Business & Human resource

Category: Human
Last Updated: 26 Jan 2021
Essay type: Process
Pages: 4 Views: 146

In today’s competitive world, where there is increased competition in the industry. Human resource management and recruitment has proven to be the most effective tool that provides with a competitive advantage, which cannot be matched or countered by any other competitor. Human resource of any company is the key to success and its sustainable development in the coming years. Therefore it is essential for all the corporations to take into account the immense power of their human resource and to make genuine efforts in order to retain them. For that the main area to be targeted is motivation.

In that case it is necessary to evaluate the psyche of all the employees. Motivation is the driving force that makes a person achieves the desired goals in an affective manner. In the past years a lot of research work has been done on the topic of motivation. Because only if a person is willing to perform any task, he will be motivated to do it. As depicted by the saying that one can take his horse to the water but cannot force him to drink it unless he wants to. Such is the phenomenon of motivation. Motivation has a very prominent role in the field of business. As all humans are complex beings. All of them have different requirements.

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It is extremely important for the firm to set up such an environment that promotes the talent of the employees and utilize their potential in an efficient manner. In order to keep the employees intact and promote an organizational culture which is healthy. It is required that the leadership carefully works on job design. Job design is the process in which different elements are join together to form a job in which individual as well as organizational requirements are kept in mind . While designing a job description it is very important that they company is aware of and concentrates on the fact that what they want to achieve.

If the employees are aware of their job description and are provided with the right resources and culture, the company is able to achieve its goals. And also maintains the standards at the same time. In such a situation employees are motivated to put in their best and to take their work to further level of excellence. Motivation is one factor that is extremely difficult to attain. But on the other hand those firms that have been successful in motivating their employees have also earned value addition form their talented and skillful employees.

Most of these researches of motivation in management have been derived from the discipline of psychology. Since psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. These theories have proved to be very effective in use in all the fields of management. A few of these theories related to motivation are described bellow. Abraham Maslow was a famous psychologist and was also known as the father of modern management. He in his article “A Theory of Human Motivation” formulated a framework of human motivation and drives on the basis of their needs... The table below depicts the hierarchy of these human needs in order.

1) Psychological needs: they are recognized as the primary needs of every individual that are essential to be fulfilled. They are required for survival. They comprise of necessities like food, shelter, sleep, water etc. 2) Safety Needs: as soon as the psychological needs are met, ones attention is diverted towards fulfilling the security needs. Every person has some insecurities may it be physical or emotional. According to Maslow until and unless these needs are addressed and resolved a person would feel threatened and would not climb up any further on the pyramid.

3) Social Needs: this is the first level of higher level of needs. It involves the interaction and relationship with a society, family or social group. 4) Esteem Needs: esteem needs include self-respect, self worth, recognition and achievement. 5) Self-Actualization needs: realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences Maslow’s ideas regarding the hierarchy of needs provides information about workplace environment that encourages and enables employees to attain their potential that is self actualization.

Managers can use these to encourage personal growth and development. Douglas McGregor’s Theory X and Y were a basis of development of positive management styles and techniques. And prove to be helpful in development of organizational development and culture within the organization. It clearly defines two different methods of management control. One is the classic and conventional authoritative management style and the other is the modern a participative style. Companies’ can chose either of them but theory Y or the participative style has been more effective in motivating the workforce

Because these theories help us understand the psyche of human mind which in turn can be helpful in developing the job description. And if the job design would be good enough than this would motivate employees to work harder and bring in innovation. In this world where nothing is stagnant and environment changes, such steps are all effective in helping a company cope with these changes and to conquer new market with fresh ideas. All these theories are a guiding force to manage employees and their talent. Motivation is essential at all levels.

It is a complex combination of several factors. Motivation leads to efficiency, profits and loyalty. It can make the impossible possible. Employees need to feel respected and valued in the company. This gives them a sense of belonging. Adopting sensible job designs for the workforce can only bring about this change. It is the responsibility of the leadership to make such job descriptions that help utilize the potentials. Theory Y shows that management styles empower and have a significant impact on workforce motivation.

Works Cited Abraham Maslow. (n. d. ). Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. November 14, 2008. Retrieved from: < http://www. abraham-maslow. com/m_motivation/Hierarchy_of_Needs. asp> Businessballs. com. (n. d. ). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. November 14, 2008. Retrieved from: < http://www. businessballs. com/maslow. htm> Job Access. (n. d. ). Job description and design. November 14, 2008. Retrieved from: <http://www. jobaccess. gov. au/JOAC/Employers/Recruiting_new_staff/The_recruitment_process/Job_description_and_desig. htm>

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Business & Human resource. (2016, Jul 29). Retrieved from

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