Abnormal Psychology Critique
This study sought to understand how functional status, impairment level, and use of assistive devices change over 3 years for older adults with depressive symptoms. I further explored factors that predict a change in the severity of depressive symptoms. During 3 years, participants experienced increased physical disability, a decline in the severity of depressive symptoms, and an increase in the total number of assistive devices owned. A significant number of older adults will experience a decrease in depressive symptoms over 3 years, despite an increase in physical disability. They also will obtain more assistive devices as they age. The specific issue that stands out in the journal is relative to the various changes in impairment level, functional status, and use of some suggested assistive devices that could be used by older people who suffer symptoms of depression. I do very much agree with how the author touched the subject and explained depression among older people. There is nothing from the journal article that I disagree about. The points presented by the author about the existence of this feeling of depression among older people are true and satisfactory.
The second journal that I have, Suicide In Older Adults: Nursing Assessment Of Suicide by Linda Garand, Ph.D., APRN, BC, Ann M. Mitchell, Ph.D., RN, AHN, BC, Ann Dietrick, MSN, APRN, BC, Sophia P. Hijjawi, BSN, RN, and Di Pan, BSN, RN, is somewhat parallel to my first journal. This second article talks about suicide in older adults.
It is being discussed here that suicide and attempted suicide is associated with depression, psychosis, and substance abuse among younger individuals, yet among older adults, depression and comorbid medical conditions play important contributory roles. Same as what was being talked about in the first article. The issue that attracts my attention is the prevalence of suicidal behaviors in older adults and lays a foundation for understanding the role of risk factors in the prevention of suicide. Just like in the first article, the issue focuses more on depression on older adults. It has been proven that older adults are the ones that easily get depressed than the younger ones. Just as no single factor is universally causal, no single intervention will prevent all suicides. The multi-dimensionality of suicide presents great challenges but also has important implications for prevention. Suicide in late life must be understood as a complex combination of interactive effects in which mood disorders take a central role. Our ability to more precisely target preventive interventions will hinge on a better understanding of those relationships. Until then, users and others must be diligent in the identification of older adults at risk for suicide. Subgroups of older adults at high risk for suicide include those with depressive illnesses, previous suicide attempts, physical illnesses, and those who are socially isolated. Therefore I can say, that major depression is the most common diagnosis in older adults (of both sexes) who attempt or complete suicide. This study used data from the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Aging Consumer Assessment Study, a longitudinal study of coping strategies of elders with disabilities.
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Seventy-three participants with depressive symptoms were interviewed at baseline and 3 years later. I believe that the author used the most appropriate method because they have come about with good results. And thus, there is no other appropriate or suitable way to test the depressive symptoms of older people than having a study or conducting a survey on a rehabilitation center. For me, application through conducting tests would be the best idea to prove whether the issue is correct or not. The journal article fully and clearly explains what depression is all about that affects older people. It is notable that depression happens to some people more especially the old ones who are said to be prone to the disorder. Upon relating the topic to my course, such a situation is under the field of Abnormal Psychology. The field is of great importance to students taking up Psychology courses like me who would desire to pursue the field of Clinical Psychology. As depression is common and could happen to everyone, this study is applicable to all. Through it, we shall have a clear idea of the appropriate way to do if ever we meet or experience a feeling of depression. Above all things, this will be a great help to me who would really like to be a successful Clinical Psychologist in the future.
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