What makes you smile
Canyon Valley Campus A Curve That Sets Everything Straight What Is something that you show without much thought? There a lot of facial expressions that a person can make. Some seem more common and the more subtle differences are lost in different traditions and cultures, but the most universal facial expression with same meaning across all culture is indicated by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth or simply, a smile.
I smile knowing that smiling changes my mood. According to psychologists if you smile for a minute, no matter how fake or forced it feels, your body releases hormones such as serotonin which tricks the body into making you feel happy. Every time I am feeling down, I always try to put on a smile. Smiling also prevents me from looking tired. When I am stressed, I take time to put on a smile. The stress I feel Is being reduced and making me able to do more useful things.
And also, studies have shown that smelling releases endorphins, and natural pain killers. Together, these make us feel good thus: many people consider smiling as a natural drug. Whenever I m having a conversation with other people, I try to smile, smirk, laugh a little on every phrase, sentence, greeting, or even when saying goodbye. It will lighten up other peoples' day and make them want to talk to me more. In that way, I gain more acquaintances that I can rely too.
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I smile because there are no reasons to be sad. Life is full of obstacles that we encounter every day and these obstacles make our life unhappy but I do not take these obstacles negatively, unlike others, I optimistically find the good in these obstacles so that I will not feel gloomy. I face these obstacles with a smile knowing hat there are good things that await me through this difficulty. I do not consider the word "problem" to get in my mind, instead I take it as a challenge that I cannot lose to.
But in cases that I would feel down, I try to think of the people who makes me happy, the people I consider as my friends, because most of them are in a funny situation like having a crush on someone but they are trying really hard denying it, that they end up being very defensive and it becomes really obvious. Seeing small kids and babies, also makes me smile, mainly because some children are afraid of there people so being able to play with them is such a great opportunity.
The babies' laughter also makes me smile, especially when they laugh out loud and I suddenly feel a disturbing reaction hearing a kid laugh like there Is something uncommon resembling a voice and sometimes It comes with dark aura. Compliments are the number one thing that can make me smile. They make me feel good about myself, and reassure me on something I think is wrong about me. Opinions are very professional or from somebody whose opinion matters to me. I smile Just by thinking about all the wonderful things I have accomplished. I become very proud of myself.
My confidence shows in my smile and it helps me boost my confidence to meet and befriend other people. Don't forget to flash a smile and wave to others even if you do not know them or even if they don't smile back because they say that the people who failed to commit suicide think that if someone smiles to them, they will not end their lives because they feel that they are still important. Your smile might totally change the outcome of an unpleasant situation. This way, if we smile we would save lives in the simplest manner. In this case, we should always smile even for the little things and let the world wonder why.
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