Global Warming and Human Race
Is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming?
Global warming result of over use and consuming too much to make things easier, there are many actions that can be adhered to, to stop Global Warming.
One way to stop global warming is to use less, meaning each country; state and family cut down on everyday use and to identify “Global Warming Mechanisms” which causes changes in frequency and intensity of precipitation in the tropics are examined in climate model simulations. Under global warming, tropical precipitation tends to be more frequent and intense for heavy precipitation but becomes less frequent and weaker for light precipitation. Changes in precipitation frequency and intensity are both controlled by thermodynamic and dynamic components. The thermodynamic component is induced by changes in atmospheric water vapor, while the dynamic component is associated with changes in vertical motion.
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A set of equations is derived to estimate both thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to changes in frequency and intensity of precipitation, especially for heavy precipitation. In the thermodynamic contribution, increased water vapor reduces the magnitude of the required vertical motion to generate the same strength of precipitation, so precipitation frequency increases. Increased water vapor also intensifies precipitation due to the enhancement of water vapor availability in the atmosphere. In the dynamic contribution, the more stable atmosphere tends to reduce the frequency and intensity of precipitation, except for the heaviest precipitation. The dynamic component strengthens the heaviest precipitation in most climate model simulations, possibly due to a positive convective feedback.
There is also “Freshwater Flux Global Warming” which states the roles of freshwater flux (defined as evaporation minus precipitation) changes in global warming are studied using simulations of a climate model in which the freshwater flux changes are suppressed in the presence of a doubling of CO2 concentration. The model simulations demonstrate that the warm climate leads to an acceleration of the global water cycle, which causes freshening in the high latitudes and salinification in the subtropics and midlatitudes. It is found that the freshwater flux changes tend to amplify rather than suppress global warming. Over the global scale, this amplification is largely associated with high-latitude freshening in a warm climate, which leads to a shoaling of the mixed layer depth, a weakening of the vertical mixing, and thus a trapping of CO2-induced warming in the surface ocean. The latitudinal distribution of SST changes due to the effects of freshwater flux changes in a warm climate is complicated, involving anomalous advection induced by both salinity and wind stress changes. In addition, atmospheric feedbacks associated with global warming also amplify the SST warming.
The conversation on global warming started in 1896, when a physical chemist estimated that the mean global temperature would rise several degrees if the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was doubled. The topic eventually became one of the most passionate in the history of science. The author points out that climate expert were initially strongly skeptical of the theory of global warming; it took a variety of evidence to gradually convince them that warming due to human emissions was likely. The public, however, was guided away from this conclusion by a professional public relations effort, motivated by industrial and ideological concerns. Deniers of the scientific consensus avoided normal scientific discourse and resorted to ad hominem attacks that cast doubt on the entire scientific community-while disrupting the lives of some researchers. The author points out that scientist have failed to mount a concerted public relations campaign to defend their position.
Is the science community hopelessly corrupt? That is the conclusion many would draw from a letter that senior physicist Harold Lewis (2010) sent last October to the American Physical Society. He accused the Society of promoting a “Pseudoscientific fraud” namely “the global warming scam”, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists. The underlying issue was whether humanity was causing the temperature of our planet to rise a question that indeed put at stake trillions of dollars, although one might wonder how much of this money went to scientists. The climate question had led not only Lewis but other senior scientists to hurl accusations of bias that increasingly overshadowed the actual scientific findings. It was an unprecedented attack on the trust that is the very core of the relationship between science and society. How did we get into such a situation? Every novel scientific idea must scale a wall of skepticism. First it must overcome the resistance of scientists who found the older ideas plausible. Changing the consensus of the experts is only a beginning, however; the public has yet to be convinced. That may never be completed if the new idea contradicts widely cherished assumptions about the natural world. There is yet another barrier if the idea seems to attack established interests such as a religion or an industry. Then doubt is reinforced by denial: concerted efforts to represent the scientific consensus as false. Nothing shows this process so clearly as the history of the idea that human emissions of greenhouse gases must inevitably produce a global warming. Can the human race take action to stop global warming?
1. Use Environment Friendly Electrical Appliances
You can replace electrical appliances like your refrigerator, which emits greenhouse gases with environment friendly appliances. In fact, replacing a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, popularly referred to as CFL, can help in saving 60 percent energy and avoid the release of 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere each year.
Chou, C., Chen, C., Tan, P., & Chen, K. (2012). Mechanisms for Global Warming Impacts on Precipitation Frequency and Intensity. Journal of Climate, 25(9), 3291-3306. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00239.1 Zhang, L., & Wu, L. (2012). Can Oceanic Freshwater Flux Amplify Global Warming? Journal of Climate, 25(9), 3417-3430. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00172.1 Weart, S. (2011). Global warming: How skepticism became denial. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67(1), 41-50. Doi: 10.1177/0096340210392966
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