Lets stop scaring are self’s
Crimson's essay "Lets Stop Scaring Ourselves" makes readers think twice at any time they hear of an issue that may affect them. Coercion reasons that people will often scare themselves whenever they hear of an issue that will upset their lives. Coercion starts his essay by declaring that when the scientists were predicting the world to experience global cooling rather than global warming. Then follows with how the world was to suppose to have ended. In the duration of his essay he pronounces a sense of miscalculations from people who've made predictions about owe our world will end or be destroyed.
Coercion states that these predictions terrified people making them believe we would have global cooling, experience a decline In the population and experience brain damage using cell phones. Coercion conserves that people live In a state of panic whenever we hear news that could possibly change our world. During the essay Coercion uses YAK as an example of how computer specialists predicted that the stock market would crash and airplanes would fall out of the sky. When this news arose people cashed out here savings and money market accounts and then in the end nothing changed.
Crimson's essay uses ample numbers of examples to show how different cases can cause one to scare or frighten there self's. Providing examples helped prove his argument that people will often scare themselves with real life situations. He proves to the readers with examples from global warming and cooling, to the world starving to death, and even the world running out of supplies. When people hear about these issues they acknowledge it is scary to hear about nevertheless often things get out of reapportion and an issue that may not be a big one will turn into one.
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Issues today often get tossed way out of proportion. When we hear of something that will hurt us we will freak out and stop doing whatever that is or don't do it at all. Coercion mentions in his essay that he read an article about an issue of cell phones causing brain damage. We have seen and heard of this before. In an article by the university of Wisconsin-Madison they found that cell phone usage does not affect brain damage or create brain tumors.
There are numerous articles that support this Information, all you have to do is look for it and not Just believe the first misinformed bit of news you hear. I believe everyone scares themselves with the news they hear from friends, social media, their surroundings, and Fox. It is hard to believe or trust anything we see on TV or the news now a day. Scare tactics have been used to control the populous of the world since the beginning of time, not only by evil men but our own government as well.
We need to not trust or believe every bit of news we hear room so called "creditable sources" and take the time and put the effort upon ourselves to Investigate news that could affect our own lives. Lets stop scaring are self's By pilgrim decline in the population and experience brain damage using cell phones. Coercion conserves that people live in a state of panic whenever we hear news University of Wisconsin-Madison they found that cell phone usage does not affect information, all you have to do is look for it and not Just believe the first misinformed ourselves to investigate news that could affect our own lives.
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Lets stop scaring are self’s. (2017, Nov 11). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/lets-stop-scaring-are-selfs/
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