Bullying and Individual Person

Last Updated: 28 May 2020
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Argumentative Essay on Bullying Bullying is a constant problem in schools today. It starts off with annoying comments, but esculates up to more severe matters. A lot of us have seen it happen, and a lot of us know how it feels. No one likes being bullied. People look at it as ignorant kids,but bullies are truly criminals,stealing other human-beings self-esteem and at times people end their lives. First of all, bullying is a crime, because of the serious effects and impact it can have on a individual person.

And once a person has been robbed of their self-esteem they can suffer from mental and physical problems, drop out of school and mabey even comiit suicide. Many people today can still recall them humiliating days at the hands of their class bully, mainly because bullies usually don’t operate alone. They usually sycophantic the person which means(making their victims attempt to win them over or be a personal flunky so they would stop bullying them.

Bullies are everywhere in small communities, big communities,parks,mall,streets,but most of all bullies are found at school. Bullies gain control over other kids by physical attacks, punching,kicking and choking for instance. Another form of control is emotional attacks like insults,name calling,spreading rumors and threats. Social attacks are a form of bullying that singlr out kids in of groups of others. The horrible events can start for many reasons including jelousy,gender bias or rasicm;it isn’t right.

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They terrorize and and harass their victims, ripping apart their self-esteem and attacking their insecurities until the unthinkable happen; violence or even tragic. People often think that bullies don’t see the effects of their actions, or that they don’t understand what they are doing to others. The thing is, bullies don’t understand what they are doing. Whether the bullies are kids are adults, they know its wrong. Bullying someone is abuse. What are we to do, send half of Americans to jail?

Half of American kids wont end up in jail because they have other alternatives. For instance, bullies could be required to do community service,thearopy, or be shown a prison to show them what they future could be. In addition, parents, schools, and kids need to work together. The problems wont resolve on their own. We need to look at the facts of each situation and take the right hand to solve the problems right. We need to stand up to bullies and not them rip us out our self-esteem.

Bullies must face some kind of consequence for all the tortur they did. What I would do is take them to Louisiana state prison and let them see what a real bully life is like. When I interviewed a student who got bullied a few times, he said he really didn’t care what happen to the bully, he just wished he wasn’t born. That’s the type of ways some bully victims feel, which is bad. So we got to stop this. I think one good trip to Louisiana state prison would be rally good for each bully we catch. It would show them what a real bully is.

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Bullying and Individual Person. (2017, Jun 10). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/bullying-and-individual-person/

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