Tardiness: High School and Copyright
A. Background of the Study
Tardiness has already become a habit of the high school students of Manresa school. Most of them come to school, attend their classes, and scheduled appointments not on time. They all have their own reasons; traffic, working slow, waking up late, etc. Most of the students in Manresa School are even residents of BF Homes. Some are even residing in the Manresa Village, and still, they are arriving late. They are residents who have been probably living in the village, or subdivision all their lives, who should have already put into consideration the usual problems they would encounter when they go to school.
Many teachers get disappointed, but up to now, the students are still unaware of what they are doing. Tardiness is one of the most common causes that affect the lives of high school students. But, how can tardiness really affect our lives as a student? Will it bring down our academic grades? This study will provide information about tardiness, what causes it, the probable consequences of being tardy, and possible solutions to overcome, or at least help the High School students of Manresa School regarding their problem of being late.
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B. Statement of the Problem
Prevention of tardiness among the high school students of Manresa School.
C. Objectives of the Study
At the end of the study, the group is expected to.
- To find out why the high school students of Manresa school are tardy.
- To prove that it is possible for the students to come to school and/or attend classes early.
- To give solutions and prevent tardiness.
D. Significance of the Study
The study is very important because many people would be able to benefit from this study; namely, teachers and the tardy students themselves.
During the course of this study, the group will be able to find out what the causes and effects this might have on not only the students but also the teachers and staff. The study can also help those who are experiencing tardiness over and over again without being consciously aware of the reason and may also help those who wish to conduct this kind of study in the future. The group can use this information to help anyone looking for psychological, physiological, and social aspects of tardiness. Anyone who wants to know more about preventing someone from being late can make use of the information retrieved from this study.
The professionals, not only the students can also experience being late. They will also be able to make use of the study, and this study can virtually benefit anyone who has to be somewhere at some time.
E. Scope and Limitation
The study focuses on preventing tardiness among the high school students of Manresa school. It is a specific topic but still covers a lot of factors. The study covers ways and changes that Manresa School should follow in order to lessen the number of tardy students In order to prevent tardiness, the students must know its causes and effects in many ways.
The study covers the tardiness in coming to school, attending classes and other important appointments, activities, etc. these factors are all important because the students of Manresa School should know what tardiness could do to them if it becomes a habit.
F. Definition of Terms
- Attendance (n) – the act of attending; a number of persons present.
- Authority (n) – to have the power and right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of others; to be in charge.
- Awareness (n) – the realization of something; consciousness.
- Behavior (n) – the manner of behaving or acting the aggregate of responses to internal or external stimuli.
- Consequence (n) – outcome; the unpleasant result of an action.
- Counsel (n) – a professional guide service for individuals, applying the techniques of psychological testing.
- Discipline (n) – the training of the mind and character; a branch of learning; a mode of life in accordance with rules, self-control; control, order, obedience to rules.
- Disturbance (n) – the act of disturbing, the state of being disturbed; commotion; something that disturbs.
- Excessive (adj) – more than is acceptable: beyond what is considered acceptable, proper, usual or unnecessary
- Excuse (v) – to pardon or overlook (a fault, offense, etc.); to offer a reason or apology for (an error, fault, etc. ); to serve as a reason for; justify.
- Habit (n) – a tendency to repeat an action again and again; a behavior pattern that has a degree of automatism.
- Late (adj) - occurring after the usual or expected time.
- Manner (n) – a method of doing something; behavior; type or kind; habit; social behavior.
- Misconduct (n) – formal word for improper behavior, especially by a professional person; dishonest management; improper behavior.
- Offense (n) – the act of offending; a fault, sin or crime; the act of injuring another’s feelings; the state of being offended; assault or attack in sports, the team members.
- Policy (n) – any system of management based on self-interest as opposed to equity finesse in general; artifice.
- Prevention (n) – the act of intervening in order to prevent something; preventing or being prevented.
- Procrastinate (v) – a formal word meaning to delay or put off to a later time.
- Prolong (v) – to make longer in time; extend. 20.
- Responsibility (n) – the state of being responsible; ability to meet the obligation, or to act without superior authority or guidance.
- Sanction (n) – permission, approval; a penalty for breaking a law, a deterrent.
- Suspend (v) – to attach to some elevated point without support from below; to hold floating on or in a fluid, or as it on or in a fluid; to debar, usually for a time, from the exercise of an office or function or the enjoyment of a privilege.
- Tardiness (n) – late, dilatory, overdue, delayed; slow, sluggish, leisurely, torpid.
- Tardy (adj. – not coming, happening, etc. at the schedule or proper time; moving, acting at a slow pace.
- Time management (n) - the concept of continuous existence; the past, present, and the future; a distinct moment or period.
- Violation (n) – the act of violating or the state of being violated.
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