Geography and history of canada

Category: Canada, Geography, Mexico, Quebec
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2020
Pages: 5 Views: 260

Relationship between the Geography of Canada and Its History Veronica Guerrero FarJat CDNS 101 Royal Roads University Ms. Michelle Hardy November 20, 2013 What is the relationship between Canada's geography and its history? According to M. Hardy, (personal communication, March 27, 2012) my course material (2013) establishes that Canada is a North American country with 10 provinces and 3 territories; worldwide appointed as the 2nd largest country in the world Canada, is well known by its diverse but fascinating history! Canada fought over by the French and the British, the British won and end colonizing this one.

This essay analyses the diversity of Canada's early history of settlement related to its geography. In order to see the connection we comprehend how the aboriginal people first came to Canada by following the wildlife; then the Europeans came to Canada because the vast of natural resources; and finally allowing the French people to settle in Quebec province. This paper argues that historical settlement of Canada was transformed by its geography. Canada used to be named "Kanata": Huron- Iroquois word for village or settlement. In order to survive, as human beings we do many things such as feed, socialize, we procreate, we follow... t mostly we stay together and we fight to survive. On this paragraph I will explain in detail how Aboriginal people first settle in Canada by following the wild life: Firstly, the earth warmed up, the ice masses melted and receded; which it means: open migrations routes (corridors). Following this fact, animals were capable to cross land bridges of the Alaska-Bering. Secondly,

Aboriginal people appear in Canada's history by spreading out into the in abi n table areas ot north-western America, everything for huge reason: FOOD! They had to acquire certain skills such as hunting, fishing, etc. n order to survive. But animals; were their ain reason of settlement so then they stay and spread across the land. To conclude I would like to point that as the climate and land conditions changed the land start to became rich and productive; natives were able to stay and that is one of the most important reasons how those first peoples are crucial for Canada's history; they represent thousand years of culture and wherever people nowadays agree or not they are Canada's first peoples. When two worlds meet, amazing things happen.

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According to my course material (2013) 1500-1791 was the time when Aboriginal people and Europeans were in contact. When Europeans first came to Canada, they ere amazed on this area because of the vast of natural resources; for example, wood/lumber that they could use in Europe so it can help with the development of their country. Firstly, Henry the VII financed an exploration to North America headed for the Italian explorer John Cabot in 1497. But it wasn't until 1610 when the English settlement begun. As tension set between France and England in Europe, competition leaded in the Americas.

Subsequently, Henry IV of France assigned Samuel de Champlain to explore the new lands in the Americas; Champlain is an important figure in Canada's history because he opened up the St Lawrence River nd stretched French influence through the great lakes basin. As well, Champlain was involved with a group who were interested in the fur trade; the French and Aboriginal people collaborated in the vast fur trade economy. The fur trade was a trade between the French and first nation people for the exchange on items such as tool (beaver) and weapons. The short hairs of the beaver were used for making fashion hats and those were sended to Europe.

In conclusion, the Fur trade had formed an important part of the early economies of both the English and French colonies and is very significant for Canada's early history because it's Canada's first conomy developed because of the beaver; which is a natural resource, this one and the wood/lumber are the two greatest examples why Europeans were so interested in this land so they are part of Canada's early history and we see the connection based on their decision after all happened deciding to settle here and so they end colonizing this country.

On the early years of Jacques Cartier's France had been building up a colony along the ST Lawrence River. Conflict between France and England had been building up since then; European confrontations spilt over into the new world and in 1629 Kirke of England ended the French colony of Port Royal. This set the stage for opposition between the English and The French not only in the America's but also across the world. As I point in the beginning, Canada's is the 2nd largest country in the world.

So now knowing that Canada is such a big country people is required for its development so after all the British conquered the former French colonies, absorbing them into their North American territories. Nevertheless, the French settled primarily in what is today known as Quebec and Nova Scotia. Britain allowed the French to stay because they needed them to settle this country; s well, Britain supported Canada with immigrants and money. Finally, once Canada had become a country, the goal was to unify, define, and built a state.

This does not mean that the French Canadian renounce their mindset as Canadian or that they torgot their traditions and heritage. French was made the 2nd official language ot government in order to maintain French political support. I would like to emphasize that having all those facts and Canada being such a big country is essentially linked to its history bringing immigrants and the Europeans settling in this country. A omparison of Canada's history and geography; Mexico is diverse and it has 3 thousand years of history.

According to world history project (2007) The Republic of Mexico is huge, comprising nearly two million square miles of coastline, desert, rain forest, mountains, and fertile plains. As Canada, Mexico is named as the 4th largest country in the western hemisphere and is rich in natural resources such as oil and natural gas. From the American borderlands of the extensive, agriculturally rich north, the country narrows gently as it sweeps south and east. As well as Canada, is bordered by the United States.

In Canada's history we understand in some point the need of people while in Mexico there is a City (Mexico City) that is considered one of the most populous cities in the world. The population in Mexico is around 120. 8 million peoples. Although Mexico and Canada are very different countries, they have somehow things in common such as history of colonization. Canada was colonized by the British in the other hand, Mexico was colonized by Spain. Both, British and Spain were amazed by Canada's and Mexico's landscape, their beauty and its natural resources.

Finally, Canada and Mexico are two greatest countries and somehow their istory and wealth on natural resources motivated other countries such as Britain and Spain to gain interest on them and that's how their history is similar. In conclusion, Canada is a land of diversity, creativity and liberal attitudes. The Canadian people are a mosaic of ethnicities; it means that as well it's formed by other nationalities which together they form a great home.

We understand the connection by first, historical settlement of aboriginal people in Canada by following wildlife. Secondly, Europeans came and settle because of Canada's vast of natural resources nvolving the fur trade as a firs economy developed and finally, settlement of French people over Quebec province because of Canada's size and need of people. To conclude I would like to quote something that Lorraine Monk an editor of "Canada the Things We Hold Dear": An Album of Photographic Memories (1999) said: "The search for Canada is a personal Journey.

The search for a national identity is a Journey without an end. It began a long, long time ago. It will continue into the far distant future.

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Geography and history of canada. (2018, Jun 27). Retrieved from

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