The Psychological Benefits of Writing: Why Richard Branson and Warren Buffett Write Regularly
When you attempt to envision a “writer,” I’d posit most of you see a quirky recluse, hunched over a desk in some cabin, crumpled paper strewn about as they obsessively work on the next great American novel.
To me, writing is so much more than that. Writing is thought put to page, which makes all of us writers — even if we don’t have the chops to spin beautiful prose.
I know, I know. Here’s someone who blogs regularly talking about the benefits of writing. And not a hint of bias was seen that day!
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It’s true that I owe a lot to writing.
Many of you probably know me from my “business” writing for my startup, like my piece on (read the 3rd one, it will warm your icy heart).
Truthfully though, writing isn’t really “my job.”
It is a key part of what I do, and I get just as much out of writing in my personal life as I do at work.
Personal and non-fiction writing is such an interesting topic to me because I get the sense that many (financially) successful people are secretly regular writers:
- Warren Buffett has described writing as a key way of refining his thoughts (and that guy reads and thinks ).
- Richard Branson once said “my most essential possession is a standard-sized school notebook,” which he uses for regular writing.
- This one is more for fun, but I find it hilarious that Bill Gates (do you think it’s really him?).
There are obviously many more examples, some of which are beautifully highlighted in the book .
In these cases, writing has just become another tool for thinking, expression, and encouraging creativity; cabin dwelling novelists be damned.
So, should people who don’t consider themselves writers bother with trying to make writing a regular habit?
You folks already know the goals I have for this site, and you can probably predict my answer: “Maybe.”
Writing can be an incredibly useful outlet for many people.
But let’s look at some of the research on how writing can affect the mind, and you can make the decision for yourself.
Writing makes you happier
It seems much of the literature on the benefits of writing deals with “expressive writing,” or putting what you think and feel to paper (or, let’s be honest, to the keyboard).
For instance, one form of expressive writing might be thinking about and writing out your goals in life—an activity that is beneficial for motivation.
Even blogging “” to private expressive writing in terms of the therapeutic value.
Expressive writing has also improved mood, well-being, and reduced stress levels for those who engage in it regularly.
shows that writing about achieving future goals and dreams can make people happier and healthier. Similarly, there’s that keeping a gratitude journal can increase happiness and health by making the good things in life more salient.
And that when people doing stressful fundraising jobs kept a journal for a few days about how their work made a difference, they increased their hourly effort by 29% over the next two weeks.
Many people shun expressive writing because they don’t fully understand what it means. Stick with me through the rest of this post, see the other benefits of regular writing, and I’ll break downwhat expressive writing really entails and how you can get started.
It doesn’t necessarily mean spilling your guts in essays starting with “Dear Diary,” so don’t knock it until you let me explain it!
Moving on…
Writing leads to better thinking + communicating
Laziness with words creates difficulty in describing feelings, sharing experiences, and communicating with others — especially true when it comes to persuasive messages.
Constantly having that “” feeling, or being able to flesh out thoughts in your mind only to have them come stumbling out when you speak is very frustrating. It paints an unfair picture of you, and regular writing can keep this from happening.
In both emotional intelligence and in “hard sciences” like mathematics, writing to help people communicate highly complex ideas more effectively.
This is just my personal hunch, but I would say it is because writing helps elminate that “it sounded good in my head” syndrome. It forces ideas to be laid out bare for the thinker to see, where it is much less likely that they will be jumbled up like they are in your head (hey, it’s crowded up there!).
Is writing an outlet for handling hard times?
The connection with expressive writing and traumatic events is quite complex.
On one hand, I’ve seen a study or two that shows especially stoic people tend not to receive many benefits when they write about their troubling times.
On the other hand, there are some pretty amazing studies that conclusively show writing about trauma is a powerful way to come to terms with what happened, and to accept the outcome.
In one that followed recently fired engineers, the researchers found that those engineers who consistently were able to find another job faster.
The engineers who wrote down their thoughts and feelings about losing their jobs reported feeling less anger and hostility toward their former employer. They also reported drinking less. Eight months later, less than 19% of the engineers in the control groups were reemployed full-time, compared with more than 52% of the engineers in the expressive writing group.
Interesting, right?
In an , writing about traumatic events actually made the participants more depressed… until about ~6 months later, when the emotional benefits started to stick.
One participant noted: “Although I have not talked with anyone about what I wrote, I was finally able to deal with it, work through the pain instead of trying to block it out. Now it doesn’t hurt to think about it.”
It seems that timing is critical for expressive writing to have an impact. “Forcing” the process to happen may only worsen things, but if it is an activity that is engaged in naturally, the benefits seem to be clear .
Writing keeps you sharp with age
Writing is a thinking exercise, and like physical exercise, it can help keep you “in shape” as you age.
While the only research that mentions hand written ideas as a good cognitive exercise, I don’t think the leap to typing is all that far.
Just like how friendships help keep you happy and healthy through their ties to social interaction and dialogue, writing seems like the private equivalent — it keeps you thinking regularly and helps keeps the mental rust from forming.
Writing leads to increased gratitude
Counting your blessings is an activity that is proven to enhance one’s outlook on life.
As the authors noted , subjects who reflected on the good things in their life once a week (by writing them down) were more positive and motivated about their current situation and their future.
The thing was, when they wrote about them every day, the benefits were minimal.
This makes sense. Too much of any activity, especially something like reflecting on one’s blessings, can feel disingenuous and if it is done too often.
In spite of this, it is interesting to me that writing about the good things in your life has such an impact. Perhaps because it forces you to really look at why those things make you happy.
Writing closes out your “mental tabs”
Have you ever had too many Internet tabs open at once? It is a madhouse of distraction.
Sometimes I feel like my brain has too many tabs open at once. This is often the result of trying to mentally juggle too many thoughts at the same time.
Writing allows abstract information to cross over into the tangible world. It frees up mental bandwidth, and will stop your Google Chrome brain from crashing due to tab overload.
Although I’ve that the information age might be making memories worse, I’m inclined to cite the quote about Hemingway from that very same article:
Hemingway’s words came from experience. When his wife lost a suitcase that contained all existing copies of his short stories, the work was, to his mind, gone for good. He had written himself out the first time around. He couldn’t recapture it–whatever it was–again.
Getting important ideas down alleviates the stress caused by anticipating this dreadful outcome. I’ve personally never felt inclined to not work on something just because I “archived” the idea with some notes or an outline—in fact, I’m more likely to work on it since it has already been started!
I’ll close out this section with one of my favorite Mitch Hedberg jokes.
I sit at my hotel at night, I think of something that’s funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen’s too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain’t funny.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Writing leads to better learning
Learn as though you need to teach.
The concept of having a “writer’s ear” never fully clicked with me until I started blogging regularly.
There’s a certain discipline required to create interesting articles that demands the individual be receptive and focused on finding new sources of information, inspiration, and insight. I’ve read books, listened to podcasts/radio, and watched videos I may have normally put off in order to learn something interesting that I might write about later.
Simply being a curator of good ideas (which blogs tend to be perfect for, like ) encourages deeper thinking, research, and “heading down the rabbit hole” in order to find unique takes on topics that matter to you.
Committing to creating a volume of work also allows you to tackle big ideas more effectively.
From humble beginnings, writing around a certain topic for some time will allow you to build off of older thoughts, utilizing what you’ve already written down to develop ideas on a grander scale (I’m sure many writers have had a paragraph lead to an essay, which lead to a series of articles, which lead to a book).
In this way, writing encourages a specific style of personal development. You’ll begin to want to build on ideas, which will lead to a further exploration of your interests and a better understanding of your subject matter as you push onward into new topics and angles.
Writing is leadership at scale
I’m borrowing this phrase from my man , as it is a smart way of looking at publishing your writing online.
Despite the fact that the world is now being suffocated by ‘new media,’ there are obviously a lot of interesting opportunities that an “anyone can publish” world brings about.
The ability to leave an impact at scale through your words alone is a pretty amazing concept.
I’ve had people email me saying that what I’ve shared “saved their grades,” improved their life, and one person even credited me for landing their dream job! That’s insane.
I imagine writers like , who has helped thousands of people finally get their finances straight, or , who has forever changed the outlook many people have on life (including me) probably feel the same way. It is exciting, and humbling.
Is a cited study even necessary here? Without a doubt, the positive feedback for this “leadership at scale” leads to increased happiness for the writer.
Even in the face of criticism (which is guaranteed online), writers learn to build thick skin like few others. And believe me, criticism, even unwarranted criticism, is the breakfast of champions.
A Simple System to Encourage Regular Writing
From where I’m standing, personal non-fiction writing will generally fall under two main categories: emotional writing (the personal writing about trauma, described above) and educational writing, which is the “personal development” style of writing that focuses on learning.
Given the medical nature of ‘emotional writing’ (meaning, you should talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist first), I’m going to avoid discussing it.
I’ll instead focus on the educational writing aspect, which is something everyone can engage in.
One of my favorite templates for educational writing is the following article from Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne.
It is a , and demonstrates what I believe is a frictionless approach to getting started with non-fiction, educational writing. Notice how approachable it is for writers of all skill levels.
- It focuses on learning a single important concept.
- It utilizes quotes to “stand on the shoulders of giants” (including thoughts of others).
- It emphasizes a concise writing style that forces quick thoughts and quick sentences.
As a regular writer, I have no doubt that Joel wouldn’t even consider this one of his Top 25 written pieces.
But that’s okay — Joel is a regular writer with 100+ published articles. I chose this piece because the structure is one that even the newest of writers can duplicate in their first couple of articles.
You’ll find that sticking to a “500 words a day” regiment is much easier when the entire process is focused on sharing what you’ve learned through a handful of carefully chosen words. You can work your way up to 2000+ word articles down the line.
The first piece I ever published online was called 5 Life Lessons from The Wire () — I no longer have a copy of it, and it was almost certainly awful, but hey, at least I took some input and turned it into writing!
You’ll need to find your own voice as a writer, and I simply encourage this style because it generally results in a good give-and-take. You’ll find yourself giving experiences a special sort of attention in order to write about them later, and you’ll find that the “writer’s ear” will start to form.
If you’re just looking to jot down personal thoughts by hand, definitely look into getting a . If you prefer to type, but never want to publish, I really enjoy , or plain ol’ Microsoft Word.
If you want to publish your writing online, you can do it with the following tools:
- If your budget is between $0 and zilch… No problem! You can use a platform like Medium (which Joel uses above) or Svbtle, which are my two favorite free platforms at the moment.
- If your budget is between $3-10… You’ll find that you have more control here, as the free platforms above don’t let you do much at all (and actually own your content, yikes!). The most reasonable choice here would my preferred setup for new writers, WordPress + Bluehost, which sets up with one-click and includes a free domain for $4.95 (referral, my thanks if you use it).
A first appeared at
The Psychological Benefits of Writing: Why Richard Branson and Warren Buffett Write Regularly. (2018, Sep 14). Retrieved from this Page
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