Essays on Metaphysics

Essays on Metaphysics

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Moral and Ethical Issues In Technology Today

1. What are the possible ethical considerations of banning or restricting the developing world’s access to the same cheaper technologies that made the US what it is today? Current news and politics is full of concern about the environment, particularly as it is related to …

Ethical IssuesMetaphysicsMoralityTechnology
Words 63
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Explain Bentham’s Utilitarianism: (30 Marks)

Explain Bentham’s Utilitarianism: (30 Marks) A man called Jeremy Bentham had a theory called the ‘Utilitarianism theory’. He was born in London at the time of the great scientific and social change and wrote ‘The Principles of Morals and Legislation’ in 1789. Bentham had the …

Words 801
Pages 3
Chaos/complexity theory

Chaos/complexity theory can contribute in bringing about self-organisation in the midst of change, turbulence, fluxed environment both inside and outside the modern-day organisation. Loose, disorganised systems can spontaneously acquire organisation, just as a shapeless liquid mass can, upon cooling, solidify into an exquisite crystal. Complexity …

Words 892
Pages 4
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Summary of Autobiography of a Yogi

India, an ancient civilization is well known to be the cradle of a rich and perpetual heritage. The pristine land has always throbbed with the vibrancy of the originality, creativity and self motivated activities of its illumined souls. Their deep, original and sublime thoughts have …

Words 1207
Pages 5
Is Ethics Natural or Learned Behavior?

Human beings have an innate ethical sense that urges them to make predictable choices. Although most people believe their actions are guided by logic and reason, reason often acts only as a way to justify these choices. Ethics is a learned behavior, a behavior that …

Words 476
Pages 2
What Is Ethics

1. What is ethics? What is morality? Ethics is the philosophical study of morality. Morality refers to the belief of right and wrong, good and bad, beliefs that can include judgments, values, rules, principles and theories. 2. In what ways are we forced to do …

Words 525
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Prime Mover Essay

Aristotle believed that there had to be one primary cause for the world to make sense. There must be something that triggered off the ‘chain of movement’. The Prime Mover is the ‘Uncaused First Cause’, both the unmoved mover and the final cause. As a …

EpistemologyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 597
Pages 3
Three Dialogues Between Hylas And Philonous

The dialogues between Hylas and Philonous were written by George Berkeley, who was ordained as a Bishop in Cloyne. He was also a famous idealist and philosopher of the early modern period. His works reflects metaphysical ideas and concepts of idealism. Berkeley had written several …

Words 88
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Human Nature: Self-Interest & Altruism

Human Nature: Self-Interest vs. Altruism A debate encompassing human nature has carried on for centuries, and philosophers throughout history have provided a vast inventory of explanations they deem to be sufficient in understanding the perplex idea of human nature. A question commonly debated regarding human …

AltruismHuman NatureMetaphysics
Words 984
Pages 4
Theories of perception

Perception is a combination of both the physiological processes involved within the senses and the way in which the brain integrates and interprets the sensory information that it takes in. The two main explanations of perception prioritise the role of one or other of these …

Words 360
Pages 2
Critically Asses the Views of Paul Tillich on Religious Language

Critically Asses The Views Of Paul Tillich On Religious Language Paul Tillich was a renowned American Protestant theologian born in Prussia 1886. As a self-proclaimed philosophical theologian, Tillich saw the very nature of Christian faith expressed in religious symbols that demanded constant reinterpretation. He was …

Words 783
Pages 3
Development Communication

This essay is going to critically define the meaning of communication. Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. I will then go on and talk about the elements that make up a communication process which are sender, message, encoding, …

Words 962
Pages 4
Divine Command Theory, Objectivism, Diversity and Dep Theses

1. Explain what is meant by saying that a value is intrinsic? How are instrumental values related to intrinsic values? A value is said to be intrinsic if an object has the value for its own sake or because of its nature. A value is …

Words 1103
Pages 5
Philosophy- Locke Hume and Kafka

1. Explain how Locke and Hume view personal identity, or the “Self”. How do you see Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” as exemplifying these philosophical themes? You may choose Locke or Hume or both, or argue why you see neither of their theories as showing up in Kafka’s …

Words 282
Pages 2
The Assault – Memory

Memory is defined as “The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of previous thoughts, impressions, or events. ” Memories are units of information that have impacted one’s life and are stored in the brain for years. In some cases, dramatic events …

Words 834
Pages 4
Outline and Evaluate the Psychodynamic Model of Abnormality

Outline and evaluate the psychodynamic model of abnormality. (12 Marks) The psychodynamic model (which is based on Freud’s theories) states that abnormalities are results of a conflict which has gone wrong in the “psyche” (in the mind). Freud’s idea states that the psyche – which …

MetaphysicsPsychoanalysisPsychodynamic TheoryPsychotherapy
Words 555
Pages 3
Eliminative Materialism

Explain Eliminative Materialism. Explain an argument in its favor. Does the Argument succeed? In this paper I will discuss Eliminative Materialism, a theory in philosophy of mind. First I will explain the term theory-theory, next Folk Psychology, as a theory will be discussed. Then, I …

Words 916
Pages 4
Foundations of Psychology Paper

Psychology encompasses a vast range of different thoughts, theories, and biological foundations on behavior of why people act the way they do. Once a part of philosophy, psychology has developed into several schools of thought that describe the theories some of these individuals use to …

Words 842
Pages 4
The Gestalt Approach

The Gestalt approach was about how people represent a problem in their own minds, and how solving a problem involves a reorganization or restructuring of this representation. The first central idea of Gestalt problem solving is how a problem is represented in a person’s mind. …

AnalogyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 965
Pages 4
The Fascinating Theory of Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development

The most interesting topic that we discussed in class the semester, was the theory that Erik Erikson had developed. Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is one of the best-kenned theories of personality in psychology. Much akin to Sigmund Freud, Erikson believed that personality develops …

AdolescenceErik EriksonMetaphysics
Words 84
Pages 1
Einstein’s Response to Phyllis

Albert Einstein considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century hopes to accurately respond to Phyllis’s letter that asked him whether scientists prayed and if they did what did they pray about. Einstein’s response is rhetorically accurate in the fact that he lets Phyllis know …

Albert EinsteinEpistemologyLogosMetaphysics
Words 449
Pages 2
Attribution Theory Definition

Attribution theory is concerned with how people interpret events and relate them to their thinking and behavior. It’s a cognitive perception which affects their motivation. This theory was first proposed in a book called, The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations by Fritz Heider in 1958. According …

Attribution TheoryEpistemologyMetaphysics
Words 1041
Pages 4
The Buddhist Concepts of Rebirth and Release

Buddhism begins and ends with Buddha’s enlightenment experience, for this the ultimate source of Buddhist teachings and there are a mean towards moral and spititual development culminating in a Buddha like experience. At his enlightenment, the Buddha gained direct knowledge of rebirth, karma, and the …

Words 51
Pages 1
Betrand Russell – Problems of Philosophy

As humans we naturally believe that the sun will rise tomorrow. But why is it that we believe this? In the following essay I will explore the logic behind this question focusing on Bertrand Russell’s arguments of induction, and the uniformity of nature as presented …

Words 584
Pages 3
The Design Argument – as Level

Outline the Key Concepts of the Design Argument [21 marks] The design argument is also referred to at the Teleological Argument stemmed from the Greek work ‘Telos’ meaning end or purpose. It is an ‘A posterior’ argument (from experience) based on our empirical senses and …

Words 3121
Pages 12
Bertrand Russell: The Value Of Philosophy

Consider a man that looks to material needs as the necessities of life. He moves through his world in a twenty-four hour cycle of the mundane, never reaching for a less ignorant existence. Bertrand Russell believes that these “practical men”, as society deems them, are …

Words 1078
Pages 4
Comparative Analysis of De Montaigne and Donne on Mind and Body

Both Michel De Montaigne and John Donne argue that the cultivation of the mind is linked to the well being of the body. Both argue that a mind void of proper enrichment and education will lead to an unhealthy body. However, Montaigne argues that the …

Essay ExamplesImaginationMetaphysics
Words 1775
Pages 7
Anselm’s Monologion

Anselm’s Monologion is at first a detailed expansion of his more famous ontology – the proof of the existence of God – as expressed elsewhere. In this proof God is first equated with the most perfect being, and then it is demonstrated that such a …

Words 1953
Pages 8
Behaviorism the beginnings

Behaviorism is one of the most influential schools of psychology, especially American psychology. The development of behaviorism was spurned as a reaction to structuralism and functionalism. Behaviorism was posited as a revolution in the methodology of the science of psychology (Hothersall, 1995), while structuralism and …

Words 81
Pages 1
Explain Benthams Utilitarianism

Explain Benthams Utiliarianism (30 marks) The theory of utilitarianism was put forward entierly by Jeremy Bentham, who wrote about Ethics and Politics. He was a social reformer keen to improve the lives of the working class. Many of the improvements made in the treatments of …

Words 107
Pages 1
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Metaphysics by our writers.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.


Topics of metaphysical investigation include existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics.


Metaphysical realism is the thesis that the objects, properties and relations the world contains, collectively: the structure of the world [Sider 2011], exists independently of our thoughts about it or our perceptions of it.

Metaphysics books

  • Metaphysics
  • Introduction to Metaphysics
  • Being and Time
  • Critique of Pure Reason
  • Meditations on First Philosophy

Frequently asked questions

What is metaphysical essay?
A metaphysical essay is a type of essay that explores the nature of reality, existence, and experience. Metaphysical essays are often characterized by their focus on abstract concepts and ideas. This type of essay often relies heavily on philosophical reasoning and argumentation to make its case.
How do you explain metaphysics?
In metaphysics, we try to understand the nature of reality. This includes asking questions about what exists, what it means for something to exist, and how we can know about reality. We also ask questions about the nature of time, space, and causation.
Why is metaphysics important in our life?
Metaphysics is important in our life because it helps us to understand the nature of reality. It also helps us to understand the relationship between mind and matter, and between our thoughts and the world around us.
What is metaphysics and its importance?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality, including the nature of the mind, matter, and the universe as a whole. It is important because it helps us to understand the world around us and our place in it.

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