Informative Speech Critique Essay

Category: Speech
Last Updated: 04 Jul 2021
Essay type: Informative
Pages: 3 Views: 283
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Approximately 30 people are going to be In the audience Including the Instructor, the audience Is made up of college students from the range of 18-30. I would say that the audience has a basic knowledge of what a pet peeve Is due to the fact that everyone has one. Solution/Setting: There Is a large window on the backside of the room. This can be distracting especially if people are walking by. There are small movements that everyone makes. The audience is very close, not a lot of personal space.

Speech Goals:

To inform the audience of what a pet peeve is. Then to provide them with examples and then ways to deal with them. The purpose is to provide them with all the necessary information about the topic. Introduction: Smack, Smack, Crunch, Crunch. The sound of someone smacking his or her food. Click Click. The sound of someone clicking their pen during and exam. All of these things are described as pet peeves. According to Webster English Dictionary a pet peeve is, " something that bothers someone, and opportunity for a complaint that is seldom missed. " Pet Peeves are a very common. Every person has at least one whether they are a common annoyance such as a minor noise, or a car driving too slow or too fast, other pet peeves consist of specific annoyances that are only related to a person.

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Commitment Statement:

Today, I will share with you three aspects of a pet peeve. Along with these aspects specific examples will be used. One, basic knowledge of a pet peeve, two, who gets pet peeves and why and three how you can overcome them.

Mall Ideas:

First basic knowledge of pet peeves. Pet peeves often Involve behaviors that are acceptable to the majority of people but are considered to be a major annoyance to a ewe. Most Pet Peeves stem from three major categories: hygiene, family Issues and basic manners. Often the people that find these things annoying are the ones that complain about them the most. According to a New York Times article, the largest pet peeves that people have when It comes to others Involve someone close to the person, more often then not a spouse. Pet peeves tend to be a major topic for fighting the toothpaste, not putting the toilet seat down.

Second, who gets pet peeves. The answer to this question is easy. I mean really think about it for a moment. I dare you o think of someone who you know who does not have a single pet peeve. Pause. Did you think of anyone? If you did I would be surprised. Everyone gets pet peeves. The majority of people have at least five. The majority of which are perfectly acceptable to another person. It is a natural human response to be annoyed by something that someone else does. However, as ironic as it sounds the things that annoy you the most tend to be the things that you do as well. For example tapping your leg on the back of a seat, blowing your nose loudly, sniffing because you are embarrassed to get a tissue. Everyone has a pet peeve and everyone possesses a quality that becomes a pet peeve for another person.

Third, how you can overcome a pet peeve. According to an article on Bridgewater. Com there are three ways that you can overcome a pet peeve. One is acknowledging their existence. Denying the fact that you have one leads to more stress, which in turn makes the same thing bother you twice as bad. Let yourself accept that you have them and then move on. Second, know it's not personal. The person that is doing the very thing that annoys you is not trying to harm you or insult you in anyway. In fact, they are unaware about how their actions ay be affecting you. Third, Find a healthy release.

Do not immediately confront the situation. Instead, take a breath, go for a walk or listen to some relaxing music. The point is not to react when you are most irritated. Conclusion: Today you have learned about three major things about pet peeves.

What they are

  1. who gets them and
  2. how to overcome them.

I hope that after this speech you will be able to accept the pet peeves that you have and realize that everyone has them and hopefully not take the annoying actions so personally. Pattern: Topical Sequence Transitions: first, second, third.

In Conclusion. Lets get started. For example Strengths and concerns: I have first hand knowledge of the subject and feel comfortable talking about it. However, I tend to talk very fast. I need to slow down and realize that the people I am speaking to have never heard me talk. I also have issues with the letter 'r' often changing it to a W. I need to speak clearly and annunciate so this does not happen.

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Informative Speech Critique Essay. (2018, Sep 04). Retrieved from

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