Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sample Assessment Materials (SAMs) Edexcel IGCSE in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (4IT0) First examination 2011 Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UK’s largest awarding body, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide. Qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas, recognised by employers and higher education institutions worldwide.

We deliver 9. 4 million exam scripts each year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen annually. As part of Pearson, Edexcel continues to invest in cuttingedge technology that has revolutionised the examinations and assessment system. This includes the ability to provide detailed performance data to teachers and students which help to raise attainment. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel website: www. edexcel. org. uk.

Acknowledgements This document has been produced by Edexcel on the basis of consultation with teachers, examiners, consultants and other interested parties. Edexcel acknowledges its indebtedness to all those who contributed their time and expertise to its development. Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. Edexcel will, if notified, be happy to rectify any errors or omissions and include any such rectifications in future editions. References to third-party material made in this document are made in good faith.

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Edexcel does not endorse, approve or accept responsibility for the content of materials, which may be subject to change, or any opinions expressed therein. (Material may include textbooks, journals, magazines and other publications and websites. ) Authorised by Roger Beard Prepared by Lucy Stewart All the material in this publication is copyright © Edexcel Limited 2008 Contents Introduction Sample question papers Paper 1: Written paper Paper 2: Practical paper 3 5 7 27 Sample mark schemes General marking guidance Paper 1: Written paper Paper 2: Practical paper Sample answers for practical paper activities 2-5 7 49 51 63 79 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 1 2 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Introduction These sample assessment materials have been prepared to support the specification. The aim of these materials is to provide students and centres with a general impression and flavour of the actual question papers and mark schemes in advance of the first operational examinations. Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 3 4 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008

Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Sample question papers Paper 1: Written paper Paper 2: Practical paper 7 27 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 5 6 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) Surname Paper Reference Initial(s) 4 I T 0 4IT0/01 0 1 Signature Examiner’s use only Edexcel IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Paper 1 – Written Paper Sample Assessment Material Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Team Leader’s use only Question Leave Number Blank 1 2 3 4 5

Materials required for examination Nil Items included with question papers Nil 6 7 8 9 10 Instructions to Candidates In the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initials and signature. Check that you have the correct question paper. Answer ALL the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. Do not use pencil. Use black ink or ball point pen. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box ( ). If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box ( ) and then mark your new answer with a cross ( ). 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Total Information for Candidates The marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e. g. (2). There are 22 questions in this question paper, 16 questions in Section A and six questions in Section B. The total mark for this paper is 100. There are 20 pages in this question paper. Any blank pages are indicated. Advice to Candidates You are reminded of the importance of clear English and careful presentation in your answers. Show all stages in any calculations and state the units.

Include diagrams where these are helpful. This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. ©2008 Edexcel Limited. Turn over N35485A W850/4IT0/57570 2/2/2 Printer’s Log. No. *N35485A0120* © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 7 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank SECTION A Answer ALL questions. For each question, choose an answer A, B, C or D and put a cross in the box ( ). Mark only one answer for each question. If you change your mind, put a line through the box ( ) and mark your new answer with a cross ( ). 1.

ICT devices can be classified as input, output or storage. Scanner A B C D input input output storage CD-R output storage input input Which row in the table is correct for a scanner and CD-R? A B C D (Total 1 mark) 2. A set of data stored on a disc is called: A B C D a field a table a record a file (Total 1 mark) Q2 Q1 8 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank 3. The practice of keeping a copy of a document on two separate storage devices is described as: A B C D feedback autosave backup formatting (Total 1 mark) Q3 4.

When using an internet browser to move between pages you have already visited, you can: A B C D use email software use back/forward buttons right click on the home page icon click on favourites (Total 1 mark) Q4 5. Which row correctly lists storage space in increasing size, starting with the smallest? A B C D bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte kilobyte, bit, byte, megabyte byte, kilobyte, megabyte, bit megabyte, kilobyte, byte, bit (Total 1 mark) Q5 6. A keyboard which is designed to make it comfortable to use is: A B C D economic ergonomic QWERTY alphabetical (Total 1 mark) Q6 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008

Sample Assessment Materials 9 Leave blank 7. A model is used to investigate the time that shoppers wait at a supermarket checkout. Which of these would be an input to the model? A B C D The number of checkouts open The number of people stacking shelves The average amount each person spends The average age of shoppers (Total 1 mark) Q7 8. Parents with small children want to stop their children from accessing inappropriate websites on the internet. They can do this via: A B C D a filter a web browser encryption software a firewall (Total 1 mark) Q8 9. The sharpness of an image on a VDU depends on its resolution.

The resolution is measured in: A B C D inches MHz kilobytes pixels (Total 1 mark) Q9 10. Which of the following is not a type of connection to the Internet? A B C D Broadband Dial-up WEP Wi-fi (Total 1 mark) Q10 10 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank 11. Teleworking allows employees to work from home. Which of these is not a true statement about teleworking? A B C D Employees may feel isolated Employees save travelling time Employers can recruit employees from a wider area Employers can closely monitor employees (Total 1 mark) 12.

Which of these statements about computer simulations is incorrect? A B C D Modifications to variables can be made quickly and easily They can completely re-create real life situations The equipment is generally more cost effective People’s lives are not put at risk (Total 1 mark) 13. The speed at which a computer processor carries out instructions is measured in: A B C D kilobytes (Kb) megahertz (MHz) dots per inch (Dpi) megabytes (Mb) (Total 1 mark) 14. Which of the following is not true of bitmapped graphics?

A B C D Information has to be stored about every pixel in an image Images can be rotated Individual parts of an image can be resized Individual parts of an image can be edited. (Total 1 mark) Q14 Q13 Q12 Q11 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 11 Leave blank 15. Which of the following is not an example of computer modelling? A B C D Using a spreadsheet to predict how successful a business could be A virtual walk through a building using 3D equipment Sorting a database of pupils into alphabetical order Learning to fly an aeroplane using flight simulating software (Total 1 mark) 16.

An advantage of using web-based email, rather than client-based email is that: A B C D it allows you to send to multiple recipients it allows attachments to be sent it is more secure it can be accessed from any computer connected to the internet (Total 1 mark) TOTAL FOR SECTION A: 16 MARKS Q16 Q15 12 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank SECTION B Answer ALL questions. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box ( ). If you change your mind, put a line through the box ( ) and then mark your new answer with a cross ( ). 17. a) The table below shows a list of devices. For each device put a cross in the correct box to show whether it is used for input, output or backing storage. Device Memory stick Printer Mouse Hard disk Webcam Plotter Light pen (7) (b) A computer system uses two types of software. One type is system software. Name the other type. ....................................................................................................................................... (1) (Total 8 marks) Q17 Input Output Backing Storage Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 3 Leave blank 18. Spam, hacking attempts, viruses and anti-social material are common internet problems. (a) Draw a line from each problem to its solution. Each solution should be used once. The first one has been done for you. Problem Spam Viruses Hacking attempts Anti-social material Solution Firewall Filter software E-mail filter Anti-virus software (3) (b) Computer viruses are often downloaded from the internet. For example, they might be downloaded in a screen saver. State three other ways in which computer viruses might be accidentally downloaded from the internet. .................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... 3 .................................................................................................................................... (3) (c) Two methods that can be used to prevent hackers accessing personal data on a network are setting user names and passwords, and installing firewalls.

Give three other methods that can be used to secure data on a network. 1 .................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... 3 .................................................................................................................................... (3) (d) Give three pieces of advice that should be followed when choosing passwords. .................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... 3 .................................................................................................................................... (3) (Total 12 marks) Q18 14 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank 19. Oakleaf Bank is an international bank with branches around the world.

The Head Office and branches communicate using a Wide Area Network (WAN). (a) Head Office would like to use video conferencing for meetings involving staff from Head Office and its branches around the world. (i) Identify two hardware devices that would be needed by each branch to allow video conferencing to take place. Explain the purpose of each device. Device 1 ................................................................................................................. Purpose ..................................................................................................................

Device 2 ................................................................................................................. Purpose .................................................................................................................. (4) (ii) Outline three benefits to the bank of using video conferencing for meetings. 1 ............................................................................................................................. 2 ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. (3) (iii) Give three problems that may occur when using video conferencing for meetings. 1 ............................................................................................................................. 2 ............................................................................................................................. 3 ............................................................................................................................. (3) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 15 Leave blank (b) There has been a large increase in the number of customers who use internet banking facilities offered by Oakleaf Bank. Due to this, the bank is considering closing many of its branches. (i) Give two reasons why customers might choose to use internet banking rather than going to a branch. 1 ............................................................................................................................. 2 ............................................................................................................................. 2) (ii) Give three reasons why some of Oakleaf Bank’s staff may be unhappy about branch closures and a move to internet banking. 1 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ 2 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ (3) (iii) Give three reasons why some of Oakleaf Bank’s customers may be unhappy about branch closures and a move to internet banking. 1 ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... 2 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ 3 ............................................................................................................................. …………………………………………………………………………………… (3) (Total 18 marks) Q19 6 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT BLANK PAGE Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 17 Leave blank 20. An ICT teacher sets his class a quiz which requires them to find out information from the internet. The class is told about a number of different ways to find information, for example, using a search engine. (a) One of the quiz questions is ‘Which type of tree has the biggest leaves? ’. One student enters ‘biggest leaves’ into a search engine and gets 34654 results.

Most of the results have nothing to do with the required information. Give four methods that the student could use to reduce the number of results given by the search engine. Method 1 ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Method 2 ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Method 3 ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... Method 4 ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... (4) (b) Apart from the number of results, state two problems which the students might encounter when using the internet as a source of information. Problem 1 ...................................................................................................................... Problem 2 ...................................................................................................................... 2) (c) Other than using a search engine, give two ways the students could use the internet to find the necessary information. 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... (2) 18 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank (d) The teacher puts the correct answers to the quiz on the school intranet.

Explain three differences between the internet and an intranet. 1 .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... (3) (Total 11 marks) Q20 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 19 Leave blank 21. ‘Greenriggs’ is a small garden centre. It sells a range of plants and garden equipment. Customers can pay for their purchases at any one of several tills located around the garden centre.

The tills are connected to a central computer via a Local Area Network (LAN). (a) Give four benefits of using a LAN, compared to using standalone computer systems. 1 .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 2 .................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... 3 .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... 4 .................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... (4) (b) The device shown in the picture below is used to capture data about sales in the garden centre. (i) Name the device shown in the picture. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (ii) Sometimes the device does not work correctly. Describe how the checkout operator would know that the device has not read the data. ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ (1) 20 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank (c) Customers can pay for goods with a credit card. Some data is already stored on a credit card. (i) State two ways that data can be stored on a credit card. 1 ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. (2) (ii) Identify one piece of data that must be stored on a credit card. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (d) Health and safety is given high priority at ‘Greenriggs’. (i) Staff working on tills and other computers are provided with suitable seating to avoid back problems. Identify two other potential health risks of using computers. Describe one way each risk can be minimised.

Risk 1 ..................................................................................................................... Minimised by ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ Risk 2 ..................................................................................................................... Minimised by ......................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... (4) (ii) Identify one action staff can take to ensure working environments including computer equipment are safe. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (Total 14 marks) Q21 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 21 Leave blank 22. Mr Khan wants to buy a computer for his son Peter who is 14 years old. Peter wants to use the computer to: • • complete and print his school coursework download and listen to music play computer games (a) Mr Khan finds two adverts for computers. Computer A 17” Widescreen TFT monitor Core 2 Dual D1234 Processor (2. 2GHz, 800MHz FSB, 2MB Cache) Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium 2GB Memory 250GB Hard Drive Computer B 19” Widescreen TFT monitor Core 2 Dual D6789 Processor (2. 33GHz, 1333MHz FSB, 4MB Cache) Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium 2GB Memory 320GB Hard Drive (i) The memory for both computers is given as 2GB. State what is meant by GB in this context. ............................................................................................................................... (1) (ii) Identify the processing speed for Computer B. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (iii) Both computers have ‘Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium’ operating systems installed. This product is copyrighted. Explain what copyright means when applied to software. ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................. ................................................... ................................................................................................................................ (2) 22 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Leave blank iv) Identify one additional piece of hardware that Mr Khan should buy to enhance the appearance of Peter’s computer games. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (v) Identify one output device that will be needed. ................................................................................................................................ (1) (vi) State four requirements to allow connection to the internet. 1 .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. 3 .............................................................................................................................. 4 .............................................................................................................................. (4) (b) When Peter gets his computer he would like to personalise the settings to suit his needs. Identify three settings he will be able to change. .................................................................................................................................... 2 ............................................................................. ....................................................... 3 .................................................................................................................................... (3) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 23 Leave blank (c) (i) Mr Khan has some concerns about giving Peter access to the internet. Outline four concerns that Mr Khan might have. ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ 2 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ 3 .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... 4 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ (4) (ii) State two actions that Mr Khan could take to reduce his concerns. 1 ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... 2 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ (2) (iii) Give two pieces of advice that Mr Khan should give to Peter to ensure Peter’s safety when using the internet. 1 ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... 2 ............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................ (2) (Total 21 marks) TOTAL FOR SECTION B: 84 MARKS TOTAL FOR PAPER: 100 MARKS END Q22 24 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT BLANK PAGE Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008

Sample Assessment Materials 25 BLANK PAGE 26 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Paper Reference(s) 4IT0/02 Edexcel IGCSE Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Paper 2 – Practical Paper Sample Assessment Material Time: 3 hours Materials required for examination Pen or pencil, short treasury tag Datafiles: CRANES WITH TRAINS. JPG TOUR BOOKINGS. xls ACTIVITIES. xls LOGO. JPG TRAIN IMAGES (ZIP). JPG HOTEL IMAGES (ZIP). JPG TRAIN TRAVELLERS DATABASE HOTELS. txt TABLE TEMPLATE. doc Items included with question papers Cover sheet Instructions to Candidates

Complete your candidate details on the cover sheet provided. At the end of the examination use a treasury tag to attach your printouts to Page 2 of the cover sheet. Information for Candidates There are five activities in this examination paper totalling 100 marks. The marks for the parts of tasks are shown in round brackets: e. g. (2). Advice to Candidates Read through the instructions on Page 2. Attempt ALL activities. Take breaks away from the computer from time to time. Label your printouts clearly as instructed in each task. Printer’s Log. No. N35483A W850/4IT0/57570 2/2/2 *N35483A* © Edexcel Limited 2008 Turn over

This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. ©2008 Edexcel Limited. Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Sample Assessment Materials 27 Instructions to candidates This paper consists of five activities. Work through the tasks in each activity in order. Do not spend too much time on each activity. The marks for each activity are as follows: Activity 1. Using art/imaging and graphics software 2. Using spreadsheet software 3. Using DTP/WP software 4. Using database software 5. Using multimedia software Total Marks Marks 15 25 20 22 18 100 For all activities, you may also need to use word processing software.

Labelling and printing of tasks For all tasks, you MUST enter your name, candidate number and centre number BEFORE PRINTING as instructed in the tasks. For all tasks, you MUST enter the task number as instructed. Scenario Train Travellers offers a wide range of luxury package holidays for steam train enthusiasts from England. The company is based in London but can arrange visits to steam train locations anywhere in the world. It organises the travel, reserves the accommodation and offers optional activities. Each group is limited to a maximum of 24 people and is accompanied by a guide provided by Train Travellers.

Sometimes small groups of people book together to go on a tour. Children are welcome if travelling with an adult. At the start of each holiday, Train Travellers provides a driver and limousine to take clients from their homes to the nearest mainline railway station. From there they travel by train to a meeting point where they join the guide and other members of their group. The meeting point for international travel is in London. For journeys within Europe travel from London is then by train. For more distant destinations travel is by air. For tours that stay in Britain, the meeting point could be a suitable railway station outside London. 8 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Activity 1 – Using art/imaging and graphics software DO NOT SPEND TOO LONG ON THIS ACTIVITY Task AG1 Open a suitable Art package. Open the graphic CRANE WITH TRAINS. This shows one of the locations that will be included in the next Train Travellers brochure. (a) Select an area from the graphic. It must include: • • • the steam crane at the centre back of the picture all parts of the steam train on the right the white sign at the front of the picture (1) (b) The photograph was taken at Colombo Fort Station in Sri Lanka.

Using this information: (i) Compose a suitable caption. (1) (ii) Insert the caption in the top half of the picture; make sure the colour, size and position of the caption give maximum visibility. (2) (c) There is a man in green overalls standing on the train to the right of the tree. Alter the picture so that he is no longer visible. (2) (d) The white sign has writing on it (15 KMPH). Clear all the writing and replace it with the text ‘Train Travellers’. (2) SAVE the graphic as AG1. DO NOT PRINT at this stage. (Total for Task AG1: 8 marks) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008

Sample Assessment Materials 29 Task AG2 Open a new A4 document using word processing software: enter Tasks AG1 and AG2 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document save the document as ACTIVITY 1 (a) Import your graphic AG1 into the document. It should occupy the full margin width of the page. (1) The area selected from the original graphic CRANE WITH TRAINS emphasised the steam train aspect of Train Travellers. The management of the company would like an alternative selection from the original graphic which would emphasise the foreign location. b) In the space below the imported graphic: (i) Describe the selection that you would make from the original graphic to emphasise the foreign location. (1) (ii) Give two reasons why you would choose this selection. (2) (c) The management have suggested that they could use the steam crane from the graphic as a full page background to one page in their brochure. (i) State why this part of the picture, in its current state, would not make a good background. (1) (ii) State two operations you could perform on this part of the picture to make it usable as a background. (2) Resave the document as ACTIVITY 1.

PRINT a copy of the document. (Total for Task AG2: 7 marks) TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY 1: 15 MARKS 30 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Activity 2 – Using spreadsheet software Train Travellers keeps information about payment for holidays in spreadsheet files. Task SS1 Open the spreadsheet TOUR BOOKINGS. It should look like this: A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Group Leader Robert Meadows Thomas Foxton Susan Edwards Andrew Jones Zacharia Richards Adults in Group 3 2 1 5 4 Children in Group 4 2 2 0 1 Cost of Adult Tickets Cost of Child Tickets Tour MOS07 Adult Price Child Price 1500 1000 B C D E a) The spreadsheet shows that for this tour five groups have booked all of the available places. The price for an adult is stored in B2. The price for a child is in B3. (i) Enter a formula in D6 which uses an absolute cell reference to calculate the cost for the adults booked in the group led by Robert Meadows. (2) (ii) Enter a formula in E6 which will calculate the cost for the children booked in this group. (1) (iii) Replicate the formulae in columns D and E for all five groups. (1) (iv) Enter a formula in F12 which will calculate the total cost for all groups. 1) (v) Label this cell. (1) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 31 Enter SS1 in the header of the document. Enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document. Save the spreadsheet as SS1. PRINT a copy of the spreadsheet showing the formulae you have used (in formula view): make sure the page setup is landscape show the gridlines and row and column headers make sure the columns are wide enough to show the complete formulae (Total for Task SS1: 6 marks) 32 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008

Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Task SS2 Optional activities are available during the holiday. These must be paid for before the holiday. If the total cost of these activities is more than ? 500, a discount is given. Group leaders send details of requirements. Train Travellers then send an invoice. Open the file ACTIVITIES. It should look like this: A 1 2 3 4 5 Museum Visit Evening Lecture Engine Shed Visit Driving a Train B Number of Adults 3 3 0 4 C Number of Children 1 2 4 0 D Adult Price (? ) 20 24 45 200 Not available E Child Price (? ) (a) Children are not allowed to drive a train.

For other activities, the child price is 75% of the adult price. (i) Enter a formula in E2 to calculate the price per child for the Museum Visit. (1) (ii) Copy this down for the other appropriate activities and enter 0 in E5. (1) (b) The total cost now needs to be calculated for the activities. (i) In F2 enter a formula to calculate the total cost for the first activity. (1) (ii) Copy this down for each activity. (1) (iii) Enter a suitable label for this column. (1) (iv) In F7 enter a formula which calculates the total cost of optional activities. 1) (c) Put a name and date on the invoice. (i) Insert three new rows above row 1. (1) (ii) In A1 enter To: Mr R Meadows. (1) (iii) In A2 enter a function that will give the current date; do not show the time. (1) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 33 (d) If the total cost of optional activities is more than ? 500 a 10% discount is given. (i) Enter a formula in C12 that calculates and shows the cost of optional activities. This should use the IF statement: o o if the total cost of the activities is more than ? 00 it should deduct 10% from the total cost and display the new cost otherwise it must show the total cost (3) (1) Enter SS2 in the header of the document. Make sure your name, candidate number and centre number are in the footer of the document. Save the spreadsheet as SS2. PRINT a copy of the spreadsheet showing the formulae you have used (in formula view): make sure the page setup is landscape show the gridlines and row and column headers make sure the columns are wide enough to show the complete formulae (Total for Task SS2: 13 marks) (ii) Enter the label Optional Activities less discount: in A12. 34

Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Task SS3 (a) The invoice is almost ready to be sent. (i) Using portrait orientation, display your spreadsheet SS2 in data view. (1) (ii) Enter the label TRAIN TRAVELLERS INVOICE in A3. (1) (b) Format all cells that show prices and costs to currency: (i) Show two decimal places. (1) (ii) Show the ? symbol. (1) (c) Make two other appropriate formating changes that will make the invoice fit for purpose. (2) Enter SS3 in the header of the document. Make sure your name, candidate number and centre number are in the footer of the document.

Save the spreadsheet as SS3. PRINT a copy of the spreadsheet showing the data: make sure the page setup is portrait do NOT show the gridlines or row and column headings make sure the columns are wide enough to show the complete data make sure it fits on one A4 page (Total for Task SS3: 6 marks) TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY 2: 25 MARKS Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 35 Activity 3 – Using DTP/WP software Task DP1 Train Travellers wants to produce a promotional leaflet. The leaflet will be one double-sided A4 sheet folded to give four A5 pages.

It will be distributed through 5-star hotels and specialist travel agents. Your task is to design and produce the two inside pages of the leaflet. You will need graphics from the files TRAIN IMAGES, HOTEL IMAGES and LOGO. Open a new A4 landscape DTP/WP document: enter your name, candidate number, centre number and DP1 in the footer of the document save the document as DP1 (a) Create the two inside pages of the leaflet. (i) Format your page into two equal columns. (1) (ii) Create a frame that occupies the width of the first column and is 4 cm high. (1) (iii) Insert the text Train Travellers into the frame. 1) (iv) Insert the company logo from the file LOGO into this frame. Make sure that the logo is completely visible. (1) (b) Identify a target audience for the promotional leaflet. Select content which would be appropriate for this group. The leaflet must contain: (i) a minimum of two graphics from the files TRAIN IMAGES and/or HOTEL IMAGES in addition to the logo (1) (ii) a minimum of two facts that give information about Train Travellers (you may select this information from any part of the question paper but page 2 is likely to be most helpful) (2) (iii) a minimum of two facts that give information about he holidays (2) 36 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT You may use this space to sketch a design for the rest of the inside of the leaflet. You do not need to submit your sketch design. There are no marks allocated for the sketched design. (c) Complete the two inside pages of the leaflet. Use the facilities of your software to make the leaflet fit for purpose as a promotional leaflet. Consider: text flow manipulation of graphics: o o size layout (for example to allow text wrapping) formatting: o o appropriate and consistent fonts consistent paragraphs and justification (4)

Enter your name, candidate number, centre number and task number DP1 in the footer of the document. Resave the document as DP1. PRINT a copy of the document on one A4 sheet. (Total for task DP1: 13 marks) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 37 Task DP2 Open a new A4 document using word processing software: enter DP2 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document save the document as DP2 (a) The promotional leaflet is aimed at a target audience. (i) State, with a reason, who you think your target audience is. 2) (ii) Explain two features of your pages which would attract the target audience. (4) (b) Suggest one improvement you could make to the pages if you had more time. (1) Resave the document as DP2. PRINT a copy of the document on one A4 sheet. (Total for task DP2: 7 marks) TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY 3: 20 MARKS 38 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Activity 4 – Using database software Information about tours and bookings is stored in the database TRAIN TRAVELLERS. Task DB1 Open the database TRAIN TRAVELLERS. Open the table CLIENT. Look at the design of the table.

Note that: some field names are coded: TD = Driving a train MV = Museum visit EL = Evening lecture ES = Engine shed visit these fields use the Yes/No data type (a) Sort the CLIENT table in ascending order of Tour Number. Resave the table. (2) Open a new A4 document using word processing software: enter DB1 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document save the document as DB1 Copy the CLIENT table into the document DB1: show all fields make sure all columns are wide enough to read all the contents DO NOT PRINT at this stage.

Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 39 The management of Train Travellers needs a list of children who are booked for tours. (b) Use your database software to run a search/query on the CLIENT table to find all children: show only the Tour Number, Surname and Initial fields in this order (3) Save your search/query as CHILDREN. Copy the results of your search/query into the word processing document DB1: make sure all columns are wide enough to read all of the contents DO NOT PRINT at this stage. c) You need a list of clients who are booked for the evening lecture or the engine shed visit. Use your database software to run a search/query on the CLIENT table to find this information. Sort the results in ascending order of Tour Number with a secondary sort on Surname. Display your results showing all fields except Adult/Child. (4) Save the sorted results as ACTIVITIES. Copy the results of your search/query into the word processing document DB1: make sure all columns are wide enough to read all the contents Resave the document as DB1. PRINT a copy of the document. Total for task DB1: 9 marks) 40 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Task DB2 Open a new A4 document using word processing software: enter DB2 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document save the document as DB2 A new table is needed to store information about hotels in England used by Train Travellers. The text file HOTELS contains information to be stored in this table. Open the text file HOTELS. Look at the information in the file. Your task is to design and create the new table. a) Design the structure of the database. Create a table in the word processing document, using the row and column headings shown below. You may use the table in the datafile TABLE TEMPLATE as a template. Field Name Hotel Name Code Town Telephone Email Using the information in the HOTELS text file to help you, complete the table to show: (i) data type (2) (ii) field size/length (2) (iii) justification for two choices of data type (2) (iv) Indicate below the table which field will be the key field. (1) (v) Justify your choice of key field. 1) Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 41 Data Type Field Size/Length Justification Resave your word processing document DB2. DO NOT PRINT at this stage. (b) Open the database TRAIN TRAVELLERS and create the table using the structure you have designed. (2) Save the table as HOTEL. DO NOT PRINT at this stage. Train Travellers gives a rating from 1–5 to each hotel. A new field is required, with this structure: Field Name Rating Data Type Numeric Field Size/Length Integer/1 Validation 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

Add this new field to your table HOTEL: use a drop-down (selection) list for the data for this new field Resave the table. (c) Display the design of your table on the screen. (i) Make sure you can see the primary key box in the design. (1) (ii) Make sure you can see the creation of the drop-down (selection) list. (1) Produce a screen shot: paste the screen shot into your word processing document DB2 make sure all information is large enough to read Note: You may be using software that does not allow you to show the primary key and drop-down (selection) box on one screenshot.

If so, you should produce two or more screenshots to show the information. (d) Below the screen shot state why a drop-down (selection) box is suitable for the Rating field. (1) Resave the document as DB2. PRINT one copy of the document. (Total for task DB2: 13 marks) TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY 4: 22 MARKS 42 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Activity 5 – Using multimedia software Task MM1 You have been asked to make a multimedia presentation for Train Travellers. It will be shown to travel agents who will be promoting the holidays the company offer.

You must design and create a master slide, the title slide and two other slides. You will need the graphics from the files TRAIN IMAGES, HOTEL IMAGES and/or LOGO and information about the holidays from any part of the question paper. Read the whole of the activity before you begin. You may use the boxes below to sketch designs for the slides. You do not need to submit your sketched design. There are no marks allocated for the sketched design. Master slide Title slide (Slide 1) Slide 2 Slide 3 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 43 a) Use presentation software to create the master slide. It should include: (i) the Train Travellers logo (1) (ii) any other information that will appear on every slide (1) Save the presentation as AGENTS. (b) Create the title slide (slide 1). It should include: (i) a title for the presentation (1) (ii) one additional item of information (1) (iii) one graphic from the files TRAIN IMAGES and/or HOTEL IMAGES (1) Resave the presentation. (c) Create slide 2 using appropriate presentation features, such as entry effects, sound, graphics. The slide must list three topics to be included in the presentation. 2) Resave the presentation. (d) Create slide 3. This slide must relate to one of the topics identified in slide 2. (i) Use a suitable title. (1) (ii) Use appropriate text to illustrate one of the topics from your list. (1) (iii) Include at least one graphic from TRAIN IMAGES and/or HOTEL IMAGES to explain the topic. (1) You do not need to include presentation features on this slide. Resave the presentation. Set up slides 1 to 3 to print on one A4 sheet: enter MM1 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer PRINT slides 1 to 3 on one A4 sheet. Total for task MM1: 10 marks) 44 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Task MM2 Open a new A4 document using word processing software: enter MM2 in the header enter your name, candidate number and centre number in the footer of the document save the document as MM2 (a) Copy the master slide from your presentation AGENTS into the document: insert a border round the slide Below the master slide, explain and justify one of the items you have included. (2) (b) In your presentation AGENTS, display slide 2 so that you can see the transition effects used.

Create a screen shot: (i) paste the screen shot into the word processing document MM2 (1) (ii) make sure the transition effects can be seen clearly (1) Note: You may be using software that does not allow you to show the transitions on a screen shot. If so, you should create a screen shot of the slide, paste into the word processing document MM2 and indicate by hand what transitions you have used. (c) Below the screen shot. (i) Name one of the presentation features that you have used in slide 2. (1) (ii) Explain how the presentation feature works. 1) (iii) Explain briefly why your presentation is fit for purpose as a presentation to be shown to travel agents. (2) Resave the document as MM2. PRINT one copy of the document. (Total for task MM2: 8 marks) TOTAL FOR ACTIVITY 5: 18 MARKS TOTAL FOR PAPER: 100 MARKS END Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 45 BLANK PAGE 46 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Sample mark schemes General marking guidance Paper 1: Written paper Paper 2: Practical paper Sample answers for practical paper activities 2-5 49 51 63 79

Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 47 48 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT General Marking Guidance All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they mark the last. Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather than penalised for omissions. Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not according to their perception of where the grade boundaries may lie.

There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark scheme should be used appropriately. All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if deserved, i. e. if the answer matches the mark scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit according to the mark scheme. Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and exemplification may be limited.

When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must be consulted. Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate has replaced it with an alternative response. Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 49 50 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Paper 1: Written paper Section A Question Number 1 Question Number 2 Question Number 3 Question

Number 4 Question Number 5 Question Number 6 Question Number 7 Question Number 8 Question Number 9 Question Number 10 Answer B Answer D Answer C Answer B Answer A Answer B Answer A Answer A Answer D Answer C Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 51 Question Number 11 Question Number 12 Question Number 13 Question Number 14 Question Number 15 Question Number 16 Answer D Answer B Answer B Answer C Answer C Answer D Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 Mark 1 52

Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Section B Question Number 17(a) Answer Table completed as: Mark Device Input Output Backing Storage Memory stick Printer Mouse Hard disk Webcam Plotter Light pen (7 x 1) 7 Question Number 17(b) Answer Another type of software named: application software (1) 1 Mark Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 53 Question Number 18(a) Answer Mark Problem Spam Viruses Hacking attempts Anti-social material Solution Firewall Filter software E-mail filter Anti-virus software

Three lines drawn to correct solution, one mark each: Viruses links to anti-virus software Spam links to e-mail filter Anti-social material links to filter software (3 x 1) 3 Question Number 18(b) Answer Three other ways stated from: as an e-mail attachment in a program file in a document/data file by loading a web page/as part of a web page (3 x 1) 3 Question Number 18(c) Answer Three other methods from: WEP/WPA Encryption Access rights Transaction logs Backups Adware/spyware (3 x 1) 3 Mark Mark 54 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008

Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Question Number 18(d) Answer Three pieces of advice from: keep it secret mix letters and numbers mix upper and lower case characters don’t choose anything obvious don’t write it down minimum six characters don’t let others see you entering it make it something easy to remember/remember it Mark (3 x 1) 3 Question Number 19(a)(i) Answer Two devices and two linked purposes from: Device Video camera/webcam Microphone Speakers/headphones Purpose To take/send pictures To record/pick up/send speech To hear the other people Mark x (1 + 1) 4 Question Number 19(a)(ii) Answer Three benefits to Oakleaf Bank from: saves travelling time saves costs of travel no problems if bad weather/other restrictions on travelling meetings can be arranged at short notice (3 x 1) 3 Mark Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 55 Question Number 19(a)(iii) Answer Three problems that may occur when using videoconferencing from: technical failure of equipment interference in signal speed of connection slow jerky images hardcopy issues Mark 3 x 1) 3 Question Number 19(b)(i) Answer Two reasons from: can do most banking from home/don’t have to travel to bank can bank 24 hours a day don’t have to wait in queues (2 x 1) 2 Question Number 19(b)(ii) Answer Three reasons why staff may be unhappy from: may lose jobs/redundancy may have to move to Head Office/call centre may need retraining loss of status/job satisfaction (3 x 1) 3 Question Number 19(b)(iii) Answer Three reasons why customers may be unhappy from: may not be able to use a computer may not have access to a computer may not have access to the internet would have to move banks if don’t have facilities above may be concerned about data security loss of personal contact (3 x 1) 3 Mark Mark Mark 56 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Question Number 20(a) Answer Four methods of reducing the number of search results from: use of logic/syntax, AND, OR, NOT use of key words use of ()/“” to keep key phrases as one unit filtering first set of results with further restrictions no foreign language sites use filter/age/safe settings to remove inappropriate sites Mark 4 x 1) 4 Question Number 20(b) Answer Two problems from: false information out of date information time problems/too much data available popups/redirects viruses malware/adware/dialers search problems, where to start looking/which words to use (2 x 1) 2 Question Number 20(c) Answer Two ways others than a search engine from: online encyclopaedia online library use of general information sites, schools, universities, government ngos, eg BBC use of other known sites via url (2 x 1) 2 Mark Mark Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 57 Question Number 20(d) Answer An explanation that makes reference to three differences from: Intranet is for limited users, by organisation, user group. Internet for everyone Intranet controlled by network manager. Internet uncontrolled Intranet runs known system (HW, SW)/compatibility.

Internet only compatible through use of protocols such as HTML, FTP Mark (3 x 1) 3 Question Number 21(a) Answer Four benefits of using a LAN from: shared peripherals shared data flexible access media streaming communication between work stations control of user’s access rights centralised administration/back-up simultaneous access to the internet (4 x 1) 4 Question Number 21(b)(i) Answer One from: bar code reader bar code scanner bar code wand Accept scanner. (1 x 1) 1 Mark Mark 58 Sample Assessment Materials © Edexcel Limited 2008 Edexcel IGCSE in ICT Question Number 21(b)(ii) Answer One indication that code was not read from: would not hear a ‘beep’/different sound visual prompt not given by reader Mark 1 x 1) 1 Question Number 21(c)(i) Answer Two ways of storing data: magnetic stripe chip (2 x 1) 2 Question Number 21(c)(ii) Answer One from: number credit card number (must include number) ID number (must include number) (1 x 1) 1 Question Number 21(d)(i) Answer Two risks and one way of minimising each risk from: Risk Eye strain Minimised by One from: take regular breaks anti glare screens swivelling screens correct lighting blinds at windows look away from screen and focus on distant objects Repetitive strain injury/wrist One from: wrist rests/gel pads ergonomic keyboards take regular breaks Allow ‘take regular breaks’ only once. 2 x (1 + 1) 4 Mark Mark Mark Edexcel IGCSE in ICT © Edexcel Limited 2008 Sample Assessment Materials 59 Question Number 21(c)(i) Answer One from: make sure cables are tidy/out of the way no obstacles on floor

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