Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2023
Essay type: Analysis
Pages: 2 Views: 3182

William Wordsworth wrote Daffodils on a stormy day in spring, while walking along with his sister Dorothy near Ullswater Lake, in England. He imagined that the daffodils were dancing and invoking him to join and enjoy the breezy nature of the fields. Dorothy Wordsworth, the younger sister of William Wordsworth, found the poem so interesting that she took 'Daffodils' as the subject for her journal. The poem contains six lines in four stanzas, as an appreciation of daffodils. Analysis of Daffodils I wander'd lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vale and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils: Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Rhyming Scheme The 'Daffodils' has a rhyming scheme throughout the poem. The rhyming scheme of the above stanza is ABAB ( A - cloud and crowd; B - hills and daffodils) and ending with a rhyming couplet CC (C - trees and breeze). The above stanza makes use of 'Enjambment' which converts the poem into a continuous flow of expressions without a pause. Figures of Speech Used in the Poem I wander'd lonely as a cloud - The first line makes nice use of personification and simile.

The poet assumes himself to be a cloud (simile) floating in the sky. When Wordsworth says in the second line 'I' (poet as a cloud) look down at the valleys and mountains and appreciate the daffodils; it's the personification, where an inanimate object (cloud) possesses the quality of a human enabling it to see the daffodils. The line "Ten thousand saw I at a glance" is an exaggeration and a hyperbole, describing the scene of ten thousand daffodils, all together. Alliteration is the repetition of similar sounds, is applied for the word 'h', in the words - high and hills. Title and Theme of the Poem

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The title, 'Daffodils' is a simple word that reminds us about the arrival of the spring season, when the field is full of daffodils. Daffodils are yellow flowers, having an amazing shape and beautiful fragrance. A bunch of daffodils symbolize the joys and happiness of life. The theme of the poem 'Daffodils' is a collection of human emotions inspired by nature that we may have neglected due to our busy lives. The daffodils imply beginning or rebirth for human beings, blessed with the grace of nature. The arrival of daffodils in the month of March is welcome and an enjoyable time to appreciate them!

Imagery The poem paints images of lakes, fields, trees, stars in Ullswater. Wordsworth continuously praises the daffodils, comparing them to the Milky Way galaxy (in the second stanza), their dance (in the third stanza) and in the concluding stanza, dreams to join the daffodils in their dance. The poem uses descriptive language throughout the stanzas. The poet cannot resist himself from participating in the dance of the daffodils. The wording is simple and melodious. Isn't Daffodils, a great gift idea of William Wordsworth that celebrates happiness of nature amongst.

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on Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth

What Impact Do The Daffodils Have On Wordsworth?
The daffodils had a profound impact on Wordsworth, inspiring him to write one of his most famous poems, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". The beauty and vibrancy of the flowers brought him a sense of joy and peace, and the memory of them continued to uplift his spirits long after he had left the field."
Who Wrote Daffodils?
William Wordsworth wrote the poem Daffodils" in 1804. It is also known as "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.""
What Is The Main Idea Of The Poem Daffodils ?
The main idea of the poem Daffodils" by William Wordsworth is the beauty and transformative power of nature. The speaker describes the joy and inspiration he feels upon encountering a field of daffodils, and reflects on how the memory of that experience can bring him comfort and happiness in times of solitude or distress."
What Is The Tone Of The Poem Daffodils ?
The tone of the poem Daffodils" by William Wordsworth is joyful and optimistic, as the speaker describes the beauty and uplifting effect of the daffodils on his mood."

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Analysis of Daffodils by William Wordsworth. (2017, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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