Response Essays

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We've found 170 essays on Response
Examining Emergency Response at the State-Level in the United States

The occurrence of natural or human-made threat that causes severe damage, injury or loss of life or property calls of evacuation and emergency response that would help mitigate the impacts of the threats. In the state of Texas, the response to emergency events is the …

Words 667
Pages 3
Risk Response Strategy as a Solution to Different Levels of Risks

Risk response is the process of determining which actions to undertake to reduce the likelihood of a risk occurrence which happens to be a threat in achieving organizational strategic plans. It involves coming up with strategic options to increase opportunities and reduce threats. There are …

Risk Management
Words 462
Pages 2
A Study on the Relationship Between the Emotional Responses of Studentas and the Success of Students’ Revisions of the Feedback They Received

The author claims that FL university students show various emotional responses towards the corrective feedback they receive from their teachers, such as: “Acceptance of feedback, rejection of feedback, satisfaction, and feeling of happiness” and so on (Mahfoodh, 2017, pp.54). He also suggests that previous studies …

College ExperienceStudents
Words 497
Pages 2
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The Body’s Response To Stress And How Do We Deal With It

Introduction Stress is a psychological and physical response of the body that occurs whenever we must adapt to changing conditions. And a stressor is the stimulus that brings about the stress response. For example, if you are scared of flying, airports may be a stressor …

Words 1276
Pages 5
The legal response to domestic violence

Abstract This dissertation examines the legal response to domestic violence, which, over the years has been subject to a variety of different terminology ranging from ‘wife battering’ (Pizzey, 1974; Walker, 1979) to ‘intimate partner violence’. Paying particular attention to the police, up until the early …

Domestic ViolenceViolence
Words 8113
Pages 30
Regulatory Responses to Global Corporate Scandals

Introduction Corporate governance can be described to be a method of controlling the way in which corporate ions act, paying attention to their shareholders, stakeholders and governments. Recent corporate scandals following the aftermath of corporations such as Enron and WorldCom has influenced changes in the …

Essay ExamplesGovernance
Words 1209
Pages 5
Ambulance Response Programme In the North of England

Introduction For the purpose of this assignment I have chosen to analyse and review the fall’s pathway that is used by an ambulance service in the North of England. The aim of any care pathway is to enhance the quality of care by the improvement …

Words 2469
Pages 9
Humanitarian Response to Darfur Crisis

Introduction From time being, a massive violation and abuse of the fundamental human rights exists. In the most recent era, the advent of the last three decades experienced a shift of these violations from the trendy inter-state conflicts to all forms of internal threats. Conversely, …

BusinessEssay Examples
Words 3216
Pages 12
Coastline Systems Consulting Customer Response System

Coastline systems consulting Customer response system Introduction In this section you will learn background information that will prepare you to understand and complete each of the milestones of this case study. This information includes a history of the business, a description of the business’s current …

Words 1804
Pages 7
Blood pressure responses to exercise

Introduction Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by blood flow against the walls of the arteries as it transverses the body (Bakke et al., 2006). Systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure in the arteries during the contraction of the heart and …

Blood PressureExercise
Words 1055
Pages 4
Reader Response to They’Re Made Out of Meat.

Reader Resp”They’re Made Out of Meat”, written by Terry Bisson, is a breathtaking short story. The level of fluidity achieved by this unique author is unbelievable given the facts of the plot. The narrative, which consists entirely of dialogue between two characters, was written with …

Essay ExamplesNature
Words 545
Pages 2
Argument Response Against Dual Language Education

In English First the author is a huge proponent of English only education. Le urges the voting public who is reading the article to vote against installing bilingual education into the student course curriculum. Le dedicates almost the entire piece to focus on the potential …

Words 511
Pages 2
5 Ways to Win Followers and Customers With Your Responses to Instagram Comments

Time after time I see businesses not engaging in conversations on Instagram. I am not sure what it is about the platform, because this particular issue is not so widespread on other networks. Most companies respond to tweets. A vast majority of businesses can’t afford …

Words 816
Pages 3
Police and Law Enforcement Response

Checkpoint: Police and Law Enforcement Response A police officers role in society is to effectively enforce laws, arrest offenders when a crime has been committed, prevent crime to their best ability, preserve the peace whenever possible, and provide services to community citizens in their time …

CrimeJusticeLaw EnforcementPolice
Words 839
Pages 4
10 Brilliant Responses to the Customer Who Is ‘Just Looking’

Imagine you walk into a store and are interested in buying a gift for your spouse. A salesperson quickly approaches and you quickly, and mindlessly, respond, “I’m just looking,” and wave him off. Perhaps you want some more information, you might have a question or two, …

Words 588
Pages 3
Reading Response Abel’s Island

Chessman, this Is my reading response on Babel’s Island, It Is a Newbury Honor book by William Stein, a short, sweet, enjoyable story. This book have 117 pages, I love this book so much that I spend only one day to finish the whole book. …

Essay Examples
Words 581
Pages 3
Reader Responses

Real Relationships Fahrenheit 451 , written by Ray Bradbury, introduces many motifs to the reader. One of them being television. Television isn’t the problem, but the over-indulging was the thing that hurt the many relationships of this book. Having so much technology and instant satisfaction …

Essay ExamplesViolence
Words 517
Pages 2
The Marketing Response to Consumer Behaviour

This report is basically about the marketing approach of Marks and Spencer. Furthermore, it consists of the role played by market research, segmentation, targeting and positioning through the marketing of their product. The report basically highlights the marketers approach the consumer. The company gives an …

Consumer BehaviourMicroeconomics
Words 554
Pages 3
Playing The Enemy Response

Playing the Enemy After reading playing the enemy, I must say I was actually pretty Jealous of those fortunate enough to get to meet and leave an Impression on the great man Nelson Mandela. The story was truly Inspirational and after reading was very glad …

EnemiesMy Enemy
Words 886
Pages 4
The Car Industries Response Towards Climate Change Issues

Climate change is currently a very important issue. A large number of scientists and industry experts are of the opinion that, if the damage that humanity is causing to the earth’s environment goes on unchecked, there will be a drastic shift in the climate towards …

CarsClimate ChangeIndustries
Words 786
Pages 3
Interesting Passages Response from Things Fall Apart

“Clearly his personal god or chi was not made for great things. A man could not rise beyond the destiny of his chi. The saying of the elders was not true- that if a man said yea his chi also affirmed. Here was a man …

Essay ExamplesThings Fall Apart
Words 518
Pages 2
The Lottery: Litterary Response

The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson, is a compelling story about the human race and how it is affected by its surrounding traditions. When the 27th of June arrives, a village is overtaken by a two hour lottery, which includes the picking of stones, a black …

HypocrisySacrificeThe Lottery
Words 1492
Pages 6
The Yellow Wallpaper Reading Response

This is a fictional story, in classic form, has a plot, a setting, a cast of characters, and a point of view in which the story is told. The conflict of this story is the struggle of Jane against her husband and then later her …

Yellow Wallpaper
Words 762
Pages 3
The Online Response to the Big Debate Reveals Just How Influential Social Media Is

If it feels like this election cycle has been more heavily covered, discussed and heated than any previous election, you aren’t alone in your sentiments. While the personalities involved in the election — and the fact that there is no incumbent running for reelection — certainly have …

DebateSocial Media
Words 1058
Pages 4
Creative Response: Clueless

I could tell Tai’s grieving period would be considerable, unless I found someone to take Elton’s place right away. The next day in class a new guy named Christian came into my class and he was hot. Okay, okay I know I said I would …

Words 1370
Pages 5
Great Gatsby Empathic Response

Empathic Response You are Tom at the moment you recognize the attraction between Daisy and Gatsby. What are your thoughts? That is absolutely preposterous! I cannot believe this; especially after all I have done for her! All of the money spent on her, the dinners …

The Great Gatsby
Words 273
Pages 1
A rose for emily AP response

Prancer Town gossip is some of the Juiciest and most important news in a small community, it’s like an invisible hand that gradually shifts public opinions, and usually becomes a unanimous view of the town. William Faulkner creatively uses first person communal view in his …

A Rose for EmilyFiction
Words 643
Pages 3
Responses to 101 Questions on Business Ethics

Business ethics is one of the most important concepts that an entrepreneur, manager, employees and other stakeholders should consider. It can be said that in order to have a morally and rightful business conducts, the management of the company and other people on it should …

Business EthicsReputationTheology
Words 619
Pages 3
Response to Young workers lack work ethic

Hi, I am responding to Helen’s letter in the Your Views section on Sept. 8th. Most companies are still stuck with the traditional approach in hiring people – giving too much weight on talent and little emphasis on attitude. Herein lies the potential problem and …

WorkWork Ethic
Words 488
Pages 2
Response to Client Request

Lease Type and Lease Structure This memo includes research on leases and lease structure. Through intensive research on the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), three sub-types of leases were found for lessors to account for the leases. The three sub-types are direct financing, sales-type, and …

AccountingEssay ExamplesMoney
Words 1046
Pages 4

What is a Response Essay?

A response essay, also known as a reaction essay, is a type of academic writing in which the writer offers their personal response or reaction to a particular piece of literature, film, artwork, or event. The essay is designed to encourage students to engage with and reflect upon a specific work, and to analyze their emotional and intellectual response to it.

A response essay typically begins with an introduction in which the writer provides a brief summary of the work they are responding to, and presents their thesis statement or main argument. The body of the essay contains specific examples and evidence from the work that support the writer's thesis, as well as their personal observations and reflections. The writer may also use outside sources to support their analysis and response.

In a response essay, the writer should also address any potential counterarguments or objections to their thesis, and offer a conclusion that summarizes their main points and reiterates their overall response to the work.

Response essays can be assigned in a variety of academic settings, from high school to graduate school. They are often used in literature or film courses, as well as in courses that explore social and political issues.

Response Essays Types

How Do You Write a Response Essay?

Here are the steps to follow when writing a response essay:

  1. Read the text carefully: The first step is to read the text several times to understand its main ideas, themes, and arguments. Take notes while reading and highlight important passages.

  2. Analyze the text: Analyze the text by considering the author's purpose, intended audience, tone, and style. Identify the author's main argument or thesis and evaluate how effectively they have supported it.

  3. Develop a thesis statement: Develop a thesis statement that clearly states your response or reaction to the text. Your thesis should summarize your main points and take a clear position on the author's argument.

  4. Write the body of the essay: In the body paragraphs, provide evidence from the text to support your response. Use specific examples and quotes to illustrate your points.

  5. Write the introduction: In the introduction, provide some background information on the text and the author. Introduce your thesis statement and briefly outline the main points you will be discussing in the essay.

  6. Write the conclusion: In the conclusion, summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a different way. End with a final thought or recommendation for further study.

  7. Edit and proofread: Before submitting your essay, make sure to edit and proofread it carefully. Check for errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Overall, writing a response essay requires a critical reading and analysis of the text, a clear and well-organized thesis statement, and specific evidence to support your arguments.

Response Essay Outline

The goal of a response essay is to evaluate the effectiveness of the work in conveying its message and to provide your own analysis and opinion on the work.

A basic outline for a response essay includes the following elements:

I. Introduction

  • Introduce the work you are responding to
  • Provide background information about the author, creator, or genre
  • Thesis statement outlining your main argument or response

II. Summary

  • Briefly summarize the work, focusing on the main points and themes

III. Analysis

  • Analyze the work, discussing its strengths and weaknesses
  • Provide examples and evidence to support your analysis
  • Use critical thinking to evaluate the work

IV. Response

  • Provide your own response to the work, discussing your personal reactions and opinions
  • Discuss how the work affected you or changed your perspective
  • Use evidence and examples to support your response

V. Conclusion

  • Summarize your main points
  • Restate your thesis statement
  • Provide a final thought or recommendation

By following this basic outline, you can effectively organize your thoughts and ideas for a response essay. Remember to focus on providing a clear and concise response while also supporting your analysis and opinions with evidence and examples from the work.

Popular Topics For a Response Essays

Response essays can cover a wide range of topics, and can be written on various texts, including books, articles, speeches, films, and artwork. Some popular topics for response essays include:

  1. Literary works: analyzing and responding to various literary works such as novels, poems, and plays.

  2. Social issues: discussing social issues such as racism, sexism, poverty, and inequality, and analyzing how they are portrayed in different texts.

  3. Historical events: exploring historical events and analyzing the impact they have on contemporary society.

  4. Political speeches: analyzing political speeches and discussing the impact they have on society.

  5. Artistic works: analyzing and responding to different artistic works such as paintings, sculptures, and photographs.

  6. Scientific discoveries: exploring scientific discoveries and analyzing the impact they have on society.

  7. Cultural traditions: discussing and analyzing different cultural traditions and how they shape society.

  8. Personal experiences: sharing personal experiences and analyzing how they have shaped one's perspective on certain issues.

  9. Environmental issues: discussing environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation, and analyzing their impact on society.

  10. Educational practices: analyzing and discussing educational practices and their effectiveness in preparing individuals for the future.

Frequently asked questions

What are 5 key features needed in a response essay?
What are 5 key features needed in a response essay?Summarizing.Paraphrasing and Quoting.Organization.Transitions.Argumentation Can Be Introduced.
What is a response example?
The definition of response is a reaction after something is done. An example of response is how someone reacts to an ink blot on a card.
How do you start a response paragraph?
3:094:37How to Write a Reading Response Paragraph - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd I bring in my evidence to support this. Here. I explain what the evidence actually tells. MeMoreAnd I bring in my evidence to support this. Here. I explain what the evidence actually tells. Me here I explore a second interpretation of the evidence. And talk about another thing that it suggests.YouTube · Mr WatsonHow to Write a Reading Response Paragraph
What do you talk about in a response essay?
Admissions officers look for students whose essays reveal their character and perspective through their real experiences, not contrived situations. Admissions officers say most essays they read are safe, generic and do nothing to make them remember or want to advocate for the students who wrote them.
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