Aerospace Engineering – Paper
Aerospace engineering Aerospace engineering is a challenging and exciting field that is engaged in the design of aircraft and space systems. The US aerospace industry is a world leader and one of the largest positive contributors to the US economy. In Aerospace Engineering, strong technical competency in the fundamental principles of mathematics and fundamentals of science is needed to succeed. Aerospace Engineering provides career opportunities in both aeronautics or astronautics related fields.
In Aerospace engineering a person designs, test, and supervise the manufacture of aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles. The best places to earn your degree for this field are NC State, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and University of Central Florida. The term "rocket scientist" is sometimes used to describe a person of great intelligence since "rocket science" is seen as a practice requiring great mental ability, especially technical and mathematical ability. The roots of aeronautical engineering can be traced back to the earliest sketches of flight vehicles, by Leonardo da Vinci in the late 1400’s.
The first was an ornithopter, a flying machine using flapping wings to imitate the flight of birds. The second idea was an aerial screw, the predecessor of the helicopter. The breakthrough in aircraft progress came in 1799 when Sir George Cayley, an English baron, drew an airplane incorporating a fixed wing for lift, an empennage, and a separate propulsion system. Because engine development was virtually nonexistent, Cayley turned to gliders, building the first successful one in 1849. Gliding flights established a data base for aerodynamics and aircraft design. "aerospace engineering. ") Aerospace engineering may be studied at the advanced diploma, bachelors, masters, and Ph. D. levels in aerospace engineering departments at many universities, and in mechanical engineering departments at others. A few departments offer degrees in space-focused astronautical engineering. Aerospace Engineering is all about flight - airplanes, spacecraft, hovercraft, helicopters, you name it. It includes the study of aerodynamics, aerospace structures, propulsion, flight mechanics and systems, and vehicle design.
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A major in Aerospace Engineering, there is four seriously intense years, but a graduate will graduate with a solid understanding of the physical fundamentals underlying atmospheric and space flight and the ability to research, analyze, and design the flying machines of the future. Aerospace engineering is the main branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and science of aircraft and spacecraft. It is divided into two major and overlying branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering.
The aeronautical deals with craft that stay within Earth's atmosphere, and the astronautical with craft that operates outside it. Aerospace engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and science of aircraft and spacecraft. Aerospace Engineering deals with the design, construction, and study of the science behind the forces and physical properties of aircraft, rockets, flying craft, and spacecraft. The field also covers their aerodynamic characteristics and behaviors, airfoil, control surfaces, lift, drag, and other properties.
Aerospace engineering is not to be confused with the various other fields of engineering that go into designing elements of these complex craft. For example, the design of aircraft avionics, while certainly part of the system as a whole, would rather be considered electrical engineering, or perhaps computer engineering. Or an aircraft's landing gear system may be considered primarily the field of mechanical engineering. There is typically a combination of many disciplines that make up aerospace engineering.
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering prepares students to design and test aircrafts, such as helicopters, jets, planes and spacecraft. Students are qualified to construct, manufacture and analyze space systems and aircrafts. The curriculum includes basic sciences and mathematics essential to understanding the functions of aerospace engineering. Some programs culminate in a final project designing an aircraft or spacecraft. Master's degree programs can be found as a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Aerospace Engineering.
Graduate aerospace engineering programs teach students on the technological problems and scientific solutions pertaining to the aerospace field. Students work with up-to-date technology, including simulation, computer analysis and computer-aided design, to solve real-world industry problems. Advanced coursework in aerodynamics and fluid dynamics, aerospace design and space design builds upon previously acquired theoretical knowledge. By completing such a program, graduate aerospace engineers will have a deep understanding of what goes into designing aircrafts and space modules. A Ph.
D. in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering is available to aerospace engineering graduates. Within these programs, students complete courses and projects that teach them the foundations of aviation, as well as the inner workings of mechanical designs. Students delve into innovative theories and practices of these two fields. The aviation program will emphasize the important aspects of safety management, economics and regulatory procedures. ("education-portal. com. ") At North Carolina State University, a bachelors, masters, and doctorates degree is available for Aerospace Engineering.
Academic GPA, class rank, and standardized test scores are very important in applying to NC State. It is required to have four English courses, two foreign languages, one history, four math’s, three sciences, one social studies, and at least one elective but four is recommended. With more than 5,900 undergraduate and 2,200 graduate students, NC State Engineering is the largest college at North Carolina State University. It consists of more than 20 centers, institutes and laboratories and 12 highly ranked departments, 9 of which are administered by the College and 3 administered by other NC State colleges, and 17 accredited academic programs. "NCSU") At Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University a bachelors and masters degrees are available for aerospace engineering. Academic GPA, Class Rank, Recommendations, and Standardized Test Scores are very important when applying to Embry-Riddle. It is required to have four credits in English, one in history, three in math, two in science, two science-labs, two social studies, and three academic electives. One foreign language is recommended. The AE Department consists of 22 full-time faculty, 1,300 undergraduate students, and 100 graduate students.
The Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering has been offered since the 1950s, when Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Institute was located in Miami, Florida. Embry-Riddle moved to Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1965. Ten years later the BSAE was accredited by ABET, as it has been ever since. The initiation of the master's degree in Aerospace Engineering took place in 1985. Enrollment in that program has grown steadily. It is expected that the first PhD students in Aerospace Engineering will be accepted for fall 2013. ("daytonabeach. rau. edu") At University of Central Florida a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree is available for aerospace engineering. Lectures in class room settings delivered by our world class faculty provide the necessary inspiration for students to understand important topics, and they develop the skill to inquire and explore new ideas on their own. The students have the opportunities to engage in experiments, design work, project work, industrial training and team work to enhance the learning process so vital in engineering education.
The senior faculties are highly recognized in their fields and have earned numerous honors and awards from different engineering societies. The newer faculties are very promising and will soon become leaders in their fields. Many have won prestigious research awards from reputed funding agencies such as NSF, DoD, NASA, the Department of Energy, and the State of Florida. ("mmae") The period through 2012 is likely to see a downfall in the demand for aerospace engineers. Competition from foreign firms and decrease in air travel are the main reasons for decrease in jobs related to designing and producing commercial aircraft.
Yet, promising opportunities for aerospace engineers are expected to occur due to the fact that the degrees granted for this branch have gone down significantly due to the perceived lack of employment in this field. This means that the number of engineers trained in this field may not be sufficient to replace the large numbers of aerospace engineers who will retire during the 2002-2012 period. In 2002, the median of annual earning of an aerospace engineer was $72,750. The middle 50 percent of aerospace engineers got salaries between $59,520 and $88,310.
The lowest 10 percept earned about $49,640 or less, while the highest ten percent earned around $105,060 or more. A 2003 salary survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers projects that aerospace engineer with a bachelor’s degree get salaries which average around $48,028 a year. While those with a master’s degree receive $61,162 and those with a Ph. D. receive $68,406. It takes many different systems to keep air- and spacecraft aloft and aerospace engineers typically specialize. In addition to specializing in a particular system, such as propulsion or guidance and control systems, they ight specialize in a type of craft, such as helicopters. If you wish to be an aerospace engineer, the most direct route is to earn a bachelor's or master's degree in Aeronautics or Mechanical Engineering. Although there are rare instances, especially during a labor shortage, when employers might hire those with training in math or other physical sciences to work as engineers, these majors are not the recommended preparation for a career in this field. Entry-level jobs in engineering often involve working under the supervision of an experienced engineer and focusing on aspects of problems that can be solved with standard, routine techniques.
Supervisors work closely with new engineers on the more unusual aspects of a job. As in most careers, with experience comes increasing independence and the opportunity to work on more-complex problems that can't be solved by standard processes. Aerospace engineer jobs include openings in mechanical, structural, avionics, systems and other engineering fields. Applicants for aerospace engineer jobs are required to possess prior training and work experience, as well as the ability to interpret technical blueprints, schematics and manuals. Aerospace engineering encompasses the fields of aeronautical and astronautical engineering.
Aerospace engineers work in teams to design, build, and test machines that fly within the earth's atmosphere and beyond. Although aerospace science is a very specialized discipline, it is also considered one of the most diverse. This field of engineering draws from such subjects as physics, mathematics, earth science, aerodynamics, and biology. Some aerospace engineers specialize in designing one complete machine, perhaps a commercial aircraft, whereas others focus on separate components such as for missile guidance systems. There are approximately 78,000 aerospace engineers working in the United States. ("bls. org")
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