Biased Justice

Category: Crime, Justice
Last Updated: 12 Mar 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 169

Biased Justice I remember this quote, "Equal Justice under law Is not Just a caption on the fade of the supreme court building. It is fundamental that Justice should be the same, In substance and availability, without regard to economic status, by Justice Lewis Powell Jar," when I read the cases of Del Gonzalez and Ethan couch. On the light of above quote and the two cases (incidents that would be further discuss more) I would like to discuss the effects of rich power on the justice and how bad upbringing of the children affects the society. And not only society also the future of the younger enervation.

As only the rich are able to escape the sentence to life in prison but the rest of them are leading their whole life in prison. So in the essay the discussion will continue with, sentence to life in prison should that be given or not. Justice being biased is a very bad thing. This will give a very bad impact both on the Justice and also on the ones who will be facing the punishments. The ones committed the crime or even a part of that crime will be facing the prison and the ones who committed the crime and they are also rich will be left free and enjoying all the benefits of life. Everyone should be equally punished.

The law which Is going to Judge what Is right and what Is wrong will It self be biased how can we have trust on the courts that It will provide us fair justice. According the article in the Los Angels Times on January 13, 2014 titled "Growing up in prison", the two important people in the context: Del Gonzalez and Ethan Couch, whose lives changed drastically based on a judgment. I believe in the saying, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere, by Martin", and hence when I relate it this to our topic, Ethan Couch by eying the Justice into his hands, has brought injustice to all the four people he killed.

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He should actually be punished as per the law as he was drunk also when he committed that crime. Drunk and drive is itself a dangerous act and on top of that he was responsible for the death of four people. This Is not a small issue for the law to Just let him set free for the sake of some money. When we just compare these two case that Is the Del Gonzalez and Ethan Couch cases I strongly feel that Ethan couch should be sentenced to life in prison rather than Del Gonzalez as he did not do any hooting, he was just a member in that group, but he was convicted of murder and was sentenced to life.

Just that Ethan couch parents were rich enough they could save him from that prison life. As Del Gonzalez was not rich enough he was facing prison from the age of sixteen. It's not the problem that Gonzalez was not rich enough it's that law is wrong at its state. Law is the only thing which will decide the right and wrong in the whole world and provide Justice to everyone and create some fear while doing the wrong things. This will also help the society walking in the right oath. But If the law Itself Is going in the wrong track from whom can we get Justice.

How can we stop people In doing bad things? If the law Is so week then there will be lots of Injustice to lot many people around as everyone will not be so rich to buy the law. I always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict Justice, which would have been true in case of Del Gonzalez, if he was released on parole. We can lead to a very dangerous mind set of the ones in the prison. They will develop a negative attitude as they might have a feeling that they wouldn't have done such a gig crime to spend their whole life in the prison.

And they will know that few people even though they have committed bigger crimes are enjoying their life outside the prison. This thought will make the ones facing the prison more worst as it's a complete injustice. They will be a prisoner again rather than turning into a nicer person. In context, to effects of rich power on the Justice, I would like to rather comment on upbringing of young individuals, "Everything depends on upbringing", by Leo Tolstoy (war and peace). We need to keep reminding ourselves hat some people are Just raised differently.

They are set free, no limits and they actually don't care of anything. Parents should try to understand one thing and also help their children in understanding the same thing that is there are few limits to do few thing and these limits are set for their safety and also for the safety of the others. We can clearly analyses that from the above case itself, Ethan couch wouldn't be in such situation if he was restricted strictly not to drink and drive. As he was never stopped by his parents he ended up killing four people when he was drunk.

The situation would be much better if their parents would have warned him for drunk and drive instead of buying his sentence and doing injustice to the once who are facing the prison. Parents are also giving wrong morals that whatever mistake you do we are here to buy the consequences of it. This is a very bad moral they are giving their children instead of setting them on to the right path. That is absolutely fine if the parent's couldn't provide a sound educational when they have a good upbringing. Hence, even Ethan Couch's parents should also be convicted for their son's crime, as hey didn't set limits on him.

I don't think by Just giving 10 years' probation, Couch got his complete punishment, and also he was given alcohol treatment facility. If that was the case for Couch, why was Gonzalez given Justice in respect to his role in murder and also he should have been sent to a centre for behavioral change. I strongly oppose with the Justice given to Gonzalez, it should be given by considering his role, his age and his future. Giving sentenced to life in prison for a sixteen year kid is not advisable according to my opinion. Especially in Gonzalez case he was Just a member n that group who shot the driver.

Gonzalez dint even shoot the driver but he was sentenced to life without any chance of parole. This decision of court will badly impact the future of the kid. He should at least be given a chance to rectify his mistake or sent to some counseling centers. As it's not a small thing for a sixteen year old kid to spend his rest of his life in prison where his age group people will be happily enjoying the life outside the prison. In depth, the use of power must always be accompanied by moral choice, instead of supporting the wealthier side. In case of

Ethan Couch, it would have been better if his parents bequeath to him not riches, but the spirit of reverence to Justice. If Ethan Couch can be released, by introducing term "affluence", which is his own issue, then I feel even Del Gonzalez should also be given a chance, when he was trying to lead an upright life, by overcoming all his evil deeds and also being guilty of his previous acts. In fact, every child who commits a crime deserves it. When we observe the Del Gonzalez case carefully, he was thoroughly drunk when he and two adult co-defendants attempted to steal a car, role and sentenced to life without parole.

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Biased Justice. (2018, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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