Today, global warming is one of the most discussed topics in the world. Moreover, the discussion came out of university audiences and became part of world politics.
On the eve of the World Meteorological Organization published a report on the state of climate in 2015-2019, which clearly demonstrates: countries are not fulfilling their obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change is happening much faster than scientists expected.
Temperature records break almost every year, ice melts faster (and somewhere glaciers disappear altogether), the level of the World Ocean and the acidity of water increase.
Some of the latest studies say that if we want to keep the Earth’s climate within the limits known in human history, we must leave almost all available fossil fuels in the bowels. If we do not act now, we can push the climate beyond instability when the situation gets out of our control.
A gradual increase in the total temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is usually associated with the greenhouse effect caused by an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants.
James Hansen, NASA’s leading climatologist and one of the first to warn of the greenhouse effect, set out to determine the limits of dangerous human intervention in the climate.
In 2008, his team came to the unexpected conclusion that the current level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere was already in the danger zone.
It will take a lot of time to prepare and write an essay, so you should choose a topic on which work will be interesting to you. When writing an essay, it is also important to understand who it is intended for. If you are in the classroom, your classmates and teacher will read the essay. Or maybe you are writing for a much wider audience. In any case, to build argumentation more effectively, you should consider your audience.Global warming is an extensive topic that can be viewed from different angles.
For example, you can choose one of the following topics:
So, you have all this information, what to do with it now? Do your research! Ideally, set aside a couple of days to study the sources, search for evidence.
Global warming is a fact-based scientific topic, therefore:
After choosing a topic, you need to start writing a paragraph that sets the tone for the entire essay and grabs the reader’s attention.
Place a short interesting phrase first. Then go from general to particular facts and formulate the main idea. Use numbers and statistics to confirm the problem you are considering.
The creative and original title will interest the reader and he will want to read your essay. A good headline gives the reader a concept of the article itself. Scientific articles often use headings consisting of two parts separated by a colon. Moreover, the first part is a spectacular statement that can attract the attention of the reader, and the second part clarifies and reveals this statement in more detail.
Each paragraph should consist of
Reliably justify your position, backed by references to serious scientific work. Refer to serious works written by experts in this field (for example, if your argumentative essay is devoted to the dangers of global warming, cite the work of a well-known environmental specialist) and published in refereed scientific journals. The works published in such publications are subject to preliminary verification (reviews).
Remember that on the Internet everyone can write anything without adhering to any requirements regarding the accuracy of the information presented, therefore, in scientific work it is not recommended to refer to blogs and non-specialized websites.
Writing a conclusion is your chance to create an impression in the reader’s memory and to make your audience think about the problem of global warming beyond reading your article.
Remember that it is important to complete your letter by summing up the main idea for your readers. This brings your letter to completion and creates a well-written piece of work.
What is global warming causes?
When we burn fossil fuels, mostly coal, oil and gas, to generate electricity or power our cars, we emit CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.
Plants and trees play an important role in climate regulation, since they in turn absorb carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen into it.
Animals, especially livestock, such as sheep and cattle, produce methane, which also has greenhouse gas.
How can we fight global warming?
What is the biggest contributor to global warming?
Electricity and heat production: The burning of coal, natural gas and oil to generate electricity and heat is the largest source of global greenhouse gas emissions.
What happens when humans burn fossil fuels?
When burning fossil fuels, they emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which, in turn, trap heat in our atmosphere, which makes them the main sources of global warming and climate change.
Global heating implies enhanced green house consequence, which entraps solar radiations, accordingly increasing the overall temperature of the Earth. The GHG creates a cover in the lower strata of the earth’s atmosphere and this phenomenon consequences chiefly from human activities. The mean planetary temperatures and …
Global climate change has been an issue for decades and so people are trying to stop it by going green and blaming carbon dioxide for the cause because there has been an increase of it. The truth is, it is not real. People get tricked …
Abstract What is global warming? Global warming is the heating of the earth. Global warming happens when greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane trap heat and light from the sun in the atmosphere. This is known as the greenhouse …
Situation Analysis Global warming, also known as the green house effect is a topic that has received much attention in recent years; yet our climate change is not a recent problem. It has been morphing over many years. What is increasing is the rate of …
The Great Global Warming Swindle (GGWS) is a controversial documentary on climate change by British television producer Martin Durkin1. It first aired on the BBCs channel 4 on March 8, 20072. This documentary argues against conventional scientific understanding of the degree and cause of recent, …
Today’s globe is suffering from the problems arising from global warming, atmosphere change and enormous environmental pollution. In many ways, issues like substantial industrialization, renovation and unplanned urbanization are treated as the key causes of these problems. It is said that because of this environmental …
Elizabeth Kolbert’s chapter 2 entitled “A Warmer Sky” in her book “Field Notes From A Catastrophe” is basically about the discovery of global warming and the developments in its awareness. It also shows relevant data about certain factors that affect global warming. (more…)
Global warming is not a new concept; we attribute this to “greenhouse gas” emissions. We see the effects of greenhouse gases on the environment as each year passes. It is assumed that the Earth will continue to warm as time goes on. Do we need …
Steven Weber believes that “evils of globalization are even more dangerous than ever before. ” In his article he describes what has gone wrong, gives reasons for the instability, and provides solutions. Article 51: How Globalization went Bad From Terrorism to Global Warming In the …
Memorandum This memo serves as an informative and analytical document discussing globalizations largest threat – global warming. I will address the following issues: • What is global warming and how is it being caused? • Who is contributing to its advancement? • The threats and …
Corporate Social Responsibility is the uninterrupted committedness by concern to act ethically and lend to economic development while still assisting the quality of life of their milieus such as the local community and the society. ( Mallen Baker, Business Respect, [ Online ] , Avaliable: …
Pollution Is not a simple problem that the world Is facing; actually pollution Is the reason behind the occurring of global warming. Global warming refers to the increase of temperature on the earth’s surface. For every action there is a cause and effect. Global warming …
Advantages there would be way more trees therefor more and cleaner oxygen and disadvantages paper and all products made from trees would not be the same if they wernt made out of trees. Advantages Gives us shelter from the hot and humid sun Holds the …
Manufactures and use of pesticides and fertilizers, fuel and oil for tractors, equipment, trucking and shipping, electricity for lighting, cooling and heating, and emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other green souse gases increases the impact up to between 25 and 30 percent …
The term global warming has been common in the fields of whether and climate. The term does not posses the literal meaning as such but simply implies change in climate. The change in climate is attributed to overall rise in average temperatures of the universe. …
Date: 17th March, 08 Name: Krishna Pandey En 151 Cause and Effect Essay “Global Warming” The Earth is getting more polluted day by day. With infrastructural development progressing at a rapid rate, some harmful chemicals that are produced from science and technological equipment are disposed …
1. What is global warming? Global warming is an increase in the overall temperature which is caused by too much carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. 2. Greenhouse gases The amount of carbon dioxide can increase or decrease the climate temperature. Each of these gases their …
There have been so many experiments scientists had done on, and from these experiments they observed an explosive number of information they would known. What if, one time, these intelligent people could have known an inconvenient truth; will you be able to believe them? Or …
Along a busy street, a bearded man looking like a prophet is ringing a medium-sized bronze bell in his right hand and holding a sign in his left hand which reads, “The end is near.” Is humanity to blame or is it just an environmental …
A image book is a book designed for kids which uses images and illustrations to state a narrative. In some instances, a image book may convey the significance of the narrative wholly through images, without any text at all. In other instances, text accompanies the …
In the universe we live in today, we are ever looking for a opportunity to indicate a finger and name person to fault. And recently they have told us that the incrimination rests to a great extent on our shoulders. However, this clip we are …
Brian John ENG 102 Vicki Besaw 15 April 2013 The green house effect is happening right now at this very moment! According to our text book in physical geography; human induced burning fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, oil and gasoline raises the level …
Africa is one of the most vulnerable parts in the universe to Global Warming. This exposure and the restrictions of hapless states to accommodate to Global Warming challenges were highlighted in Climate Change 2001, the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change …
Natural causes of global warming include the release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands, climate change, volcanoes etc. Methane, a greenhouse gas which traps the heat within the earth’s atmosphere, is let out in large quantities in the arctic tundra and wetlands. In …
Global Warming: From the findings of experts on Global Warming and Climatology, it can be concluded that Global Warming has a direct effect on our current global economy and the instability of the future. Introduction I. Background A. The study of Environmental Economics B. Economic …
Is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming? (more…)
Climate alteration ( Global Warming ) or upwind conditions change ( Climate Change ) is the planetary mean temperature addition of the consequence of planetary heating. Or at our well-known name in the Greenhouse Effect by planetary heating. Which is the cause of increased human …
Global warming is the worst challenge facing the world in the 21st century. Since the second half of the 20th century, there has been sudden increase in global temperature leading to global warming effect. Increased human activities and natural activities have contributed to increase global …
Global Warming: Who’s to Blame? It seems that a single week does not go by without hearing something about global warming. It has been all over the news for as long as I can remember. Because of this media bombardment, I would be surprised to …
Brittany Morico Period 2 Global Warming Global warming’s scientific definition is the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. …
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