Off Premise Laundry
TOPIC: OFF PREMISE LAUNDRY OFF PREMISE LAUNDRY * OPL MEANS LAUNDRY WHICH IS NOT PRESENT INSIDE THE HOTEL PREMISES. * THESE CATERS TO HOTELS ON A CONTRACT BASIS. * THEY CHARGE RATE ACCORDING TO THE TYPES OF LINEN / ARTICLE. * THEY CATERS TO MAINLY THOSE HOTELS WHERE SOMETIMES GUEST FLOW IS VERY LOW AND SOME RESORTS AND SEASONAL HOTELS ARE INCLUDE IN THIS. * MANY HOTELEIARS DOESNOT WANT TO INVEST A HUGE AMOUNT ON LAUNDRY SETUP SO THEY GO WITH OPL SERVICES. DEMERITS OF OPL * LESS CONTROL OVER STANDARDS AND QUALITY OF WASHING AND DRYCLEANING. * DELIVERY AND COLLECTION DELAYS. HIGHER PAR STOCK IS REQUIRED. * EXTRA COST FOR SPECIAL TREATMENTS. * LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ARTICLES IS HIGH. ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA FOR GUEST * Customer laundry is handled appropriately in accordance with establishment requirements. Communication maintained with providers of off-premises laundry services ensures clear understanding of establishment requirements * Customer laundry is returned to the customer clean, dry, complete, and in condition specified by customer in a timely manner in accordance with establishment requirements. Range: condition – folded, pressed, dry-cleaned, laundered. * Customers are charged for laundry in accordance with establishment requirements . MAINTENANCE OF OPL FOR HOTELS * Establishment laundry is handled appropriately in accordance with establishment requirements. * Range: laundry – linen, bedding, towelling, staff uniforms, soft furnishings. * Documentation and recording processes for establishment laundry are maintained in accordance with establishment requirements. Storage area for customer and establishment laundry is kept free from infestation any signs of infestation are reported in accordance with establishment requirements. * Establishment laundry is checked to ensure it is clean, dry, complete and in condition specified on return, in a timely manner, in accordance with establishment requirements. CONCLUSION * A COMMERICIAL OR OFF-PREMISE LAUNDRY REFERS TOLAUNDRING ACTIVITIES PREFORMED OUTSIDE THE ESTABLISHMENTS. * THESE ARE GIVEN TO THE PERSON WHO IS SPECIALIZED IN THIS FIELD.
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