Social Studies Sba on Alcohol Abuse

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The successful completion of this study is as a result of the helping hands of numerous individuals. I thank the people of Community X for their massive cooperation in answering the questionnaires given. Also , to my friends, who helped with the distribution of the questionnaires and my family for the giving me the hope and strength to persevere. Lastly, much gratitude is extended to my teacher for guiding me in every step of the way throughout my investigations.

Social studies SCHOOL BASED ASSESSEMENT (S. B. A. ) [pic] Statement of the Problem What are the causes, effects and solutions of the usage of alcohol amongst individuals of Community X? Method of Investigation I have chosen the questionnaire as a means of collecting data to carry out the survey.

The questionnaire has numerous advantages which include the following: • It is done at the convenience of the person completing it. • Requires very little time to be completed. • Guarantees confidentiality , since no names are required. Instrument used to collect Data Copy Of Questionnaire Survey of alcohol usage among individuals in Community X. Dear Villager,

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This is a survey being carried out in Community X to determine the level of alcohol usage among individuals in the community. This study I am currently pursuing, is conducted as an assignment for a Social Studies course. I advise you to answer the questions given, truthfully and honestly since you are not required to write names.

There are no wrong or right answers as this is not a test. Most answers require a tick in the small boxes provided ; read the questions carefully. Villager’s Questionnaire 1. Sex Male Female 2. What is your occupation? ____________ 3. To what Ethnic group do you belong?

African Descent Chinese Descent Indian Descent Mixed Descent 4. How long have you been a member of Community X? __________________ 5. To what age group do you belong? Under 12 12-14 15-16 17-19 6.

As a youth, which of the following influences you to consume alcohol? Peer pressure For the fun of it Out of curiosity Depression 7. When do you often consume alcohol? Special Occasions Partying To gain popularity I do not drink alcohol . Do problems in the home contribute to students drinking alcohol? Yes No 9. What normally happens when you consume alcoholic beverages? I feel tipsy I feel normal I have headaches I do not drink alcohol 10. How do you think the students of Community X get alcoholic beverages?

It is made available at community shops An older sibling/friend is asked to purchase it for them They steal it away They are given the consent 11. What is the most common effect caused by drinking? STD’s Being an alcoholic Having Heart disease Death 2. What effect does known cases of alcohol drinking in Community X, have on the rest of its population? _________________________________________________ . 13. How does alcohol consumption affect a student’s academic performance? They work less Nothing is done They work harder They give up on school 14. Do students who drink alcohol show signs of aggressive behaviour? Yes No 15.

What do you suggest to your fellow community members who have already started to drink? Tone down their intake Drink responsibly Stop drinking Seek professional help 16. Should the age of consent for drinking be increased? Yes No 17. Do you think Rehabilitation Centers should be considered for alcoholics?

Yes, but it will not be fully effective No, It will not help Let them suffer the consequences Have counsel sessions instead Presentation and Interpretation of Data [pic]Fig 1. The causes of alcohol consumption is simply represented in Fig 1; this figure briefly explains that 45% of the people in Community X consume alcoholic beverages for minor influences as the simple fun and njoyment that comes with the pleasures of drinking. One the other hand, 20% indicate that the partake of the activity as a result of Peer Pressure where individuals, mostly teenagers, drink because they either think it is “cool” or o prove a point. However, 30% population specified that they “drink” for the little curiosity of finding out what other individuals get, feel or benefit from it, this being. Mainly just experimenting the activity. A smaller 5% say they drink alcohol because of Depression because alcohol is known to somewhat relieve the stress that causes Depression. pic]Fig2 Whereby the effects of consuming Alcohol are concerned, almost half of the population indicate that no harm is done, as 55% of them feel normal after their intake of the substance. And so, this could be one of the reasons, the level of consumption in the community should be monitored. 5 % of them say they feel tipsy, an eerie felling, that may cause them to intake alcohol regularly. However, a few of them seem to be affected as 10% of the population state that they have headaches which may discourage them to do so. Another 10% indicate that they simply do not drink alcohol, mainly because of religion and other personal reasons. pic]Fig3 In order to manage the level of alcohol usage in Community X. Fig 3 shows that 70% of Its members indicate that the individuals who already drinking, should drink responsibly Suggesting that they should look at the consequences of whether it be becoming an alcoholic or getting drunk. Another 15% say they these individuals should simply tone down their intake of by drinking less of the substance.

On the other hand, the remainder of the population , 15%, indicated more drastic measures to the solution. Fig 3 shows that 10% of them say people should just stop drinking while the other 5% believe they should seek professional help. These responses therefore can be interpreted as the respondents knowing someone who drink too much.

Procedures Used to Collect Data Community X has an estimated number of 130 individuals; due to calculations, it was discovered that 15% of the population was needed in order to gather possible causes, effects, and solutions to the level of alcohol usage in the community. That is, ( 15% of 130 =20 ) Therefore, a total of 35 questionnaires were distributed with the expectation that at least 20 would be returned. Later, it was decided that the questionnaires be given to random personnel.

This resulted in the recording of information on each individual on small pieces of paper, placed in a box, shaken and a total of 35 slips were selected. Therefore, 35 individuals received a copy of the questionnaire, were successfully completed and left in my mailbox 4 Hart Rd. Cheleston Gardens. Findings The survey carried out resulted in numerous interesting discoveries due to the level of alcohol usage in Community X. These state: Alcohol is consumed mainly through social activities where 70% of the individuals indicate that they partake of alcoholic beverages when “partying”. • The most common effect known caused by drinking is neutral between 1. Becoming an alcoholic 2. Being sexually active at an early age. Which was I therefore observed that the questionnaires have revealed a 50-50% ratio. • The individuals of Community X believe that in order for the level of alcohol be decreased, Rehabilitation Centers should be established.

However, all 100% of the people who agree, stated that it will not be fully effective for the common reason that the alcoholics will not endure the necessary procedures that will be required. Recommendations The level of alcohol usage should not be taken lightly, as many young people in Community X are partaking of the activity when are far too young to be drinking.

That said, I would recommend to this community that the decreasing level of alcohol us be accomplished through two simple objectives. These objectives include: ? Allowing adults of the community to take on leadership qualities whereby they look out for children who they see with alcoholic beverages and hinder them from consuming it. More specifically to shopkeepers, since in recent survey it is proven that most individuals especially children receive alcohol by the availability of such beverages in the community shops. Talk to individuals about drinking as little talks can do great things. There are people who are willing to listen. Parents will see to it that their children go to these sessions and ensure that they understand the dangers of drinking. ----------------------- Pie Chart Showing Causes Of Alcohol Consumption 20% 30% 5% 45% Peer Pressure Out of Curiosity Depression For the fun of it Chart Showing Effects of Alcohol Consumption In Community X. I feel tipsy 25% I have headaches 10% I feel normal 55% I do not drink alcohol 10% I feel tipsy I have headaches I feel normal I do not drink alcohol

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