Essays on Metaphysics

Essays on Metaphysics

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Aspects of Psychology in Flannery

Psychology has been a part of literature since the beginning of its existence. Its references in the Bible which affirm that mankind is separated from the animal kingdom and also show us the normal pattern to lead an effective and rewarding Christian life are parts …

Words 782
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Belonging and Community

What is my current understanding of belonging and community? Well id have to say belonging is a big thing to teens and most people believe you have to dress a certain way or do something to fit into there apparent “community” but I definitely dont …

Words 587
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A Short History on Modern Philosophy Paper

The existence of the self lends to the existence of God because of truths covered through inner experiences of being and thinking, which may have influenced Descartes’ truth in Cogitator Ergo Sum. Bioethics (c. 475-526 AD), a former senator and top-level assistant turned persona non …

Words 882
Pages 4
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Women’s Self Esteem: NOT Because of the Media

The subject of media’s impact on women has been a big issue for several years now.  However, how does self esteem or one’s concept of oneself really develop?  Does the media really have any influence on this?  No, the media does not influence women’s development …

MetaphysicsSelf Esteem
Words 937
Pages 4
Reflection on a business education course

Contemplation harmonizing to Walker E. S ( 2006 ) P 216 has been defined as “ a procedure sing believing about and researching an issue of concern, which is triggered by an experience ” . This merely means that for there to be a contemplation, …

Words 3959
Pages 15
Not an Ayn Rand Essay

The fiction novel, The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand is based off of her philosophy of Objectivism. Ayn Rand defines and separates her philosophy of Objectivism into four different and distinct parts. The first part Ayn Rand explains is Metaphysics. Metaphysics is an objective reality where …

Ayn RandIndividualismMetaphysics
Words 84
Pages 1
Sources of Motivation Paper

Sometimes people have to ask themselves questions such as why do I want to do that, what is it that I need that is going to take to get me from point A to point B, and how do I keep doing what I need …

Words 1090
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The Prevalent Theories on the Fortunate Times of Happiness In Our Lives

Suffering is the default state of human existence, to exist is to suffer and it is unavoidable. Fortunately, there are times where we will not suffer, also known as happiness. So, how does one maximize happiness? Many theories have been suggested on how to maximize …

Words 874
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Anatman The Five Skandas And Emptiness

In short, the doctrine of the five Kansas implies that the “self” is radically Returning to the Second Noble Truth: The Second Noble Truth states: ducked has specifiable origins. Remember, the e root of ducked is, in part, . But this is a result of …

Words 591
Pages 3
Ethical Lens Reflection

Ethical Lens Reflection US101 I use my reasoning skills (rationality) to determine what duties are as well as the universal rules that each person should follow (autonomy). By prioritizing the value of autonomy over equality my primary concern is prospecting individual rights. I believe this …

Words 698
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Theory of Justice

According to the legal dictionary (2010) the definition is fairness, moral eighteens, a system of law in which every person receives their due from the system including all rights. ” Justice is comprised of our needs, fair share, fair play, standing and trust. Cicero once …

Words 601
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Definition of Child Development

 Child development is another way of saying how children develop through different stages or how children grow and learn. It also refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between start and the end of adolescence. The developmental areas are physical, …

AdolescenceAwarenessChild DevelopmentMetaphysics
Words 981
Pages 4
Understanding of Critical Thinking

First the word critical comes from two Greek roots, Kriticos which means discerning judgment and the other Greek root is kriterion which means standards. The text book from this class has described Critical Thinking as, “explicit thinking aimed at well-founded judgment, utilizing appropriate evaluation standards …

Critical ThinkingEpistemologyMetaphysics
Words 1247
Pages 5
Autobiographical Memories and Inaccuracy: Understanding the Role of Schemas and Interference.

Autobiographic memories are known to be frequently inaccurate. In fact, when a person recalls the past, the images of real events are intermingled with events that either never occurred or are distorted so severely that there is little opportunity to recognize the true happenings in …

Words 827
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Philosophical Skepticism

The Oxford English dictionary definition of a sceptic is “a person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions”. Scepticism is a doctrine that was followed seriously first by Pyrrho, who believed that the true way to find peace was to avoid dogmatising and to live …

Words 1151
Pages 5
Psychology Perspectives

This behaviourist perspective is that we can understand any type of behaviour by looking at what the person has learned. Pesonality traits for example shyness, confidence, and optimism. Pavlov (CLASSICAL CONDITIONING) Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist working with dogs to investigate their digestive systems. The …

MetaphysicsPerspectivePsychologySelf Concept
Words 92
Pages 1
Theory Comparrison

Write 550- to 750 Provide a formal definition for ethics with citations, references etc. Describe the differences between theories Describe the similarities between each theory Describe how each theory addresses ethics and morality Tell me based on your own morals and ethics, which theories do …

Words 718
Pages 3
Soul Searching’s Pyschological and Moral Aspects

This analysis makes no pretences of keeping with the psychological and moral convictions that Heidegger ignored. His structural analysis is simply not complete enough to represent Dasein”s phenomenological orientation in the world without considering some aspects which are inherent to each Dasein such as a …

Words 2227
Pages 9
Barbara Kingsolver

Barbara Kingsolver’s novel called The Poisonwood Bible beautifully illustrates the lessons learned in a journey that is both physical and metaphysical. As this family travels from Bethlehem, Georgia to the Congo, Africa in order for Nathan, the father, to become a missionary, they each take …

EpistemologyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 95
Pages 1
Ethics First in Organization Essay

Last Name ETH/316 March 26, 2013 Instructor This essay will discuss ethics and why ethics is vital to an organization. From the very first day our parents taught why ethics is critical to how individuals are looked upon as citizens. The same ethics and moral …

Words 635
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Sleep Stages And Their Description

There are four stages of sleep, stage 1 occurs when the person decides it’s time to fall asleep. Initially in stage 1 alpha waves start waxing and waning bursts of 8-12 Hz’s EEG. This is when we are alert at our wake fullness. Stage one …

BrainCommon LawEssay ExamplesMetaphysicsSleep
Words 346
Pages 2
Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Birth

Examine Nietzsche’s statement in The Birth of Tragedy that it is only as an ‘Aesthetic Phenomenon’ that existence can be ‘justified’ to eternity. According to the qualities of ‘eternity’ and ‘existence’ that Nietzsche and Schopenhauer prescribe; it is by definition that something can only be …

Words 2546
Pages 10
Philosophy and Politics

Philosophy has enabled human life to study the general and everyday problems which concern many matters to include beauty, truth, mind, validity, language, existence, language and even truth. While Philosophy is a general term that is highly acceptable to address and answer questions by using …

Words 1732
Pages 7
Interpretative Essay-Use of Writing Templates

In the preface of “They Say/ I Say’: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, the authors furnish certain types of writing templates geared toward cuing students to think cognitively as well as critically; ultimately producing a writing style that is unique and creative to …

Words 337
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Zen Psychology

In all that we learn, finding peace in all the hurt and happiness, tears and laughter, and ups and downs is not an easy thing. Finding the inspiration to accomplish the things that will make us feel like fulfilled human beings is not an simple …

Words 941
Pages 4
Nietzsche Arguments Persuasive Essay

Perhaps the most convincing arguments Nietzsche makes for the idea that God is either dead or does not exist is the idea that God is a creation of Western society, a universal ideal of morality, truth and ethics. When he argues then that those things …

Essay ExamplesGodMetaphysics
Words 424
Pages 2
The Philosophy of the Buddhists

I will give you a glimpse into the world of the Buddha and the philosophy that he used to practise and preach. He was born as Siddhartha Gautama in the year 563 BC in Lumbini a place situated near the Indo – Nepal border. His …

Words 113
Pages 1
Ethics – Moral Principles

The term ethics is defined as a system of moral principles. When incorporating ethics with business it is extremely difficult to determine what is considered moral or immoral, as well as what is judged as justice in society. One viewpoint on this topic opposes justice …

Words 966
Pages 4
The Need for External Acknowledgement

The Need for External Acknowledgement in Shakespearean King Lear “The impermanence of power and place. That man had it all, but only for a time. “l –James Baker In William Shakespearean King Lear, the dialog in the hovel between Lear and Edgar, disguised as the …

Essay ExamplesMetaphysicsSelf Concept
Words 3947
Pages 15
Philosophy Paper Critical Analysis

In this paper, I will discuss euthanasia and demonstrate its immoral implications using J. Gay-Williams’ essay, “The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia”; more specifically his attempt to show the wrongfulness of euthanasia through an argument from nature. I believe that the argument is valid and presents a …

Words 980
Pages 4
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Metaphysics by our writers.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.


Topics of metaphysical investigation include existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics.


Metaphysical realism is the thesis that the objects, properties and relations the world contains, collectively: the structure of the world [Sider 2011], exists independently of our thoughts about it or our perceptions of it.

Metaphysics books

  • Metaphysics
  • Introduction to Metaphysics
  • Being and Time
  • Critique of Pure Reason
  • Meditations on First Philosophy

Frequently asked questions

What is metaphysical essay?
A metaphysical essay is a type of essay that explores the nature of reality, existence, and experience. Metaphysical essays are often characterized by their focus on abstract concepts and ideas. This type of essay often relies heavily on philosophical reasoning and argumentation to make its case.
How do you explain metaphysics?
In metaphysics, we try to understand the nature of reality. This includes asking questions about what exists, what it means for something to exist, and how we can know about reality. We also ask questions about the nature of time, space, and causation.
Why is metaphysics important in our life?
Metaphysics is important in our life because it helps us to understand the nature of reality. It also helps us to understand the relationship between mind and matter, and between our thoughts and the world around us.
What is metaphysics and its importance?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality, including the nature of the mind, matter, and the universe as a whole. It is important because it helps us to understand the world around us and our place in it.

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