A Look at the Positive and Negative Effects of Internet Addiction
Chances are, anyone who is reading this paper has at one time, at least surfed the net once. Broadcasting your views. questions. and information to millions of other peopleThe Internet has so many differenl features. It has chatrooms, which is a great place to meet new people. The Internet has several research sites available for school papersThe Internet can also become very addictive if youflre not careful at the time you spend on it. The Internet has both negative and positive sides as to the effect it has onstudy habits. I personally have spent more hours then I can add up on the Internet. More than I care to even admit. I Will take you back approximately three months ago. At this time Ireceived a new computer at Work. My lirst thought was what Internet pl’OVIdeI Will Iuse? I chose America On line.
I had a hard time setting up my account but by the third day I was in cyberland. I was learning the ropes of the net. researching, looking atpictures, I cannot believe the pictures on the Internet. I sent everyone I know e-mailsJ thought it was the best thing aside from cheesecake. The Internet has been very helpful when it comes to research on different subjectsJ usually find very helpful information. I have also been led to dead ends more than once. I have found so many different interesting things on the net. in fact I found myiamily tree. which was very surprising to run into. I have found a lot of different school essay sites, I Will never use these as it is unfair to the people who write the papers. I havefound information on concerts and different events that are in Tampa and the surrounding areas.
If I diant have a life I would always have the net!There are chat rooms ah yes oneof my favorite time passing activities. One boring. Williams-Zdull afternoon. while I was at work still very unfamiliar with my new computer! started clicking around and looking in different files. Low and behold I found the chatfile, I of course made sure my boss and everyone were out of the office. Click off to cyber chat I went. I ventured into the U.K chat area rooms called Transatlantic. It was great everyone welcomed me and gave me a cheesy cyber hug. I meet people all over the world and spoke to a few in the United States, I lost track of time and the next thing I knew it was five o'clock and time for me to go home.
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That day at work I didn't accomplish much at all, The next few weeks became worse, I became addicted toAmerica On-Line! What can I do? I thought to my self, I started skipping lunch, I started saying mum instead of morn arse instead of ass. This has had a large negative effect on my study habits. I am currently looking for a newiob and hope to get one that does nothave internet access available to employees. I Will say I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the Internet. I have limited my timeon the net to a few hours during the day. I do not log onto the Internet at home or on the weekends.
I still like to spend time in chat rooms as often as I can, I like to talk topeople from Europe now. I am traveling to Europe in July and have had a lot of people give me advice, I am currently taking lunch at least three times a week now. l have yet toshare my addiction with anyone I know well. My advice to people who use the Internet would be. use the net for what you need donit to become one of me. Have fun but donit Iet‘the world of cyber take you over. If you already use the net and spend more time onthe net then you do studying. you should really evaluate your situation. Williams»1
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A Look at the Positive and Negative Effects of Internet Addiction. (2022, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/a-look-at-the-positive-and-negative-effects-of-internet-addiction/
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