St. Joan of Arc biography

Last Updated: 27 Jul 2020
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Arc is not only widely known all over the world for her trust in God, but for her outrageous bravery. In this heroic story of Saint Joan of Arc, everyone will be inspired for the courage of this young lady, who laid her life down for her faith, and for her country. Born to devout Catholic parents Jacques d'art and Isabella Rome, SST. Joan of Arc was born on January 6, 1412 in the small village of Dormer, France. She was one of five children which lived on a fifty acre farm which was in the north-eastern part of France. In 1412 at the age of twelve, Joan experienced visions when she was alone in field.

The angels of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, and Saint Margaret the Virgin, had appeared to her and told her to drive out the English in France. She was very surprised that the angels had appeared to her, a woman, to do such a Job. When she was sixteen years old, she went to see Count Robert De Bureaucratic, who was an army commander in the town of Vacuoles, to get permission to see the royal French court. Count Robert De Bureaucratic did not take her seriously and made a Joke of Joan and her visions. He then sent her home.

Along with two other en in January 1429, she returned to have a meeting with the Count to tell him a prediction she had made about an upcoming battle. When Joan was proved right about her prediction, Count Robert De Bureaucratic granted her permission to have a meeting with the Charles VI'. She dressed up as a man and was then escorted along with six other men to Chino. During the private conference with Charles VI', he was very impressed with Joan and her ideas. She also won the favor with Charles' mother- in-law and she was sent on an expedition to Orleans.

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They thought of her as their only source of light and hope in the hard times of France. After multiple years of the French being humiliated in battle, Joan yet again asked a favor of Charles VI'. She requested for herself to be placed as one of the commanders of the French army. He granted her request by acknowledging the fact that every single one of his plans and strategies have failed, and there was a need for a new plan. Joan then took control of the army, with her intelligent strategies and tactics, and proceeded to win many battles.

With Joan in command, the war was reversed, in favor of the French. She showed outrageous courage and bravery by the many things that she has done in battle. She was also very determined by fighting even after being wounded in the neck by an arrow. The victory of the battle of Orleans was only one of the many battles won. The victory led to the necessity of more offensive action. She then persuaded Charles VII once again, by placing her in co-command of the entire army with Duke John II of Alnico. On May 23, 1430 Joan was captured during an attempted attack and was held a prisoner of war.

She was unable to be released by Charles VIII not intervening with he Duke Philip of Burgundy. Charles VII and the French did not try to save her. She tried to escape many times even by Jumping from a seventy foot tower in which she was held in. Later, the English government then bought Joan for ten thousand francs from Duke Philip of Burgundy and put her under trial. While under trial, Joan was mainly accused of being a heretic, sorceress, and adulteress. People have tried to collect testimony against her, but they could not find any evidence.

Along with the insufficient evidence, the court violated ecclesiastical law by denying her the right to have a legal advisor. The trial had tried many times to accuse Joan of different laws broken, but her intelligence had proved them wrong. Under certain guidelines, Joan should of been placed in an ecclesiastical prison under the supervision of nuns, but instead, he was held in a secular prison and was guarded by actual solders. In conclusion to her trial, she was condemned and sentenced to burn at stake. On May 30, 1941, only being 19 years old, she was tied too tall pillar in front of a large crowd.

Before being tied, she had asked clergymen to hold a crucifix before her while he would be consumed by the burning fire. Immediately after her body had finished burning, the English had burned her remains once more, so that her bodily remains would only be ashes. Afterwards, they castes her remains into the nearby river called the Seine. About 24 years past Jean's death, the Hundred Years' War had ended. The weak rule of the young King Henry VI ended the war between France and England. Her ultimate goal of bringing Charles VII was successful. In 1452, Jean's case had been put on retrial by Pope Casualties Ill.

The main issues f the retrial was to investigate if the original trial had been handled Justly or not. Many different clergymen conducted this investigation, and in June 1456, the court declared her innocent. In conclusion, it wasn't until 1909 when Joan was beatified. On May 16, 1920, she was cannonaded a saint and martyr in the Holy Roman Catholic Church by Pope Benedict W. Her saint name is now Saint Joan of Arc and is the patron saint of soldiers and France. Also, Many Catholics around the world look up to Saint Joan of Arc as a role model and inspiration. Her feast day is celebrated on May 30th every year.

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St. Joan of Arc biography. (2018, Aug 31). Retrieved from

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