Substance Abuse Essays

This page contains the best examples of essays on Substance Abuse. Before writing your essay, you can explore essay examples - note their structure, content, writing style, etc. The process of creating an essay about Substance Abuse generally consists of the following steps: understanding the assignment, identifying the topic, collecting information, organizing the information collected, developing the main statement, writing a draft. At the editing stage of the draft, its coherence is improved, essential material is added, non-essential is omitted and a smooth transition between the individual parts of the Substance Abuse essay is ensured. Then the structure and content of the paragraphs are corrected, individual words and sentences are polished. After editing, the draft is subtracted, and spelling and punctuation errors are corrected.

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We've found 211 essays on Substance Abuse

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Essay topics

Aristotle’s Ten Categories

The ten Categories of Aristotle are derived from Aristotle’s Organon (Evans) and are classifications of individual words (as opposed to propositions) They consist of substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, situation, condition, action, and passion (Robin, 2004). Of the ten categories, Substance (ouisa) is consistently …

AristotleMetaphysicsSubstance Abuse
Words 589
Pages 3
Substance Abuse: It’s affect on Individuals, Family, Friends, and Society

The purpose of this essay is to shed light on substance abuse and its effect on individuals, family, friends, and society. This study examined reliable data regarding substance abuse, the effects it has on individuals, families, friends, and society. Included also are the risk and …

AbuseAddictionAlcoholismFriendsMedicineSubstance Abuse
Words 89
Pages 1
Reflection Essay on Substance Abuse

This could cause things to be more dangerous for other people. I know that there are many reasons why are youth are want to try these things. They do it because they might be bored. Others think it makes them seem older. Some are just …

AbuseAdolescenceMedicineSubstance Abuse
Words 1143
Pages 5
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Drugs in Lebanon

Facts and Official Action Cannabis has been grown in the Beak valley ever since the Roman Empire, despite the laws prohibiting it. A long-running measure by the government before the Civil War was to burn the fields before the yearly harvest. The war stopped that …

HealthPsychologySubstance Abuse
Words 1670
Pages 7
Female Offenders

Aarron Eilers February 22, 2010 Female Offenders The number of women incarcerated is growing at a rapid pace. This calls for a reevaluation of our correction institutions to deal with women’s involvement in crime. Increasing numbers of arrests for property crime and public order offenses …

CrimeSubstance AbuseViolence
Words 2509
Pages 10
Relapse Prevention Plan Essay

Jed. a 38 – twelvemonth old welder. enrolled in the intervention centre after his apprehension ensuing from drunken drive ( DUI/DWI ) ( National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. n. d. ) . His attorney has advised him to halt imbibing and acquire intervention …

AddictionAlcoholismSubstance Abuse
Words 1033
Pages 4
Street Children and Substance Abuse

Honduran children, stakeholders or not Even Honduran street children are H.B. Fuller stakeholders to a certain degree.  They are not legitimate consumers of the glue products.  But they are beneficiaries of Fuller’s business activities through it’s subsidiary, Kativo. Many of these children are potential future …

ChildrenSubstance Abuse
Words 606
Pages 3
What Is a Parental Capacity Assessment?

Manning et al., (2009) claim that one in 11 children aged less than 16 in the UK are living in a family where there is an alcohol or drug problem. However it is important to note that not all parents who are substance misusers are …

AbuseChild AbuseSubstance Abuse
Words 682
Pages 3
The Allure of Drugs

The allure of drugs is one that many people cannot resist. We all know someone who has been affected by drug addiction. It may be a teenager at school who is using marijuana for the first time or a friend you know who has become …

AddictionAdolescenceSubstance Abuse
Words 913
Pages 4
Kids & Cops Essay

My essay is about what drugs can do to you. Drugs and the people who supply drugs do not care about you and what happens to you as a person. The people who give children drugs are not your friends! Drugs can take a healthy …

AddictionPsychologySubstance Abuse
Words 282
Pages 2
Drug Use Cause And Effect Essay

You hear about more and more people using drugs these days, particularly prescription drugs. Doctors may prescribe these drugs to you and you may think they are helping but, what you don’t know is how they may change a normal functioning person into an addict. …

DrugsHealthSubstance Abuse
Words 99
Pages 1
Outline for Drugs

Introduction Drugs are a major problem in our society. There are many people trying to stop it. Some techniques are imprisonment, school programs such as D. A. R. E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), and parental guidance. This simply is not making the drug use go …

AddictionHealthSubstance Abuse
Words 507
Pages 2
Recovering Addicts in the Field of Substance Abuse Counseling

Is Substance Abuse Counseling a good career for a convicted felon and recovering drug addict? A person’s past mistakes in life can sometimes prevent that person from getting certain jobs later in life. With a prior criminal record some employers may not consider that individual …

AbuseAddictionAlcoholismPsychotherapySubstance Abuse
Words 1475
Pages 6
Debunking the Myths of Marijuana’s Harmful Effects

Legalize It In 2000, George Bierson’s “Marijuana, the Deceptive Drug”, was published by the Massachusetts News. Bierson concludes that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including brain damage, damage to the reproductive system, and weakening of the immune system. He also attempts to convince the …

AddictionHeroinSubstance Abuse
Words 871
Pages 4
PH Paper Lab Report

Background information/Research PH paper (litmus paper) determines how acidic or how basic a substance is. The ape changes color accordingly to the color code on the pH scale. The pH scale starts from O to 14. The lower the number the more acidic it is. …

Human NatureSubstance AbuseWater
Words 299
Pages 2
Legalizing Recreational Drugs

A recreational drug is categorized as any substance with pharmacologic effects that is either taken voluntarily for personal pleasure, or for satisfaction rather than for medicinal purposes such as cocaine, marijuana, or ecstasy. These types of drugs are easily found and are used by more …

CrimeSubstance AbuseWar on Drugs
Words 627
Pages 3
Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse; Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse; Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Terry V. Hites Prof. Bramlage Dual Diagnosis / Co-Occurring Disorders December 6, 2008 Schizophrenia and substance abuse; which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a greatly debated topic within families …

AlcoholismChickenMedicineSchizophreniaSubstance Abuse
Words 2045
Pages 8
Problems in Baltimore

Baltimore is a port city that is filled with many popular tourist attractions such as its museums, aquarium, and sports teams. It is also a city that has been on the decline for many years. The crime, drugs, and unemployment levels have all risen over …

PovertySubstance AbuseTeenage Pregnancy
Words 1702
Pages 7
Substance Abuse And Addiction Health And Social Care Essay

“ Tens of 1000000s of Americans use habit-forming substances. Twenty-five million have a history of intoxicant dependance and more than five million qualify as difficult nucleus chronic drug users ” ( Bernhein and Rangel, 2004 ) . The alterations in the encephalon make it hard …

AbuseAddictionSubstance Abuse
Words 2892
Pages 11
Interventions For Substance Abuse Amongst Young People

Introduction Despite the fact that young people are most often the healthiest group of people in the population (Emmelkamp, and Vedel, 2006), there is concern about the extent to which this group engages in risk-taking behaviours, including the consumption of drugs and alcohol and the …

AbuseMedicinePsychotherapySubstance Abuse
Words 6810
Pages 25
Drug Research Paper

Drug Research Paper Inhalants are wide variety of substances that young adults use as another way to get high. Inhalants cause mind-altering effects and typically someone would not think of these products as drugs because they were never intended for that type of use. Inhalants …

AddictionPsychologySubstance Abuse
Words 1093
Pages 4
Substance Abuse – its Explanation and Types

Substance abuse is a growing problem that not only affects the person who is abusing alcohol or drugs but affects the lives of those who are close to the abuser. Substance abuse is the abuse of any substance. A drug is a substance that modifies …

AddictionAlcoholismMedicineSubstance Abuse
Words 1827
Pages 7
What is Substance Abuse Counseling

I am just starting to learn about the dynamics of substance abuse counseling. At this point, early on in my learning, I understand it to be a practice of advocacy to assist those persons with various levels of addiction in relation to drugs, alcohol and …

AbuseAdolescencePsychotherapySubstance Abuse
Words 646
Pages 3
Emergency Room Services

Emergency rooms in the USA are under increasing pressure to provide emergency care to all, even if they are non life threatening. This trend in approaching ER for every singly problem is costing the healthcare system a large amount of costs, with the result that …

AlcoholismHealth CareSubstance Abuse
Words 62
Pages 1
The Link Between Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Leading to Homelessness

According to the article, “The connections between substance abuse and mental illness”, it says that one of the biggest connection between substance abuse and mental illness is self-medicating. People want to medicate or numb the issues they are facing by using drugs or alcohol. The …

Mental IllnessSubstance Abuse
Words 1509
Pages 6
Substance Abuse and Recovery Services Analysis

My Service Learning in BIS 201 took place at Sojourner Recovery Services. Sojourner Recovery Services is a drug recovery facility for drug dependents men, women and adolescents. Sojourner Recovery Services assisted me with choosing a specific location and demographic to complete my Service Learning. I …

AbuseSubstance Abuse
Words 72
Pages 1
Adult Development and Substance Abuse

This research paper has been compiled through comprehensive collection of information from five different sources.  The area of substance abuse and its impact on the development progress of an individual has been explored.  This covers the range of personal capacity from social to economic spheres. …

AbuseAlcoholismPersonalitySubstance Abuse
Words 45
Pages 1
Scholarly Article Search

This is an article that is concerned with intervention approaches for the younger population that have problems with alcohol abuse. It describes the gravity of the situation by reporting the huge number of adolescents who have a problem with alcohol and substance abuse. Thus, it …

Binge DrinkingSubstance AbuseYouth
Words 537
Pages 2
Treatment of Dually Diagnosed Clients

Critically analyze and apply the theory underpinning one intervention with a dually diagnosed client. Contrasting this intervention with other techniques. Introduction Dual diagnosis has been described as one of the most significant problems facing the health services (Phillips et al 2010). The term was first …

Mental DisorderPsychotherapySubstance Abuse
Words 3221
Pages 12
Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse

The topic I chose for this project was the link between domestic violence and substance abuse. From the research that I did, there is a definite link between domestic abuse and substance abuse. According to the National Coalition against domestic violence, “Regular alcohol abuse is …

Domestic ViolenceSubstance AbuseViolence
Words 1229
Pages 5

Frequently asked questions

What is substance abuse in your own words?
Substance abuse refers to the harmful or harmful use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. Psychoactive substance use can lead to dependence syndrome, a cluster of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that develop after repeated substance use and that typically include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling its use, persisting in its use despite harmful consequences, a higher priority given to drug use than to other activities and obligations, increased tolerance, and sometimes a physical withdrawal state.
What is the main reason for substance abuse?
Substance abuse is a serious problem that can lead to a wide variety of negative consequences. The main reason for substance abuse is often the seeking of relief from pain or stress. Substance abuse can also be a way to cope with difficult life circumstances or to numb emotional pain. Additionally, some people turn to substance abuse as a way to escape from reality or to forget about their problems. Whatever the reason, substance abuse is a dangerous behavior that can have serious negative consequences.
What should I write about in a drug essay?
There are many different things that you could write about in a drug essay. Some possible topics could include:-The history of drug use and abuse-The different types of drugs that are abused-The effects of drug abuse on the individual and on society-The dangers of drug abuse-The role of drugs in the development of addiction-The treatment of drug addiction-The prevention of drug abuse
What is the introduction of drug abuse?
The introduction of drug abuse is the initial stage in which a person first starts to use drugs. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including curiosity, peer pressure, or even just wanting to fit in. Once a person begins using drugs, they may start to feel the need to use them more and more frequently in order to achieve the same desired effect. This can lead to addiction, which is a chronic, relapsing disease characterized by compulsive drug use despite negative consequences.

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