Essays on Metaphysics

Essays on Metaphysics

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A Sermon Review

The preacher’s approach in delivering his sermon was rather argumentative than expository. The first two main points were built around sub-points which argued that God never change. First, unlike man and everything on earth that alters changes, the preacher says “God is perpetually the same.” …

Words 46
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Plato’s Meno: Exploring the Definition and Teachability of Virtue

Meno Paper Assignment Can virtue be taught? Plato starts off the Meno with this simple question. Prior to answering this question, Socrates is adamant about first understanding what virtue is. Socrates and Meno go back and forth throughout the story attempting to figure out the …

Words 1558
Pages 6
Mystery of Free Will and Moral Responsibility

We all seem to think that we make decisions on our own and have the ability to choose from making different decisions. We do what we want to do because it seems as if we have many options to choose from to be in control …

Words 796
Pages 3
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Perception of Time

We often brag about the technological and scientific developments of today’s modern society and how we benefit from these advancements. The barriers that were once created because of the diversity in culture were brought down by the modern trend of globalization. Culture is society’s main …

Essay ExamplesHuman NatureMetaphysicsTime
Words 2692
Pages 10
Branches of Philosophy

Branches of Philosophy Professor John Wise American Intercontinental University Thesis This essay project with answer different questions to the six branches of Philosophy. The branches are Metaphysics-is something real? Epistemology-How do we know? Ethics-What is right or wrong? Aesthetics- Is something beautiful? Political- What government …

Words 972
Pages 4
Compare and contrast the Aca’s 5 moral principles with Clinton & Ohlschlager’s 7 virtues

The American Counseling Association has identified several moral principles to assist in guiding their members and others interested in the helping professions. Of these the following five will be compared and contrasted with various biblical ethics identified by Clinton & Oblschalager (2002) as being seven …

Words 589
Pages 3
Informative Essay on Philosophy

What do you think philosophy is? I understand philosophy as something which answers questions to humans who seek for wisdom. When you study Philosophy, the negative thing about this Is that you don’t get to know all the answers as you go through the process …

Words 404
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The American Idea

The notion of modernity is a concept that is employed to illustrate the state of being associated to modernism which, on the other hand, refers to a pattern of thought that confirms the influence of individuals to construct, enhance, and reform their environment. Further, the …

EpistemologyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 143
Pages 1
Different Perspectives in Psychology Coexist Rather Than Conflict

This paper approaches the topic from a consideration of psychological research in the fields of sex and gender and language. It does so in general terms and avoids discussion at levels of detail. Therefore where a reference is made to specific research the intention is …

Words 3002
Pages 11
Try to Persuade Socrates Friends to Save Him

Socrates is one of the most colorful figures of the ancient Greek world, who the strangeness of private life has always been of special philosophical and political science. He was a convict to death because he does not believe in God and corrupted the youth …

Words 1136
Pages 5
Human Instincts

Psychology Unit 1 Paper Human Instincts There are many arguments about whether human beings have instincts and not just responsive reflexes. I believe human beings all have natural born instincts. The definition of instincts tell us that they are unlearned and involuntary, which we all …

Words 934
Pages 4
Summary of Plato’s Apology

In Plato’s Apology, I found that it is only named “Apology” but there is nothing about apology there. It is mainly the defense of Socrates for his accusations. He was a very decent intelligent man. Socrates said – “I am not a clever speaker in …

EpistemologyEssay ExamplesMetaphysicsSocrates
Words 435
Pages 2
A Lived Body: The Phenomenological Concept

Descartes’ endeavor is to demonstrate for the last time that psyche and body are two unmistakable, particular and autonomous substances. Body, he finishes up, is broad, inactive, subject to mechanical laws, having no craving, reason, or intensity of unconstrained movement. It is on such a …

EpistemologyEssay ExamplesMetaphysics
Words 792
Pages 3
Candide and Free Will

Voltaire’s Candide is a novel that is interspersed with superficial characters and conceptual ideas that are critically exaggerated and satirized. The parody offers cynical themes disguised by mockeries and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life narrowed to the concept of …

Words 1620
Pages 6
The development of self-awareness and shifts of Locus of self Knowledge

This study examines the theoretical framework of developmental sequences and self descriptions and its proposed idea that children’s sense of self change as they become older and more able to take into account the information about themselves available from other sources such as their social …

MetaphysicsSelf ConceptSelf Knowledge
Words 2134
Pages 8
Psychodynamic Theories

As a group over the last few weeks we have been dicussing has a group the 3 main theories of counselling and after careful deliberation ive chosen to do my presentation on the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamics is the theory and systematic study of the psychological …

MetaphysicsPsychoanalysisPsychodynamic TheoryPsychotherapy
Words 2326
Pages 9
Children and young people’s development

The development of children and young people. So called the period from the birth through to 19 years, is divided into five major areas: physical, intellectual, communication and language, social, emotional and behavioral. Often called with the acronym SPICE, all those areas are very important …

Child DevelopmentMetaphysics
Words 400
Pages 2
Hermeneutics and Philosophers

The word “hermeneutics” is derived from the Greek hermeneuo, which means, to interpret, to put into words, expressed in a language. Many times, it is synonymous with exegesis, explanation, and interpretation. In connection with the explanation of Scripture, these two words are equivalent to the …

Words 429
Pages 2
Maslow’s Theory of Motivation – Hierarchy of Needs

In 1943, Dr. Abraham Maslow ‘s article “A Theory of Human Motivation ” appeared in Psychological Review, which were further expanded upon in his book: Toward a Psychology of Being In this article, Abraham H. Maslow attempted to formulate a needs-based framework of human motivation …

Words 293
Pages 2
Descartes is a concious being? What is essential nature and why does he so respond?

Introduction In Meditation I of Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes’ goal is to rid himself of any beliefs that are false. He conducts a ‘doubting experiment’ in which he examines different types of beliefs and withholds assent to any beliefs that could be called into …

Words 2398
Pages 9
Theories of Development

There are many branches of psychology. The field of human development is divided into five theory groups. The theory groups are Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Systems, Biological and Behavioral. Each theory group has many contributing theorists. Some theories overlap while others are independent. Often theories are credible …

Words 1667
Pages 7
Freud’s View on Religion

Freud maintained interests in the subjects of God and religion throughout his long career. Freud considered the practice of religion and religious rites to be some sort of neurological obsession. Taking the concept from Feuerbach, he also saw religious ideology as a projection of infantile …

Words 2228
Pages 9
Local Study About Social Networking

Correlative Assesment of Reality Television and Secondary Students Values Formation in STO The Problem and It’s Background The world today Is being controlled by the technology. With all the various types of new inventions and gadgets. People are slaves of all the product of the …

MetaphysicsMoralitySocial NetworkingSocial Studies
Words 2150
Pages 8
What is the right thing to do?

What is the right thing to do? -It means doing what is best for the more noteworthy or basic great. It means settling on choices that are not founded without anyone else individual needs, that don’t grow your notoriety, or uphold your own convictions. It’s …

Do the Right ThingExistentialismMetaphysics
Words 835
Pages 4
Modern Political Theory

Freedom, one of our most common and powerful concepts, is used (and misused) with extraordinarily little appreciation of its significance. Not only is freedom poorly understood, but we are falsely confident that we do understand it (Dudley 24). One of my main goals in this …

Words 2057
Pages 8
Is Children’s Development a Universal Staged Process or a Social and Cultural Process?

There are three main approaches to child development, the scientific, the social constructionist and the applied approach. Each of these approaches look at children’s development from a different stand point. I will go on to explore each approach in turn and how they can help …

Words 1502
Pages 6
Belief in Miracles: Mysterious Works of God

In aiming to discuss the possibility of the existence of miracles, it is important to define to some extent the meaning of what a miracle is. Some people view miracles as being extraordinary acts of an omnipotent God, who “unilaterally determines some creaturely states of …

Words 71
Pages 1
Viewing Mrs. Dalloway Through the Lens of “Modern Fiction”

In “Modern Fiction,” Virginia Woolf comments on the flaws of modernist writers such as Wells, Bennett, and Galsworthy.  Their narrow focus on the material and lack of affinity for the spiritual or realistic, is evidence enough that they have fallen short in the literary sense.  …

FictionMetaphysicsMrs DallowayNovel
Words 1595
Pages 6
Plato’s theory of Forms

Forms are defined as the objects or “things” we believe to see in which are not physically there, but in the form in which they are perceived. These Forms described in Plat’s theory are only intellectually comprehended not physically. To Plato, nothing that is physical …

Words 442
Pages 2
Motivation Analysis

Describe, compare and contrast one process and one content theory of motivation. Evaluate how appropriate they are for organisations today. Motivation is the desire or willingness of someone to do something. Craig C. Pinder (1998) defined work motivation as a “set of internal and external …

Words 2847
Pages 11
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Find extra essay topics on Essays on Metaphysics by our writers.

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality, the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity, and possibility.


Topics of metaphysical investigation include existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility. Metaphysics is considered one of the four main branches of philosophy, along with epistemology, logic, and ethics.


Metaphysical realism is the thesis that the objects, properties and relations the world contains, collectively: the structure of the world [Sider 2011], exists independently of our thoughts about it or our perceptions of it.

Metaphysics books

  • Metaphysics
  • Introduction to Metaphysics
  • Being and Time
  • Critique of Pure Reason
  • Meditations on First Philosophy

Frequently asked questions

What is metaphysical essay?
A metaphysical essay is a type of essay that explores the nature of reality, existence, and experience. Metaphysical essays are often characterized by their focus on abstract concepts and ideas. This type of essay often relies heavily on philosophical reasoning and argumentation to make its case.
How do you explain metaphysics?
In metaphysics, we try to understand the nature of reality. This includes asking questions about what exists, what it means for something to exist, and how we can know about reality. We also ask questions about the nature of time, space, and causation.
Why is metaphysics important in our life?
Metaphysics is important in our life because it helps us to understand the nature of reality. It also helps us to understand the relationship between mind and matter, and between our thoughts and the world around us.
What is metaphysics and its importance?
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of reality, including the nature of the mind, matter, and the universe as a whole. It is important because it helps us to understand the world around us and our place in it.

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