Business Environment essay example
|Edexcel BTEC HNC/HND Business Management | |Unit Title: |Unit 1 |Date Issued | |Business Environment | |Week beginning 11/02/13 | |Student Name |Student ID |Due Date – 03/06/13 | |Lecturers Name: Ibrahim kevin, Sujata, & |Internal Verifier Name | |Issac |Mr.
M. Azam | Rules and regulations: |Plagiarism is presenting somebody else’s work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without | |referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework from| |another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt | |with according to the procedures set down by the College.
Please see your student handbook for further details of what is / isn’t plagiarism. | Coursework Regulations 1. Submission of coursework must be undertaken according to the relevant procedure – whether online or paper-based. Lecturers will give information as to which procedure must be followed, and details of submission procedures and penalty fees can be obtained from Academic Administration or the general student handbook. 2. All coursework must be submitted to the e-learning system –stponline. co. uk. Under no circumstances can other College staff accept them.
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Please check the Academic Admin Office opening hours. 3. Late coursework will be accepted by Academic Admin Office and marked according to the guidelines given in your Student Handbook for this year. 4. If you need an extension (even for one day) for a valid reason, you must request one. Collect a coursework extension request form from the Academic Admin Office. Then take the form to your lecturer, along with evidence to back up your request. The completed form must be accompanied by evidence such as a medical certificate in the event of you being sick.
The completed form must then be returned to Academic Admin for processing. This is the only way to get an extension. 5. General guidelines for submission of coursework: a) All work must be word-processed and must be of “good” standard. b) Document margins shall not be more than 2. 5cm or less than 1. 5cm c) Font size in the range of 11 to 14 points distributed to including headings and body text. Preferred typeface to be of a common standard such as Arial or Times New Roman for the main text. ) Any computer files generated such as program code (software), graphic files that form part of the course work must be submitted either online with the documentation or on a CD for paper submissions. e) The copy of the course work submitted may not be returned to you after marking and you are advised to have your personal copy for your reference. f) All work completed, including any software constructed may not be used for any purpose other than the purpose of intended study without prior written permission from St Patrick’s International College. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Outcomes |Assessment requirements | |LO1 Understand the |1. 1 identify the purposes of different types of organisation | |organisational purposes of |1. 2 describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders | |businesses |1. 3 explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them | |LO2 Understand the nature of the |2. explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively | |national environment in |2. 2 assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities | |which businesses operate |2. 3 evaluate the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected| | |organisation | |LO3 Understand the behaviour of |3. explain how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses | |organisations in their market |3. 2 illustrate the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples | |environment |3. 3 judge how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation | |LO4 Be able to assess the |4. 1 discuss the significance of international trade to UK business organisations | |significance of the global factors that shape |4. analyse the impact of global factors on UK business organisations | |national business activities |4. 3 evaluate the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organisations. | Summary of assessment Plan |The Learning Outcomes (LO) are covered in one assignment/coursework divided into four closely linked scenarios reflecting the relevant Assessment | |Criteria (A. C). See Evaluation Sheet below for LO and A. C | |LO |A.
C |Assessment |Issue date | Formative Due date | | | |Methods | | | | LO1 |1. 1,1. 2 & 1. 3 |Individual report | Teaching Week 2 | Teaching week 4 | |LO2 |2. 1,2. 2, & 2. 3 |Individual report |Teaching Week 2 |Teaching week 7 | |LO3 |3. ,3. 2, & 3. 3 |Individual report |Teaching Week 2 |Teaching week 10 | |LO4 |4. 1,4. 2 & 4. 3 |Individual report |Teaching Week 2 |Teaching week 14 | |Final Submission |Week Beginning 03/06/13 | GRADE DESCRIPTORS |Merit descriptors |Indicative characteristics |Contextualised Indicative |Check (/? | | |characteristics | | |M1 | | | | | | |Identify and apply |effective judgments have been made | | | | |strategies to find |complex problems with more than one variable have been explored | | | | |appropriate |an effective approach to study and research has been applied | | | | |solutions | | | | |M2 |Select/design and |relevant theories and techniques have been applied | | | | |apply appropriate |a range of methods and techniques have been applied | | | | |methods/ techniques |a range of sources of information has been used | | | | | |the selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified | | | | | |the design of methods/techniques has been justified | | | | | |complex information/data has been synthesised and processed | | | | | |appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied | | |M3 |Present and |the appropriate structure and approach has been used | | | | |communicate |coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended | | | | |appropriate findings|audience | | | | | |a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical | | | | | |language has been accurately used | | | | | |communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts | | | | | |the communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences | | | | | |and appropriate media have been used | | | Distinction Descriptors |Indicative characteristics |Contextualised Indicative |( | | | |characteristics | | |D1 |Use critical reflection |conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have | | | | |to evaluate own work and|been justified | | | | |justify valid |the validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria | | | | |conclusions |self-criticism of approach has taken place | | | | | |realistic improvements have been proposed against defined | | | | | |characteristics for success | | |D2 |Take responsibility for |autonomy/independence has been demonstrated | | | | |managing and organising |substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, | | | | |activities |managed and organised | | | | | |activities have been managed | | | | | |the unforeseen has been accommodated | | | | | |the importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved | | | |D3 |Demonstrate convergent/ |ideas have been generated and decisions taken | | | | |lateral/creative |self-evaluation has taken place | | | | |thinking |convergent and lateral thinking have been applied | | | | | |problems have been solved | | | | | |innovation and creative thought have been applied | | | | | |receptiveness to new ideas is evident | | | | | |effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts | | | Assignment Brief Questions Instructions: Answer all the tasks of the each Learning Outcome Scenario: Select an organisation operating in the UK that you have access to and from which you can obtain information, and carry out the following tasks by thoroughly analysing the Business Environment in which the company operates. LO1: Understand the organisational purposes of businesses. . 1a: Provide a brief background of that organisation. This should include a description of its mission, vision, short- and long-term objectives, type of sector it belongs (private or public sector). Discuss how this organisation has been impacted by changes in its industry. In this part, focus on the constraints within which the organisation has to operate in its sector. Provide evidence and reference the sources. 1. 1b: Compare the purpose of your chosen organisation to another that operates in a different sector 1. 2: Identify the key stakeholders of your chosen organisation? Identify their interests in and influence on the organisation.
How do they impact the organisation? Using the Stakeholder Analysis matrix, plot where, in your opinion, each stakeholder might stand based on your research and analysis. Make sure your analysis is based on evidence and research and do NOT guess or make wild assumptions. 1. 3: Explain the organisation’s responsibilities to its stakeholders and identify the strategies its adopts to meeting their needs and expectations LO2: Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate. 2. 1: What specific benefits and constraints that your organisation might face operating in a different economic system (i. e. in free and command economic systems)?
Look at specific political, economic and social aspects such as government interference, population, labour force, market growth, exchange rates, trading partners, consumer tastes and preferences the organisation etc. 2. 2: Using the concept of Aggregate Money Demand (AMD = C+I+G+X-M) or otherwise, explain with reasons, what might happen to business activity in general and to your organisation specifically, if the following happened: i. A general fall in the level of income tax? ii. A rise in the value of the pound? iii. A fall in interest rates? iv. A large increase in unemployment? v. A large increase in the level of Government expenditure? 2. 3: Discuss how government-related regulations including competition policy impacting you organisation. LO3: Understand the behaviour of organisations in their market environment. 3. : Explain how the various market structures determine the price and outputs decisions of businesses in the market environment of your organisation. Explain with reasons what market structure that your organisation might be classified. 3. 2: Illustrate, with examples, how the market forces of demand and supply influence business decisions and activities of your organisation regarding the products offered and their prices 3. 3: Briefly describe how the social, cultural and competitive environment has affected your organisation as a whole. LO4: Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities. 4. 1& 4. 2: Discuss future market opportunities and threats facing your chosen organisation.
Consider in what ways the role of World Trade Organisation (WTO), emerging markets (BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China) and protectionist tendencies of national governments may impact your organisation in the next 10 years or so. 4. 3: Analyse the benefits and constraints of policies of the European Union on your organisation Preparing your assignment Your assignment must strike a balance between theory and practice. Your work must avoid bland description of what is already stated in the case study; description should be limited to what is absolutely necessary to emphasise a point of view or make your analysis clear. Similarly, you should not simply describe theories in your assignment with no practical application of them.
You should show due diligence in writing your assignment to ensure that it reflects the highest standard of presentation. Other key considerations • Your assignment must include a cover page with title, student name and number, student contact details (email & mobile phone number), date, word count, and contents page with page numbers. • The Introduction in your assignment should cover the background, the issues and the aim of the investigation. • Your assignment must use good quality sources (academic material or credible news sources, up to date and relevant to the topic) and correctly referenced using the Harvard system. General guidelines • The assignment must be neatly typed using Font Size-12, Ariel or Times New Roman. Your assignment must word processed on A4 paper, single sided and double line spaced. • Both right hand and left hand margin must be suitably spaced. • Your written work can be above or below the 10% range of the word limit which is 3,000 words. If your work exceeds the recommended maximum guidelines, then your work will be penalised. • An electronic copy of the assignment must be submitted on Moodle by the due date. • Plagiarism, spelling and grammatical errors are unacceptable. Marking criteria The assignment will be assessed for its overall quality, with the emphasis being upon how components fit together and the suitability of the work for Undergraduate level of research.
The quality of the work will be assessed using the following marking criteria. |Distinction |Excellent in every way. Knowledgeable, incisively analytical, conceptually sound, widely-researched and | | |well-structured. Displays a critical and sophisticated understanding of ideas, debates, methodologies and | | |principles. Comprehensively cited and referenced. A degree of flair apparent in the work. | |Merit |Very good, well-researched, solid. Addresses question. Sensibly structured and well presented. Evidence of analysis,| | |reasoning and evaluation.
May have some errors in emphasis but not in fact, and may be limited in terms of | | |supporting material and breadth of coverage. Appropriately cited and referenced. | |Pass |Pass. Descriptive narrative. May be partly irrelevant. Indiscriminate. Lacks structure. Could be more direct and | | |explicit. Little independent research evident. Short bibliography. In some areas, there is evidence of confusion and| | |irrelevance of information. Written content heavily based on lecture notes, but a minimum of understanding to | | |justify a pass. | ----------------------- Assignment Brief - General ----------------------- Business Environment - Assignment
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