An Introduction to Naciremaland

Last Updated: 16 Apr 2023
Pages: 4 Views: 165

Naciremaland is a land controlled by advertising. My newest observation has to do with the marketing of products for women and men. My main focus is on the products and advertising that is directed at women. I do have some observations about products and ads that are male related, but after walking through Eckerds drugstore I realized how little the advertising and marketing is directed at men. The only assumption I can make about this is that the majority of shoppers are women. The female population does most of the Naciremaland pastime of shopping. Immediately upon entering the store I came across the be well products.

Their logo, herbal solutions for total well being, appears on each item. Next to this display, on the same shelf, were the State of Mind lotions and bath gels. I guess with a name like theirs they didnt feel it was necessary to come up with a logo because there wasnt anything else on the packaging. There is another group of products that have this similar approach to advertising. The Healing Garden products are lotions and sprays and bath gels that seem to be claiming, as these others do, that by using their product you can cure whatever it is that ails you. With names like enlightening, energizing, relaxation, concentration, and revitalizing, how can I go wrong? IlI be able to fulfill that need to be supermom if I just fragrance myself with these products. Directly next to the State of Mind products was a veteran product with a new look. Jovan musk has been around for at least 30 years or so. They have a new line of perfumes called Individuality. There are five different scents that can be personalized to the consumer. Water is advertised as cool and clean. Air is supposedly a crisp and fresh smell. Earth is subtitled with petals/grass. Fire is the fifth one and has a warm and woody fragrance. Another veteran product was on the shelf adjacent to Jovan. Calgon has probably one of the most recognizable slogans in America.

Calgon, take me away. This company has also branched out from their original product and now sells body sprays and lotions. Calgons products now carry the following names: Breath of fresh air, Shiver of sensual, Twist of Tropic, and Wave of Cool. It seems that I dont even need to leave my home to experience the outdoors. I just have to spray myself with some Earth. And just thin! k, its a lot easier and cleaner than rolling around on the ground! My next move is to enter the land of hair products. Shampoos have some very interesting names. Theorie, Daily Defense, Soothing, and Agree are just a few of the more interesting ones. My Theorie is that I need some Daily Defense against life, so I will try something Soothing, dont you Agree? Another aisle brings me to the feminine products. Everything one could possibly need for that time of the month is grouped together in one section. There are pills for bloating and irritability called Pamprin. There are Carefree, Stayfree, and Always with wings for protection. Then there are products for freshness: Summers Eve cleaning products and Massengill douches. Massengill even has different fragrances: Country Flowers, Fresh Baby Powder, and Fresh Mountain Breeze. Something else that caught my attention was the names of the products for bladder inconsistency.

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They have Depends, Poise, and Serenity. I find Serenity in being Poised cause it just Depends! It seems that the products directed towards the female population have an underlying message about a womans need for fixing herself. The perfumes and lotions have names and logos that refer to the outdoors and escaping from the everyday life that has worn us down. Calgon take me away, herbal solutions for total well being, and The Healing Garden products each refer to this notion of improving ourselves. The names of the products for men are very different. They are all related to water. Ice Sport, Ice Blue, Aqua Velvet, Pacific Light, Cool Wave, Wild Rain, Cool Water, and White Water. These arent ads that call for the men to be fixed in any way. The advertisers arent trying to rejuvenate, sooth, enlighten, or relax the men. Advertising is directed at being clean. After a hard days work, the men just need to be clean, not readjusted. So, what does this say about society? It refers to the notion that woman need to be pampered (Pamprin). Women in Naciremaland have been considered the weaker sex since the beginning of this country. When the Puritans first came to this land, women were supposed to keep house, raise the children, and to be subordinate to their husbands, as well as other men in their communities. Men looked upon women as being fragile and delicate, no matter the physical size of the women. This ideology has obviously not changed much over the years.

Even in a post-industrial society in the twenty-first century, where woman make up a more equal working population than before, the advertisers believe that we are still weak and in need of recovery after a long day of work and family. And after working a long day, woman are still the ones that come home to another job. Women are doing most of the housework. Advertisers have picked up on this notion as well. So if we look at the products used for doing the laundry, we see names such as Cheer, Bright, Sunlight, and Cascade. The thing that disturbs me about this is that I have bought into this idea. I find myself looking for products that claim to be able to improve my well-being, or lift my spirits, or give me energy, or even help me to escape to the tropic, as unbelievable as this may seem. All of us women want the same thing: to stayfree, be carefree, and fly away sometimes on the wings of always. **Bibliography**

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