptance of others race and ethnicity.
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Race and Ethnicity Which is Categorized By Many Characteristics. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/race-and-ethnicity-which-is-categorized-by-many-characteristics/
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