Sales Project Report on WallS

Category: Advertising, Sales, Unilever
Last Updated: 20 Apr 2022
Pages: 11 Views: 1158

WALL'S Introduction: Wall’s was bought by Mac fisheries in 1920 – who then sold Wall’s to Lever Brothers in 1922. In 1922 by the 1950s, wartime rationing produced a big appetite for ice cream – sales reached ? 46 million by 1959 and Wall’s opened a large ice cream factory in Gloucester. Supermarkets began to stock ice creams in addition to small high street shops. Market research in the 1970s showed that practically everyone loved ice cream. Wall’s ice cream started production. Wall’s ice cream introduced in 1995 in Pakistan under unilever brand.

Unilever is one of the biggest brands in Pakistan and 56 other brands are registered under unilever brand. "Meeting the everyday needs of people everywhere". It is the world number 1 in ice-cream, margarine, and tea-based beverages; also in personal wash, prestige fragrances and deodorants. Unilever's packaged foods business is the world's third largest after Nestle and Kraft. Yet at the same time, the group has pruned its portfolio by 75%, disposing of some regional products and rebranding others in order to concentrate on a smaller roster of global power brands.

Advertising Age estimated global measured advertising expenditure of $3. 5bn in 2004 making Unilever the worlds number 3 advertisers. ?Founded 1930 ?Employees 350,000 ?Sales $25. 3 Billion ?Profits $982 Million ?Headquarters London, England and Rotterdam the Netherlands ? 3d-largest company in Britain ?World’s largest margarine producer ?World’s largest soap and detergent maker ?World’s largest maker of packaged tea ?World’s largest ice cream maker ?World’s 3rd-largest advertiser ?World’s 16th –largest industrial company ?Rank World’s largest consumer products company

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Unilever is one of the world's leading food companies. “Our passion for understanding what people want and need from their food - and what they love about it - makes our brands a popular choice”. In the late 19th century the businesses that would later become Unilever were among the most philanthropic of their time. They set up projects to improve the lot of their workers and created products with a positive social impact, making hygiene and personal care commonplace and improving nutrition through adding vitamins to foods that were already daily staples.

The decade starts with the launch of Path to Growth, a five-year strategic plan, and in 2004 further sharpens its focus on the needs of 21st century-consumers with its Vitality mission. Ice cream is made from milk, fat and sugar. These are cooled as they are mixed, then whipped to create a light, airy texture. Flavourings, fruit or chocolate are added then the whole mixture is frozen again before packaging. Walls have been continuously adding new products to its range. As a result Walls has registered a significant increase in its sale volume during the last ten years in Pakistan. Mission Statement Unilever’s mission is to add vitality to life. We meet everyday needs for nutrition; hygiene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life. ” Wall's Polka Acquisition In 1994 Lever Brothers Pakistan tried to acquire Polka Ice Cream for Rs 600 million. Polka refused the bid, demanding instead Rs. 1 billion. One year after the launch of Wall's Ice Cream by Lever Brothers in 1995, Polka approached Wall's with an offer to merge the two companies. In 1998 Polka merged into Walls both combined with one and other. After the merging they are working together for last 7 years.

On Polka packaging there is a brand mark of Walls ice cream. Wall’s has a 28% share in the ice cream market; 25% of which comes from the take home range and 64% of the impulse range – the highest in the entire industry. Taste the fun side of life Mention ice cream and most people think of the Heart brand. The brand with the big red heart logo is behind many much-loved ice cream classics – from indulgent treats like Magnum and Cornetto. Making you happy Few foods are guaranteed to put a smile on people's faces like ice cream. But while ice cream should always be fun, we've an ever-growing range of lower fat, lower sugar products.

Heart brand now provides lighter versions for those watching the calories and smaller sizes for smaller appetites, as well old favorites – there's something for everyone Some ice creams are best as an occasional indulgence, but others can be a regular treat, and eaten sensibly, ice cream can be part of a healthy balanced diet. Heart brand is developing products that are lower in fat, sugar-free, lactose-free, as well as low-crab options and those with more nutritional 'goodies' like calcium and fruit. Key facts • Unilever is the world's biggest ice cream manufacturer, with an annual turnover of €5 billion. Heart brand products are sold in more than 40 countries. The Heart brand operates under different names in different markets (Wall's in the UK and most parts of Asia, Algida in Italy, Langnese in Germany, Kibon in Brazil, and Ola in the Netherlands). Ice cream is an impulse buying product it is related to happiness, fun and togetherness. Ice cream is a frozen product made from a combination of milk products and eggs, sugar dextrose corn syrup etc. It was once considered a sophisticated item of food is now becoming increasingly popular among the people.

There are small, medium and large manufacturers of ice cream in Pakistan. Walls have divided the ice-cream products into three main categories. 1. impulse item 2. In home 3. bulk pack Impulse Item Impulse items are produce especially for kids and teenagers. KIDS: It includes Rocket, Twister, Bigger Three, and Vanilla cup, Rainbow Berry Dip and Choc Dip which are for kids. SLOGAN: All Action All Wall’s TEENAGERS: It includes jet sport, Kings Kulfa , Mango Kings KulfaVanilla, and Choc Bar, Cornetto, Pop cone,Chocolate Passion, Magnum, and Feast SLOGAN: All Hearts All Walls’. IN HOME:

In home ice cream products are especially designed For family and adults which includes liter and half liter packs also Have half and full packs. It includes Tutti Fruity, Cassatta, Kings Kulfa, Mango, Chocolate chip and many more. BULK PACK: These are for dealers and hotels and Wall’s providing in large Or big quantity in the form of big packs. Wall’s deal with Pizza Hut, McDonalds, major shopping centers, stores, vendor. Annual Growth Rate: 13. 37% is annual growth rate of the wall’s company And wall’s ice creams remain the best. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: • Strong brand equity. Quality product Larger dealers network Country wide availability • Production under Unilever brand is one of the biggest strength for company • Innovative (using latest technology for the manufacturing of the ice cream and all system is computerized) • Unique innovative packing Weaknesses: • Perception about the company is that it is specially made for high class consumers. This perception is affecting company image although Wall’s is making ice cream for every class and they have those products which are ranging from 5 to 30 which can be affordable for the poor people. Weather barrier is also the factor which is affecting the production of the ice cream and can be taken as a weakness for the Wall’s • Product price high with respect to the competitor in some flavors Opportunities: • Range of the products can be increased especially for the kids • Kids are the big opportunities for the company • Increase in the population • Unilever brand is the big opportunity for the Wall’s as it is well known internationally Threats: • If any multinational company launch ice-cream product then it will be a big threat for the company but up till now company is not facing any kind of threat Selling Techniques: - Let people know you sell ice cream Show customers and passersby that you sell ice cream by displaying POS items such as pavement signs, flags and waste bins outside your store. This may result in further impulse buys, growing your overall business. 2 - Keep your cabinet clean and full Only 50% of intended ice cream purchases result in a sale due to unappealing cabinets. Check your stock regularly and clean and defrost your cabinet to attract more sales and keep running costs down. 3 - Stock the best sellers

Stock the best selling brands in each of 4 segments – chocolate snacks, cones, adult refreshment and kids – to make it easier for your customers to find what they want 4 - Make your cabinet easy to find Place your cabinet in a high traffic flow area near to the till and ideally amongst other impulse products. 5 - Draw attention to your cabinet Use indoor POS items such as freezer display boards, basket labels and cabinet stickers to make your cabinet stand out. 6 - Stock ice cream all your round A third of all ice cream sales are made during the winter months, so stock up now and don’t miss out. Distribution: ne of the competitive advantage of WALL'S is its availabilty, which is ensured by extensive distribution. The distribution of icecream is different from other products. To keep it in a good form it must be chilled at appropriate temprature. For thid purpose deep freezers are used, which are provided by the company. However the running costs are to be paid by the retailer. For this purpose walls gives a margin of 18% to its retailerdistributors, which is distributed over entire channel. Pakistan is divided in three major sections. These are as follows: 1) North ( Islamabad, Peshawar, Northren Areas) 2) Central Central Punjab and Lahore) 3) South ( Sindh and Balochistan) Disribution Channel: Distribution is making the product available but this availablity should ensure that product must be: 1- At right place 2- At right time 3- In right condition WALL'S have a hybrid distribution system. It reaches different customers with different systems. WALL'S is using two types of ditribution channels, both are indirect channels. Producer Distributor Retailer Consumer Retailer|Security forthe freezers|Investment onIce cream products|Board for advertisement|Total investment required| Others|15000|12-15,000|3000|30,000|

WALL’S|Nil|12-15,000|Nil|15,000| Promotional Strategies: Promotional strategies of WALL’s ice-cream is consistent. It uses Pull strategy for promoting its product because WALL’s spent a lot on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand. Promotional Budget One of the hardest marketing decisions facing a company is how much to spend on promotion. How des a company decide on its promotion budget: WALL’s ice-cream uses Objective-and-Task Method to set its budget for promotional activities.

This budgeting method entails (1) defining specific promotion objectives, (2) determining the tasks needed to achieve these objectives, and (3) estimating the cost of performing these tasks. The sum of these costs is the proposed promotion budget. Wall’s determine its specific tasks to achieve its objectives which are defined by the company’s management, to achieve these objectives WALL’s estimates the costs of different tasks, which are to be done to promote its products. 1. Promotional Objectives Promotional objectives of the WALL’s ice-cream are as follows Inform Persuade Remind

Companies inform the people when they don’t know about the product, persuasion takes place when people already know about the product and company forces them to buy the product and when companies is selling enough quantities of a product it reminds consumers about the product to keep the sales at the same level in future. Promotion is important for firms in many ways. It helps to establish image of product, which the manufacture wants to portray, and also the personality of product. It informs the people, creates awareness and helps in positioning and repositioning of the product.

With promotional tools company can tell about the availability of product, company can justify prices or can communicate the features of the product. WALL’S is not promoting its products individually because WALL’S believe that the high quality it is providing through its products are more than sufficient to prove its identity. We believe that now there is a need for WALL’S to promote its products separately as international competition is coming as well. 2. Tasks Selection of different promotional tools advertising and media schedules and what types of message are delivered to the target audience. WALL’s uses Advertising and Sales Promotion. . Cost/Budget Estimated budget of WALL’s of promotion is Rs. 2. 5 million (est. ) Promotional Tools 1. ADVERTISEMENT WALL’S is creating awareness about its new products such as supper Cornetto, Carte DOR for this purpose it is using huge signboards on the major square of the cities and more importantly both the print and electronic media for advertisement and for that it is following AIDA model. · Awareness The WALL’S uses print and electronic media plus the signboards initially just to create awareness and knowledge about its new product as these days it is giving A lot of adds of both of its newly launched producs Super Cornetto. Interest: As the public gets awareness of the produces of WALL’S the next step is to create interest among the target buyers about the product which is again done through advertisement. · Desire: The WALL’S create curiosity among the customers and transform that curiosity into the desire of the product. · Action: Finally to make the customer purchase the product this is the final thing to be done in model. The WALL’S follows a sequential pattern through which it strengthens its newly launched products. Or to put in another way, the concept can be very well understood with the help of the above given building blocks: Inform

Persuade Remind Companies inform the people when they don’t know about the product, persuasion takes place when people already know about the product and company forces them to buy the product and when companies is selling enough quantities of a product it reminds consumers about the product to keep the sales at the same level in future. Promotion is important for firms in many ways. It helps to establish image of product, which the manufacture wants to portray, and also the personality of product. It informs the people, creates awareness and helps in positioning and repositioning of the product.

With promotional tools company can tell about the availability of product, company can justify prices or can communicate the features of the product. WALL’S is not promoting its products individually because WALL’S believe that the high quality it is providing through its products are more than sufficient to prove its identity. We believe that now there is a need for WALL’S to promote its products separately as international competition is coming as well. The theme of advertisement varies with the product image and positioning. But walls follow the same theme internationally.

The advertisements run on TV are made in foreign countries. The objectives of advertising are the three basic ones which include informing, persuading and reminding about different brands of walls. WALL’S have used all sorts of mediums of mass communication and one to one bases. The mediums used in WALL’S promotional activities are: · TV · Billboards · News papers · Magazines · Radio · Banners · Pamphlets · Stands in shops · Shop boards · Sponsorships of pop stars, actors, models · Event arrangements · Bus Stop Board Ads · Fun carnival carried out in different parks such as Racecourse Park 2.

SALES PROMOTION WALL’S has been going a number of sales promotion activities like the: 1- Cycling System: WALL’S started its cycling system for awareness but after that its task was modified into doing sales promotions for the company. And also cycling system has proved excellent in terms of sales and promotion. 2- Discount Coupons: WALL’S launches very low price products for the purpose of both market expansion and sales promotion. Like Solo for Rs. 2 and Liter pack for Rs. 45 was also to boost sales. 3- Discounts and Offerings: Wall’s offered 5% discount in off-season. 3. Public Relations

For strengthening itself in relationship markets WALL’S is not only going for customer satisfaction but also stressing upon building strong public relations. For example, under the umbrella of Unilever, WALL’S has been trying to part in charity activities and also to stay in front in national and religion events. For instance events like Valentines Day. WALL’S uses such occasions to not only promote its sales but also to build strong public relationships through sponsoring events on this day. Moreover, it has recently started organizing colorful Fun Carnivals too, which is totally a family affair.

This is just an instance WALL’S tries to gain maximum of such opportunities. 1. Customers Price discounts Quantity discounts 2. Distributors Shares 50% of the distributors' expenses Off season discounts: 5% 3. Retailers Free freezers to retailers Investment on each retailer: Rs. 22,000 Free freezers’ maintenance 4. Street Vendors Free Trikes To strengthen its relationship with the various public and customers WALL’s sponsors an Art exibition. Hierarchy of Marketing Department (sales force) National/Country marketing (sales) manager ? Zonal sales manager Area/territory sales manager ? Sales officer ?Our Suggestions: REFERENCES 1. www. wallspakistan. com[->0] 2. www. unilever. com[->1] 3. www. yummy. com. pk[->2] 4. www. unilver. co. uk[->3] 5. www. walls. co. uk[->4] 6. www. yahoo. com[->5] 7. www. google. com[->6] ? [->0] - http://www. wallspakistan. com/ [->1] - http://www. unilever. com/ [->2] - http://www. yummy. com. pk/ [->3] - http://www. unilver. co. uk/ [->4] - http://www. walls. co. uk/ [->5] - http://www. yahoo. com/ [->6] - http://www. google. com/

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Sales Project Report on WallS. (2017, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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