Tensile Hair Strengh
Once the hair had been rated or not it was then carefully placed in a sticky note to be wrapped up, making sure not to twist or bend the hair. Weights were then hung of the hair to test the strength of each, once snapped the amount they could hold was recorded. Null hypothesis: Hypothesis: There is a significant positive correlation between the strength of hair that has been heated and the strength of hair once it has been conditioned. Research: Human hair is a natural fiber that is made up largely of a protein called keratin, 80% of hair is formed by this protein.
Keratin contains a high concentration of sulfur which is produced from the amino acid Sistine. Rationale: Many women and some men are obsessed with hair care routines and mirroring sleek shiny hair styles like celebrities. The fixation with malignantly shiny hair and being able to alternate between styles has had a massive effect on the cosmetic Industry. With a number of people using straightness, curling Irons or hairdryers dally many cosmetic companies such as Tiresome and Pentane have benefited from creating products that help create this look and malting healthy hair.
Although the companies claim that these products work this Investigation will look Into whether or to the products actually help maintain strong healthy hair or if once the hair has Variables: Independent variables: * If the hair is treated with conditioner or not - controlled by making sure to separate the treated group from the untreated group and not containment. Dependent variables: * The size of weight - controlled by using the same size weights each time (each weight was log) and making leg weights to make it more precise. To make the leg weights they were measured on a scale that was accurate to 0. 1 g Control variables: * Amount of time in oven - controlled by using a stopwatch to be sure that the hair as heated for a precise amount of time * Amount of time in conditioner - controlled by using a timer, didn't want one strand of hair receiving longer time in treatment than others as may cause an anomaly if one hair was stronger than the other * The person who's hair was used - controlled by using the hair from the same person, also making sure the hair hadn't come to any previous damage from dying the hair or daily usage of heat appliances.
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Preliminary work: For the preliminary investigation I started by gathering my samples of hair from the bottom of the scalp at the very back of the hair. The hair had been washed the night before to ensure that any dirt or hair oil had been washed out, however conditioner had not been used. Once the hair had been removed I measured each length along a ruler to make sure each was the same length, each piece of hair was then cut to CACM long. To make sure my results were more reliable the hair was also cut from the bottom of the strand so that all the hair was the same and because the bottom of the hair was already weak this was cut off.
In total I had 20 pieces of hair each cut to CACM. Once this process was complete I divided the hair into two groups . Hair that would be heated - this was marked by a section of the paper it was laid out on having an orange mark. Paper it was laid out on having a red mark. After being divided into the two different groups I heated both groups with hair straightness (GAD). The ceramic plates heat up to 204. 4 degrees Celsius, although the straightness get extremely hot I realized there was room for human error.
The length of time that the straightness spent on the strand of hair could differ between each length and on each section of the hair due to the time that the straightened was pulled along. Due to there being a high percentage of human error I used a different technique to heat up the hair to eradicate it. Instead of heating the hair with straightness I decided the best way to get the same heat across the whole length of hair and all the strands of hair was to heat them in the oven.
I set the oven temperature to 205 degrees Just slightly higher than the God's, once the oven was heated to the temperature set I quickly put the strands of hair into the oven trying to decrease the time the oven door was open and so decreasing the amount of heat that the oven lost. After timing the hair in the oven for 2 minutes I took the hair out and started to test the strength of the hair against results I had taken previously from hair that hadn't been heated to make sure that there was some change when heated. The results hadn't changed much and so I decided to heat the hair for five minutes.
Once the hair was heated for five minutes I divided the two groups. Once separated into two groups the hair was laid on separate pieces of paper each color coded to ensure I didn't mix the ones that would be treated and the ones that wouldn't. I then kook all the strands from group two and using my fingers coated them in conditioner. Improvements: The advantage of doing a preliminary test enabled me to assess any errors that could implement the final results and also to check if the methodology I was using would be suitable for this investigation.
The hair had originally been heated by using hair straightens however there was considerable room for human error due to how long each strand of hair was in contact with the irons. The improvements made on heating the hair was to heat them collectively in the oven, the time they were kept in he oven was also tested during the preliminary to ensure they received the same amount of heat as a strand of hair would when being treated with a heat appliance.
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Tensile Hair Strengh. (2017, Nov 04). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/tensile-hair-strengh/
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