Thinking it Through: Clinic Teamwork

Last Updated: 11 Feb 2023
Pages: 3 Views: 168

Mitchell, Dakota. and Haroun, Lee. (2018) describe a prompt where there is a group of certified occupational therapy assistants (COTA) that work in a busy hand therapy clinic. Carstyn Franklin is one of the COTA that works in the clinic. Carstyn works with two other COTA and they make splints and work with patients with the goal that the patients will be able to learn the skills and work independently and at home if needed. Another COTA is identified as Brandon Williams. Brandon is described to having a habit of leaving the supplies, equipment and other tools at the last place he used them instead of putting them away. Brandon’s habit has placed his fellow COTAs behind as the assistants would need to locate the items they need before they can do their own work.

As a health care professional, we are responsible for the internal/external customer’s quality of care (Mitchell and Haroun, 2018). Regardless if the customer is internal (individuals that work in the heal care field) or external (individuals that come to the health care provider for services), we will make sure that they are overall satisfied with their care and if not that we settle any issues to their satisfaction by understanding their view of the situation.

Carstyn and Brandon are both healthcare professionals and are held to a certain standard. The way that Carstyn confronts Brandon can impact the work environment and if handled bluntly with lack of care can harm the work relationship with one another. This prompt presents then as the perfect examples of internal customers. Carstyn will have to try to engage Brandon with constructive criticism, by explaining that he is doing his work well however his placement of the tools/supplies/equipment need to be put away as his current habit sets his team back. This issue will be solved as long as Brandon will help out his team by changing his habit a bit.

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Carstyn’s goal of communication is to ensure that Brandon is a consciences team player that makes sure that the work load is fair, followed through and done well. Based on the prompt provided, her goal should be to make sure that Brandon understands that by failure to not place the instruments where they belong that it holds his team back from finishing tasks faster and seeing patients sooner. Also, to make sure that their teamwork is exceptional to match the care for customers.

Carstyn can present the problem and increase the chances of resolution by talking to him privately with empathy and demonstrating a respectful-cooperative attitude by asking him ways to change his habit without attacking his self-respect. We are all human and imperfect beings that learn constantly, as healthcare professionals it is still challenging to be perfect all the time as everyone makes mistakes or has areas that need improvement (Mitchell and Haroun, 2018, Pg. 519).

If Brandon acts defensively Carstyn will need to take in the feedback and change the destructive criticism into a positive one. To begin this process Carstyn would need to try to understand it from Brandon’s point of view, apologize for any miscommunication or blunt talking points. And in the case that Carstyn’s method of confronting Brandon was blunt, it would be possible for Carstyn to ask Brandon for suggestions on how to improve her confrontation skills, but that her goal was to work with Brandon and solve the problem as a team.

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Thinking it Through: Clinic Teamwork. (2023, Feb 10). Retrieved from

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