Developing A Model Airbag

Category: Chemistry, Experiment, Gas
Last Updated: 11 Jul 2021
Pages: 2 Views: 262

The reaction in Trial 2 most likely went to completion because there was an extreme increase in the amount of CA gas produced and in our observations, we did not notice any reactants that had not undergone a chemical change. The more effective design of the model played a significant role in the large production of CA gas; because Model 1 exceeded the mass limit, we used materials with smaller masses when we developed Model 2.

Instead of the plastic weighing oat, we used the other plastic bags and also used less tape to attach It to the inside of our bag. In our previous trial, we noticed that acetic acid was leaking through the barrier. In order to generate a more efficient separation mechanism, we placed the sodium bicarbonate in the pocket instead of the acetic acid. The higher walls of the pocket used in Model 2 also served to prevent any of the sodium bicarbonate from falling out during transportation.

However, like in Trial 1/Model 1, a possible source of error may be found in Our measurements: it was difficult to accurately measure the volume of the acetic acid and to measure the height of our airbag after the substances inside had reacted after the "crash. " In order to improve our experiment, it would be suitable if the trials were performed in a controlled environment at STOP to rule out any external atmospheric factors.

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If we had also employed more accurate methods of measurement, such as using a 5 ml graduated cylinder instead of a 10 ml graduated cylinder to measure the acetic acid, we may have been able to obtain a more completed reaction. The method used to measure the dimensions and volume of the bag was a little unreliable because there was too great a chance of human error. A laboratory device, possibly electric, specifically designed to measure volume could have eliminated any discrepancies in our measurements and calculations.

Model 2 would be the most appropriate design for inflating airbags. It also included the most effective system of keeping the reactants separate but allowing them to quickly deploy when it was time to perform the trial. The high walls of the pocket were suitable for preventing the Enhance from pilling during the building or transfer of the model. The design was also lighter in mass and more compact in size.

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Developing A Model Airbag. (2018, May 22). Retrieved from

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