Monitor Trends and Conduct Company Research
If these companies do not choose to evolve with what they have on their television platforms and do into go digital too they could become Blockbuster who missed out on a major opportunity. It is the mistake that Blockbuster made when they put them out of business. According to the Graser (2018) “Epic Fail: How Blockbuster Could Have Owned Netflix” which talks about how they had the change to purchase Netflix for $50 million dollars which seems like a bargain today with how much money Netflix has made, makes and looks like will continue to make. Instead, Graser says they elected to purchase Circuit City which was not doing well as a business and Blockbuster went out of business soon after that. It will be important in the future for big digital companies to have good management and be able to make good decisions.
Blockbuster unlike CBS who in the article “CBS, NFL Extend Streaming Deal, All Mobile Rights” according to Variety where CBS chooses to go digital. Mobile television and streaming have forced companies to always be on their toes and think about what could happen next. Netflix is dominant according to the article “How Hollywood is Racing To Catch Up To Netflix” in Variety written by Cynthia Littleton (2018) who says all of these companies have to look hard and long at their own company and see how they can improve of Netflix will pass them buy. Littleton (2018) talks about AT&T teaming up with Time Warner to compete with Netflix. Many different companies have to be more open minded mow than they used to be. Watching trends and doing research to come up with what people do and do not like will be important also in order to make it work.
With phones being easily accessible and everything being right on it, this has changed viewing habits. . In the article “Is the NBA Social Media Addiction Out of Control” they talk about how NBA players are obsessed with their phones and how they use it. The article interviews the Philadelphia 76ers shooting guard J.J. Reddick who talks about the habits of NBA players who are almost all under the age of 35 habits of using phones. There is an addiction to Instagram in the article “Is the NBA Social Media Out of Control.” J.J. Reddick continues to talk about “phone bags’’ and “phone buckets” (Haberstroh, 2018) where everyone has to give up their phone as a potential solution to have people actually talk to each other. Everyone is in their own world with not a lot of interest in interacting with other people.
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The same way we as customers when using mobile television and Netflix control what we choose to watch, NBA players are the same thing Haberstroh talks about when interviewing J.J. Reddick in the article “Is the NBA Social Media Addiction Out of Control.” J.J. Reddick in the article sees social media as “a problem” in the article “Is the NBA Social Media Addiction Out of Control.” J.J. Reddick in interviewed in the article “Is the NBA Social Media Addiction Out of Control” (haberstroh, 2018) and talks about how when he first started his Twitter account was when the NBA had their lockout to find out the news on that so he could find out when he could get back to work. J.J. Reddick also says “We are going to have a generation of kids whose norm is people just being addicted to their phones.”
What J.J. Reddick said just there is something I believe phone companies and television executives should pay attention to since phones are so popular, it is an opportunity to make a lot of money with mobile television. Media conglomerates have to take note of this and know that mobile phones are super popular and if millennials who are in powerful positions making millions of dollars, competing at the highest level are on their phones a lot, this is an opportunity for mobile television to keep expanding in however possible.
It is so distracting that an NBA player is on their phone pregame instead of looking at a scouting report of super talented player they are playing against, think about what a typical person who does not make anywhere near millions of dollars they could get their attention to. NBA players have a lot at stake with money, shoe companies, endorsements and commercials and they are still so focused on what goes on with social media and their phones. Seeing that people from all different backgrounds are so addicted to their phones, this is an opportunity for mobile television to keep expanding and for phone companies without mobile television to get involved.
Mobile television is more common now and is a way to have everything you want on your phone. With that said, television is still a medium that has not gone away even with issues with cord-cutting and viewing habits. They do need to adjust to mobile television but television is not extinct as a medium. Companies have an opportunity to succeed if they make great decisisons and invest their money in the right things. There is an opportunity for major companies to still have television but expand their company with mobile television. Decision making will be very important for big conglomerates, television and mobile phones companies going forward since there is so much competition going on between these companies and poor decisions can put companies out of business. Those who have great decision makers in the mobile television and online streaming world and those who make wise decisions will most likely have a lot of success with mobile television in the future.
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