Nursing, Teaching Plan

Last Updated: 15 Apr 2020
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Inter American University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus Department of science and technology School of nursing Carmen Torres of Tiburcio TEACHING-LEARNING PLAN FOR THE FAMILY AS CLIENT informational After nursing intervention the Intervention, the family pressure. (question and answer)pamphlets. Family were: Will be able to : II. Causes of elevated blood pressureLectureLaptop 1. Recall the definition of blood 1. Recall thePressure Definition of elevated III. Risk factors of elevated bloodDiscussion2. Identify causes of having Blood pressure pressureelevated blood pressure a. Family historyLecture3.

Be familiar with signs and 2. Identify the causesb. Age (question and answer)symptoms of elevated blood Of having elevated c. High salt intakepressure Blood pressured. Obesity e. Excessive alcohol 4. Know ways how to manage 3. Be familiar with intake. The elevation of blood pressure Signs and symptoms Of elevated blood pressure IV. Management of elevated Blood pressure 4. Know ways how to manage a. diet The elevation of blood b. exercise Pressure. V. Importance of follow up Check up. I term goal

After 6 hours ofnursinginterventions, theclient will have noelevation in bloodpressure abovenormal limits andwill maintain bloodpressure withinacceptable limits. Long term goal After 5 days ofnursinginterventions, theclient will maintainadequate cardiacoutput and cardiacindex. 1. Monitor BP every1-2 hours, or every5 minutes duringactive titration ofvasoactive drugs. 2. Monitor ECG fordysrrhythmias,conduction defectsand for heart rate. 3. Suggest frequentposition changes. 4. Encourage patientto decrease intake ofcaffeine, cola andchocolates. . Observe skincolour, temperature,capillary refill timeand diaphoresis. 6. Monitor forsudden onset ofchest pain. 7. Monitor ECG forchanges in rate,rhythm,dysrhythmias andconduction defects. 8. Observeextremities forswelling, erythema,tenderness and pain. Observe for1. To monitorbaseline data. 2. Caffeine is acardiac stimulantand may adverselyaffect cardiacfunction. 3. These drugs haverapid action andmay decrease theblood pressure toorapidly, resulting incomplications. 4. May indicatecyanide toxicityfrom increasingintracranialpressure. 5.

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Input and Outputwill give anindication of fluidbalance orimbalance, thusallowing forchanges intreatment regimenwhen required. 6. May indicatedissecting aorticaneurysm. 7. Decreasedperfusion may resultin dysrhythmiascaused by decreasein oxygen. 8. Bed rest promotesvenous statis whichcan increase the riskof thromboembolus Short term goal After 8 hours ofnursinginterventions, bloodpressure maintainedwithin setparameters for theclient. Goal was met. Long term goal After 6 days ofnursinginterventions, theclient had anadequate tissueperfusion to hisbody systems. Goal was met.

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Nursing, Teaching Plan. (2017, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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