Potential Impact Study of Renewable Energy Resources on Power Transformer

Last Updated: 01 Mar 2023
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CIndia is one of the developing countries and at the same times a fastest rising economy in the world. India along with the BRIC countries is considered as the back bone of the world’s economy. This attraction is partially due to the lower cost of manpower and good quality production. India is now the eleventh largest economy in the world, fourth in terms of purchasing power. It is poised to make tremendous economic strides over the coming years, with significant development already in the planning stages. For development of a country, infrastructure plays a vital role.

With the opening of the Indian economy in 1990, many multinational / transnational companies were eager to invest in India. India being the second largest population of the world is the largest market for foreign multinationals. For this reason development of the infrastructure was need of the hour for the economy. ENERGY development is the key aspect of infrastructure development & demand of the developing economy. Moreover, fulfilling the energy requirement of ever growing population is herculean task. The infrastructure deficit in India is immense & India is power stressed.

The increasing vibrancy and flexibility of the Indian economy is not matched by the power sector. India was heavily relied on Conventional energy resources like thermal energy. The conventional energy development mainly depends on availability of resources like oil, coal, coke etc. Even nuclear power generation depends on availability of uranium & platinum. Conventional energy generation also results in higher carbon emission & pollution. Destroying the wastes from the conventional energy generation is the major task ahead of the country. Renewable energy Resources give the best possible solution for this problem.

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Renewable energy resources can be defined as the energy resources which can be replenished, as & when they are consumed e. g. solar, wind, small hydro power, biogas etc. Knowing the potential of this form of energy resources, Indian government established a separate ministry for Renewable energy resources in 2006. Perhaps, India is the only country having separate ministry for renewable energy. Since then renewable energy market is an upcoming market in Indian power sector. With boom in the renewable energy market, there is also a rise in demand for related manufacturing equipment industries.

Transformer is one of such equipments required in power systems for transmission of power. Our aim in this project is to make a Market Potential Impact Study for transformer for renewable energy markets.

Research Methodology

The first and a very important step in market research is formulating a research problem. It is the most important stage as if the problem is wrongly defined the subsequent stages will be of no good for the purpose for which the research is being conducted, at the same time the problem must not be defined too broadly or too narrowly.

In this Project we are identifying the gap in the organizations portfolio of Transformer Business in India. We have identified that organization has no presence in the low voltage, distribution class transformer markets in India. Looking at the growth rate of Renewable energy markets and governments initiative towards the renewable energy, our main objective is to ascertain its impact on transformer business. Identifying sources of information.

There are two type of data resources used for the research primary and secondary data sources.

Primary research data

It involves getting original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that did not exist before it is designed to answer specific questions of interest to the business. One to one interaction: Idea generation of the project is drawn from the one to one interaction with the experienced colleagues and trusted associates.

Casual Interviews

Casual interviews are the unstructured interviews. Casual interactions with the seniors, discussions with the vendors are one of the sources of primary data.


Brainstorming is the casual interaction with experts. Experts are allowed to discuss freely on a particular subject. Their newly generated ideas are registered. There may not be any time duration for such sessions.

Existing customer enquiries & their feedbacks: Many times customer enquiries can give us the data we required. The feedbacks from the existing customers are also helpful for idea generation.

Secondary research data

Secondary data is the pre- existing data, already available through books, previous researches, organizations, government documents, journals, news papers etc.

Trade magazines, Journals. There are various trade magazines in power sector available. IEEMA (Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association), Powerline magazines, ITMA (Indian Transformer’s Manufacturing Association) are some of the related associations. These associations are also working on the Renewable Energy Resources.

Newspapers: News papers are always giving the updates about the new trends, ideas, research going on around the world around.

Internet articles, websites: Internet is the huge pool of data available for secondary research.

Various search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. are useful for finding the relevant data. Websites of various Private & government PSU’s are the sources of data. Websites of PGCIL, IEEMA, ITMA, Wind Power Associations, Wind mill solution manufacturer’s, statistical agencies are of immense help.

Books: Books are always the sources of the technical data.

Statistics agencies; The statistical agencies like India Securities ltd. , which are doing their own research in various industries, are the sources of secondary data.

Government resources. Government organizations like PGCIL, SEB’s, Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Resources are the sources of data.

Manufacturing associations: Indian Transformer Manufacturing Association (ITMA), Windmill manufacturing associations are some of the manufacturing associations, which are used as the sources of secondary data. Gathering the existing data & checking its authenticity is an important step in the research design. After the process of data gathering information, the data was tabulated and analyzed through graphs & bar charts as discussed in chapter 4 of this report.


Siemens was founded in Berlin by Werner von Siemens in 1847. As an extraordinary inventor, engineer and entrepreneur, Werner von Siemens made the world's first pointer telegraph and electric dynamo, inventions that helped put the spin in the industrial revolution.

He was the man behind one of the most fascinating success stories of all time - by turning a humble little workshop into one of the world's largest enterprises. As Werner had envisioned, the company he started grew from strength to strength in every field of electrical engineering. From constructing the world's first electric railway to laying the first telegraph line linking Britain and India, Siemens was responsible for building much of the modern world's infrastructure. Siemens is today a technology giant in more than 190 countries, employing some 440,000 people worldwide.

Our work in the fields of energy, industry, communications, information, transportation, healthcare, components and lighting has become essential parts of everyday life. While Werner was a tireless inventor during his days, Siemens today remains a relentless innovator. With innovations averaging 18 a day, it seems like the revolution Werner started is still going strong.

Siemens Ltd. in India The Siemens Group in India is a unique player in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.

We have the capability to integrate diverse products, systems and services into turnkey solutions across the life- cycle of a project. Innovation is our strength. But it’s not the only one. Our customers also know that they can rely on us to execute quality projects, while delivering value. In all areas of our operation, we provide the complete range of offerings.

Siemens Ltd is the flagship listed company in India. Siemens in India, which comprises 20 legal entities, is a leading provider of industry and infrastructure solutions with a business volume aggregating about Rs 11,800 crore, as on September 2008. It operates in the core business areas of Industry, Energy and Healthcare.

It has nation-wide Sales and Service network, 20 manufacturing plants, a network of around 500 channel partners and employs about 17,200 people.

Energy Sector Siemens consolidates its innovative offerings in the Energy sector by combining its full range expertise in the areas of Power Generation (PG) and Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD). Utilizing the most advanced plant diagnostics and systems technologies, Siemens provides comprehensive services for complete power plants and for rotating machines such as gas and steam turbines, generators and compressors. Power Generation Efficient, reliable, climate-friendly power generation is vital for economic development.

With innovative technologies and products, Siemens is pushing the limits of power plant efficiency and helping strike a viable balance between climate protection, supply security and cost-efficiency in power generation. From simple cycle power plants to combined cycle power plants, steam power plants up to integrated gasification combined cycle plants, Siemens ensures the highest levels of efficiency currently possible throughout the entire power generation process.

Renewable power plants Power Transmission & Distribution (PTD) Efficient high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) power transmission lines are indispensable for transporting large amounts of electricity over long distances with minimum loss and thus for transmitting power from renewable energy sources in remote locations to distant consumer centres.

This is where the Power Transmission Division (PTD) of Siemens plays an important role as pioneering technology providers, offering greater reliability and efficiency besides contributing to develop sustainable power supplies. PTD offerings p the entire field of high voltage power transmission, including HVDC transmission systems and products and systems for high-voltage switchgear and transformers.

By combining the most advanced laboratory diagnostics, imaging systems and healthcare information technology, Siemens Healthcare division enables clinicians to diagnose disease earlier and more accurately, making a decisive contribution to improving the quality of healthcare The Siemens Healthcare Division is one of the largest suppliers of healthcare technology in the world. It offers solutions for the entire supply chain under one roof - from prevention and early detection through diagnosis and on to treatment and aftercare.

In addition, Siemens Healthcare is the market leader for innovative hearing devices. Laboratory Diagnostics The Diagnostics Division of Siemens is engaged with the business of generating clinical diagnostic test results using tissue and fluid analysis – a process known as in-vitro diagnostics, besides immune diagnostics and molecular analysis. The Division’s solutions range from point-of-care applications to the automation of large laboratories, producing high quality outcomes that save time, money and lives.

The transformers manufactured by Siemens in India will be identical to those made in Europe, the United States and elsewhere as the technology for these comes from Nuremberg, Germany. The full technology transfer, including the know-how for design and production techniques, has been transferred through documentation as well as the training of Indian personnel in Siemens plants in Germany and elsewhere. The new plant is designed taking into consideration all the experiences gathered from other Siemens plants, which have been in operation for the past several decades.

This makes the plant unique as it applies all the best practices established in other plants – under one roof. The new plant will have 500 employees when it reaches full production capacity. The manpower and production costs account for approximately 15 percent of the sales price in India compared to about 35 percent in developed countries. The new Transformer factory will be able to address the heightened demand for power transmission equipment in the country by designing and manufacturing large transformers of power rating upto 600 MVA and 800 KV voltage class.

The factory will also produce special application transformers such as for HVDC and traction furnace applications. This factory is the latest addition to the prestigious league of 17 Transformer factories of Siemens located world-over. One of the unique features of the factory is that the transformers are manufactured in a dust-free and humidity controlled environment to ensure top class dry windings coming out of a vapour phase oven and tested under tough conditions in fully shielded test-lab.

Identifying technologies with major growth potential, recognizing technologicalbreakthroughs, anticipating future customer needs and new business opportunities -Siemens experts are doing all of these things in a systematic process designed to make the company a trendsetter in as many business fields as possible. In an increasingly complex business environment marked by ever-shorter product cycles, the major challenge facing companies is how to organize R&D activities in as focused and success-oriented a manner as possible - while simultaneously making optimum use of available funds. Rigorous focus on growth markets of the future

Siemens’ Ten-Point Program was launched at the end of the 1990s to intensify the company’s focus on active portfolio management. To this day, Siemens continues to pursue the strategy defined in the program and achieve its growth targets through organic growth powered by the company’s innovative strengths, as well as through acquisitions, divestments and the formation of startups and joint ventures. In 2005, Siemens launched the Fit4More program to further tailor the strategic development of the company’s portfolio to the growth markets of the future, thus laying the groundwork for sustainable profitable growth.

In addition to defining four pillars – Performance and Portfolio, Operational Excellence, People Excellence and Corporate Responsibility – the program identified urbanization and demographic change as key megatrends that would drive its business in the future. The company’s business portfolio has changed considerably in the past few years. For example, Siemens withdrew completely from the components business (now Infineon and Epcos). Large parts of its telecommunications technology business were funneled into the joint venture Nokia Siemens Networks in 2006.

At the same time, Siemens strengthened its activities in the energy, industry and healthcare fields though extensive acquisitions. In 2006 alone, the company invested more than €6 billion to acquire companies and holdings. The current Fit4 2010 program embodies a rigorous continuation of this strategy, including further portfolio optimization with a focus on the fields of energy and environment, industry and healthcare. Siemens expects to win new orders of around INR 1 trillion in the next three fiscal years 2010 until 2012, which will be generated by government stimulus programs already announced around the world.

Green technologies are expected to account for 40 percent or approximately INR 400 billion of this total, which will significantly increase the share of the company’s revenues from its environmental portfolio in the future. Siemens based this forecast on an initial systematic analysis of the largest stimulus programs. Siemens has continued with its investment plans and focused on strengthening the local manufacturing base. In the last two years, Siemens has added three new factories in Indian energy sector alone. Siemens constant focus is to bring world-class and high technology products to India.

Cite this Page

Potential Impact Study of Renewable Energy Resources on Power Transformer. (2018, Feb 25). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/potential-impact-study-of-renewable-energy-resources-on-power-transformer/

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