Existential Therapy: Death, Freedom & Self-Awareness Some people rely on others to validate who they are, and to give them meaning. However, they must realize that they are alone in this world and they must find meaning from within themselves and not from others. Nevertheless, …
There are many things we must consider before we make any type of decision. First off, we must think about how our actions are going to affect us and those around us. We must follow the golden rule, “do unto others as you would have …
Introduction This paper seeks to provide recommendations to management on what to do with the Soul of Dell including the success of its implementation for Dell. Problems The present state of the Soul of Dell as corporate philosophy as initiated by management in the company …
John Haught’s What is God aims to provide “a simple ‘mystagogy’… an ‘introduction to mystery’ (116). The importance of mystery to Haught’s work may be traced to his main assumption that the existence of God is evident in the existence of “a cognitive ‘feeling’ of …
Plato’s classic The Allegory of the Cave and seminal science-fiction film The Matrix at first glance seem to have nothing in common. The first is written and set in the ancient times, revolving around Socrates telling his follower Glaucon about chained prisoners in a primitive …
“Sentences, originally, is a term of grammar and linguistic. It’s introduction into logic is a recent innovation and it still seems strange to many to find the word sentences where propositions might have been expected. “(Alonzo) Basically, propositions have been taken to be sentences that …
Carl Jung’s theory is most interesting particularly because of his proposal to the concepts of introversion and extroversion which are still very much used today when looking at personality types. In my opinion using Carl’s concept of introversion and extroversion, I think that I possess …
Describe Kant’s ‘Copernican Revolution’ and explain (and outline) how he hopes it will give rise to synthetic apriori knowledge. Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason [1781] was birthed out of the Leibnizian-Wolff tradition. He rejected this tradition due to a dislike of the principles of Sufficient …
The importance of memory What will happen if all human lost their memory? What if we can’t remember anything anymore? Can our society keep running? Can we live? The answer is simple. We can’t live without memory and the modern society will be destroyed. Here …
Prepare a 700-1000 words essay on ‘Critical thinking and Perception. ’ Perception is Reality. Identify an instance in your life where your perception of the reality situation was different from actual reality. What did you think was going on? What was actually going on? Why …
American Beauty is a movie that sets in suburban America. The story is about Lester, who is a middle-aged writer working in a magazine company. He was having a midlife crisis where he felt lonely and numbed by continuous unchanging routine of his everyday life. …
Since the fall of man and the manifestation of sin, a wedge was placed between God and man. Man has strived to establish a reconnection with God through a variety of sources. Salvation is the source or bridge that connects man to God. Every religion …
During his lifetime Socrates’ various interactions with his fellow Athenians left his intentions debatable. Popular belief in Athens seemed to be that, “he [Socrates] was an evildoer, and a curious person, who searches into things under the earth and in heaven? and makes the worse …
Perceptual process The perceptual process is the sequence of psychological steps that a person uses to organize and interpret information from the outside world. The steps are: Objects are present in the world. A person observes. The person uses perception to select objects. The person …
Michael Seamen wrote People of Paradox based on the United States story, culture, and politics, as a paradox and making it tie together all the themes and facts in the American government. He lists his analysis of the many paradoxes that riddle American life. He …
Analyse the argument for the existence of God from religious experience “A religious experience offers a sense of the ultimate and an awareness of wholeness, a consciousness of the infinite and an absolute dependence. ” Edward Schleiermacher. Religious experience has been a contentious subject for …
Plato and Aristotle view knowledge and the process whereby it is obtained. They both point out that many epistemological concepts which they believe where knowledge comes from and what it is actually. Most of them have been astonished me in certain ways, but I found …
Natural Law is an absolutist and deontological approach to ethnics that gives us fixed moral rules based on an nature that is interpreted by human reason. Thomas Aquinus linked this with the Christian teaching, which reflected God’s plans to build within us, this concept is …
Utilitarianism speaks of pleasures, pain, quality, quantity, etcetera. This paper intends to reintroduce the definition, concepts, as well as, ideas provided by the greatest thinkers namely: Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. It also aims to state the differences between their concepts. Finally, its objective …
In order for one to best make a decision, it is important to carefully consider the best method to do so. Utilitarianism and Kant theories provide these methods. This paper presents the pros and cons of each of these theories. It also presents the comparison …
The idea of utilitarianism has been advocated by John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Both thinkers base their theories of morality upon the Greatest Happiness Principle, or the principle of Utility. This principle is one that views actions as right and moral to the extent …
The main theme of on liberty was the individual. Everything else, society, education,government and so forth had their basis in the individuals rights to his own liberty. Noone, no member of society, government, even God, if he appeared before an individual, could inforce his will …
Intercultural Communication Studies XV: 1 2006 Hara The Concept of Omoiyari (Altruistic Sensitivity) in Japanese Relational Communication Kazuya Hara, Meikai University, Japan Abstract It is essential to explore Japanese concepts in Japanese languages as intellectual tools for future studies in Asia. In order to develop …
“Discourse on the Method” by Rene Descartes is both a historical document and philosophical work. Scientists and historians agree that this book has contributed significantly the history of modern science and psychology. In his book Descartes describe the method which provides solid background for all …
Environmental Ethics: Singer vs Regan Environmental ethics is defined: as a part of philosophy which considers extending the traditional boundaries of ethics from solely including humans to including the nonhuman world (Wikipedia). For example, this includes the preservation of plants and an increase of animal …
Hardness Questions: The Power of Myth Chapters 1-3 1. Myth reveals spiritual truth about the world. Why read myths? You need myths to find your truth. You have elaborate myths to compare to everyday experiences and to other myths. “Myths give a meaning to life …
Al Ghazali is an influential thinker of medieval Islam. He describes his education and his intellectual crisis, which left him so full of doubt and questions, to the extent that he he resigned from his professorship in Baghdad, and felt the need to retire from …
This paper draws from six published works that deal with psychological and scholarly research on religion and spirituality. The works vary in their definitions and use of the concepts and terminology of religion and spirituality. Hood et al. (2009) suggest that that social scientists have …
This theory suggests that by the shifting from rewarding its employees with external rewards to internal rewards, the management is able to motivate its people. The theory further suggests that even after the management halts the external stimulus, the internal stimulus still continue to prosper. …
Topics of metaphysical investigation include existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics.
Metaphysical realism is the thesis that the objects, properties and relations the world contains, collectively: the structure of the world [Sider 2011], exists independently of our thoughts about it or our perceptions of it.
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