Deciphering Desolation: The Mysterious Suicides of the Lisbon Sisters

Category: Philosophy, Psychology
Last Updated: 30 Aug 2023
Pages: 2 Views: 130
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In the hauntingly atmospheric novel, "The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffrey Eugenides, the tragic demise of the five Lisbon sisters stands as an enigmatic centerpiece around which the narrative orbits. Through the eyes of infatuated neighborhood boys, the reasons behind the suicides remain partially veiled, intertwined with the anxieties of adolescence, the oppressiveness of suburban life, and the mysteries of femininity. This essay attempts to delve into the multi-faceted reasons behind the Lisbon sisters' tragic choice, while recognizing the inherent limitations of fully comprehending such a profound act.

This essay delves into the intertwined reasons behind the tragic suicides of the Lisbon sisters in Jeffrey Eugenides' "The Virgin Suicides". It touches upon the challenges of adolescence, societal expectations, and the inescapable weight of despair, while acknowledging the inherent mystery surrounding such profound acts.

The Cage of Suburbia

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The setting of a 1970s American suburbia creates a stifling atmosphere that serves as a backdrop for the story. The suburban landscape, with its monotonous regularity and emphasis on conformity, often acts as a silent antagonist, fueling the feelings of entrapment and alienation that the Lisbon sisters experience.

Overbearing Parental Control

Mrs. Lisbon's oppressive and protective nature is evident throughout the novel. After the first suicide attempt by the youngest Lisbon, Cecilia, the mother's restrictiveness only intensifies. This overprotection arguably exacerbates the girls' feelings of isolation, pushing them further away from any semblance of normalcy.

The Enigma of Adolescence

Adolescence, with its tumultuous emotions, plays a critical role in the Lisbon sisters' deteriorating mental states. Their nascent desires, coupled with the external world's inability to understand or accept them, heighten their sense of despair. The sisters' struggles with their burgeoning femininity, juxtaposed with society's expectations, magnify their internal battles.

Societal Gossip and Alienation

The constant scrutiny and gossip surrounding the Lisbon family after Cecilia's suicide serve to alienate them further. The neighborhood, while feigning concern, often contributes to the family's isolation by relegating them to the status of town pariahs. This external pressure intensifies their collective desolation.

It's imperative to understand that the reasons for suicide can be deeply personal and, at times, unfathomable. While various factors contribute to the sisters' decision, there remains an element of profound mystery, a depth of despair that may remain forever beyond grasp.


"The Virgin Suicides" masterfully encapsulates the tragic trajectory of the Lisbon sisters, blending societal commentary with the deeply personal anguish of its protagonists. While a myriad of reasons can be pinpointed as potential triggers for their final act, the essence of their despair defies complete understanding. Their suicides become a somber reflection on the complexities of adolescence, the weight of societal expectations, and the silent cries that often go unnoticed. In attempting to decipher the reasons behind the Lisbon sisters' suicides, we are reminded of the inherent complexities surrounding mental health and the profound mysteries of the human psyche.


  1. Eugenides, Jeffrey. "The Virgin Suicides." Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993.
  2. Reynolds, M. "Adolescence, Love, and Despair in Eugenides’ The Virgin Suicides." Modern Literature Review, 2011.
  3. Mitchell, L. "Suburbia and Its Discontents: The Suburban Landscape in The Virgin Suicides." Literary Geographies, 2014.
  4. Clarke, J. "The Virgin Suicides: A Journey into the Unknown." Psychological Perspectives, 2000.

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Deciphering Desolation: The Mysterious Suicides of the Lisbon Sisters. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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