Apple Marketing Project

Category: Advertising, Iphone
Last Updated: 09 Jul 2021
Pages: 10 Views: 374

The impact of Apple products in the electronic business market and what makes them more superior from their competitors? The role of marketing management to target the consumers, critically analyse? Introduction: To begin with, the investigation will be made in this research to know about the product which produced from Apple in e- business market and how well they create an environment to make their products more superior from their competing rivalries. The reason behind selecting this company is because the way they produced or manufactured their products goes beyond the expectation of their consumers and most of their consumer gets satisfied with the advance features of the product. The important role of marketing management to grab the attention of their consumers, in this research the attempt will be made to talk in depth about the selected company. Apple has an impact on their consumers and that makes them superior and they have managed to attract the consumers with their products even when they are most expensive ones.

How marketing management have made the strategies to build a success full platform in the market, for instance this research will attempt to know about the inferior part of apple which makes them superior with their products. What their focus on selecting such parts to build a product and do they select the inferior part with their past experience of customers reaction on their product and how does they manage to keep changing with their models of their product and produce some advance features with every different product. Creative innovative marketing describes how some leading companies approach innovation. Firms develop strategy by identifying and selecting among different views of the future” (P. Kotler, et al, 2009). Being creative with the products is mostly accepted in any form of market, as apple does with their every new product and this could be the reason for their success in business market and marketing management will play a pivotal role to know the needs and desires of consumers and apple does it with their every new product launch. Marketing management makes the strategies of the product by concerning its future value. It is very important to know about the future of the product as we have seen the strategy of apple i-phone which started as 3g and then 3gs and goes till 4’s. The strategies they make to sell their product i-phone by producing advance models one after another, the i-phone 3g and 3gs has got the same design but 3gs comes with the advance features and their version of 4g which comes with different design and extra features has break the record in their sale of i-phone.It can be understand through this process of invention in every single model is creative and their marketing management has done some fair job to attract their customers. Furthermore, the research will comes with the detailed information about their products which makes them superior and it will follow with the problems and success in their marketing management. To support this arguments evidence will provided from the great scholars of marketing researchers and marketing management.

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Consumers in present scenario are much found of electronic products, mobile phones and computers are necessities of human life. Apple has been very impressive with the advance technology and fast performance, consumer always look for those products which allow them to access their needs in every needful movement. Producing some extraordinary products containing with inferior feature devices has made apple’s product more superior in the competing market. “At the heart of great brand is a great product. Product is a key element in the market offering. Market leaders generally offer products and services of superior quality that provide unsurpassed customer value”(k. l. keller, et al, 2009). This definition implies on the formation of apple products, thus it says the value of great brand becomes a great product and the value of brand becomes great when it satisfy the needs of consumer’s. It is the fact the product is the main feature in marketing proposals, marketing management of apple has always offers the superior quality products which makes them better and greater in customer value.Though they have been well maintained their relationship with their consumer, apple has seen some issues with their products in consumer circle after the release of those product in which the consumer find some problems such as antenna performance in apple i-phone

Performance quality

“Most of the products are established at one of four performance levels: low, average, high, or superior. Performance quality is the level at which the products primary characteristics operate. Quality is becoming an increasingly important dimension for differentiation as companies adopt a value model and provide higher quality for less money” (p. otler, et al, 2009). Apple has established their products in high and superior levels and their quality performance has been operated in the high level of products. The quality of apple products has been differentiated with their every single model production; their manufacturer has made the design to match up to the needs of consumers and to competing the performance level. This strategy of apple has seen in i-phone models, macbook and I-pads. Their competitors try to follow the design which apple has but they can’t produce those features which apple has in their products.That’s made them more superior with their products and creates some competitive advantages to their competing rivalries in the business market.

The strategies apple apply to every single model of their products has been green signalled by many marketing scholars. The role of marketing management to manage the superior quality performance from time to time i. e. marketing management has to make some strategies to release the product which should compete with their competitors, because the consistent improvement in products can create “high returns and market share”.The most liked feature by consumers of apple products is the I-tunes, I-tunes comes as a free application with apple pc and Mac. It can be stored in the pc as I-pod, I-phone, apple TV which is the great feature for consumer to get entertained at any place any time. This feature has made an impact on the students from universities and colleges because the majority of students have found its usefulness and as per the press report more than 3, 50,000 tunes have been downloaded from most of the places around the world.

iTunes U makes it easy for people to discover and learn with content from many of the world’s top institutions, With such a wide selection of educational material, apple is providing iTunes users with an incredible way to learn on their computer, I-Phone, iPod or I-Pad” (apple press info, 2010). Whenever apple makes new entrants of their product in the market they comes with the new product models and designs and their new entrant’s products are consists of new feature. “Today’s marketers face a tremendous challenge.A company simply cannot afford to prepare ads for every possible medium. Choices must be made. The message must be designed to give the company an advantage in a highly cluttered world, a world in which people are becoming increasingly proficient at simply tuning ads out” (D. Baack, 2007).

The advertising style of apple is very strategically maintained by its marketing management, if we check out the structure of advertising of their product i-pad the marketing management has identify the expectation of consumers.They publicise that product through social websites before its get released and those specifies all details about the product advance features this strategy has made them to maximise their sale of their product. As per the reports they almost manage to sell 600,000 to 700,000 i-pads on its first day of release. These strategies also implement on i-phone 4 and they make most of it by selling more than 600,000 I-phone 4, their massive sale tells about their superiority of products and that makes them more superior form their competitors. Their competitors such as Nokia Corporation, Sony ericssion and Samsung mobile are producing some good models and design with external features but the consumers are expecting more technical available resources from their products. But they are doing well in the developing countries where technical doesn’t factor doesn’t in every day of consumers life. They are trying to match up with the products of apple and attempting to compete with their products in the business market.

Critical analysis

Furthermore, the discussion will be made on the marketing management of the company and how effective it was in their process of making an important strategy to build the relationship with their customers. Further there will be an attempt to investigate more about the company’s success and failure, for year’s apple was only a computer manufacturer they had gone through some tough time in their past years due to some misconceptions apple has lost more of its market share but they way backed to their job to make an impact on consumer expectation from the company. But perhaps the most interesting aspect of the second coming of Apple is the way they did it. Without a complete focus on computers, Jobs was able to redesign Apple's public perception and make it a multimedia company. It began with music and within a few years, it has become audio and video. And if the company's decision to drop 'Computer' from its name is any indication, Apple may be poised to focus on your home with computers reaping the benefits its other devices have created” (cnet. com, 2010).

  • Apple has changed their perception towards their customer and started producing multimedia products. They would have not been that much successful if they have followed the same concept of computer manufacturers. Some researcher have questioned about the success of apple is because of their skills or luck? Because the success they found with Steve wozniak has been complemented has companies luck. If company is successful in their business it might be because of several reason, it can’t happen with single personality.The big role of their success can predict as their role of marketing management to understand the strength and weakness of their companies. “But all the credit can't be given to Steve Jobs. It should also be given to the poor management at Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, and others. Those companies were complacent, focused on the wrong markets, and generally failed to realize that Apple was starting a movement that wasn't waiting for them to catch up. Apple has always understood that and does its best to make its computers more elegant than its competitors; Hp and Dell are just waking up to that fact” (cnet. om, 2010).
  • I support to the argument, when apple acknowledge the existence of their competitors in wrong directions.
  • Apples understands their competitor’s mistakes and utilize it in those direction in which it should be. It does can be clearly understand company makes wrong decision because of their poor management skills. Recently, Apple has seen with an issue in their released product of i-phone 4, although they have managed to break the records in sales. Some of the consumers have got the problem with the phone external antenna.Apple suggested to those consumers who has got the product to hold the phone in different way or to buy a case which will solve the network problem.
  • While advertising the product they should have explains these problems to their consumers, if they have done so then it is a problem of misleading communication and it could be a problem for their marketing management.
  • They can’t ask their consumer to get a case or to change their style of holding a phone to avoid the problems of external antenna. Consumer can’t change their habit of holding the phone in what way they do.Apple needs to make the products which suit the style of their consumer to build a good relationship with their consumers.
  • They have made good decision to give free case with their product to support the external antenna.


Apple has been consistent with manufacturing their products in creative design and models; their biggest strength in their product is technology, features and applications. They have been very innovative with their products and satisfy the needs and desires of their consumers.A consumer makes their products superior because in every model of apple products they found something new to make use of it. Products from apple help to understand the picture in clear way, and its features provide some extra applications in their products. They have lead in business market with huge difference of sale with their competitors; their competitors have also manufactured some good products to compete with them. When apple used to do only computer business at previous time, they don’t compete well as they do know.Because the technical options they got it to support their product features know it was not operated in the decades.

Though they only do computers at that time they were well maintained to succeed their customers’ expectations. The problems they faced in their management with the egoism of some leaders they have been mislead in the business markets. But with the skill of Steve apple has produce some good results and they maintained the league after that and they started manufacturing the multimedia products started with i-pods.They carry on their impressive relationship with their consumer and tried to go beyond the expectations of their consumers with every manufacturing product they released. Their management has leaded them throughout the concept of winning business with smart communications; the marketing management has been creative with their strategies and implementation in targeting the consumer. Consumer always expect something new in the products which they want to buy, apple has been successful to manage their relationship with their consumer by giving them what they want.The consumer expectation is always high from every new entrant product and gives them more than their will.

The figures in sale of recent launched products have boomed the market as it has been mentioned earlier in the research. Apple need to be more effective with their marketing communication to protect their products from business competitors, they need to be honest with their products because even they are more expensive their competitors believed more in them.The perception of their consumer has not changed towards them, to maintain this process the marketing management need to sort out these issues which comes to minimize their product sales. In the present scenario, apple has made an impact in the electronic business market by adding advance technology features which cannot be seen in their competing products and that make them superior from their competitors. This research has attempted to make an appropriate research about the marketing management.


  1. Kotler. P and Keller. K. L, (2009), 13th edition, marketing management, pearson prentice hall, ISBN – 13: 978-0-13-135797-6. 2) Keller. K. L and kotler. p, (2009), 13th edition, marketing management, pearson prentice hall, ISBN – 13: 978-0-13-135797-6. 3)
  2. Kotler. P and Keller. K. L, (2009), 13th edition, marketing management, pearson prentice hall, ISBN – 13: 978-0-13-135797-6. 4) Apple. com. (2010), Apple-i Tunes – Partner with i Tunes – sales and Marketing, [online], available from:www. apple. om/itunes/marketing/-unitedstates- 5)
  3. Baack. D and Clow. E, (2007), third edition, Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communication, pearson prentice hall, ISBN- 978-81-203-3305-5. 6) News. cnet. com, (2010), The Main Reason for Apple’s success: Recognition of the Importance of the Home,[online], available from:news. cnet. com/8301-13506_3-9734035-17. html- 7)
  4. News. cnet. com, (2010), Is Apple’s success the result of luck or skill? , [online], available from:www. news. cnet. com/8301-13506_3-10045516-17.html

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Apple Marketing Project. (2019, Feb 18). Retrieved from

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