Personal Ethics Statement

Category: Personal Ethics
Last Updated: 25 May 2023
Essay type: Personal
Pages: 19 Views: 3923

My Personal Ethics Statement My personal ethics have been formed through family influence, religious beliefs, life experiences, my internal reflection and the culture in which I was raised. Family instilled a strong work ethic in me as a child. My parents never missed a day of work. I was taught that if you want something, you must work for it. According to my ethical lens inventory, this supports my classical value of temperance. I seek to satisfy my duties. My strong desire to succeed and lead a fruitful life also comes from the influence of my family.

It is important to me to be a good role model for my husband and my children. Actions speak much louder than words ever can. My key phrase according to the ethical lends inventory is, “I am responsible. ” I am guided by my religious beliefs. I try to live by the Golden Rule when dealing with others. It is important to me to do the right thing even if it is not the popular thing. My definition of ethical behavior is fulfilling duties while balancing fairness. I believe that we should all practice religious tolerance. Each person was created uniquely and therefore each person should be able to worship in his or her own way.

My ethical blind spot according to the ethical lens is that I tend to believe that motive justifies method. I trust that each person should be ethical and that ethics are a set of universal rules that we should all be held to. Life experiences have been a big influence in forming my ethics. Setting a good example is one of the most important values you can have. A person is only as good as their word. My ethical lens inventory states that my gift is self-knowledge. I follow through with my duties when I make a commitment. When faced with a challenge you should always do your best.

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Trying and failing is better than never trying. Because of this sense of duty, I tend to come across as bossy, which is my ethical lens risk. Internal reflection has helped me to develop my personal ethics. I have learned to rely on my gut feelings when faced with a difficult situation. If something feels wrong, there is a strong possibility it is. My ethical lens states that in order for me to see clearly I should listen to my heart. Making hasty decisions does not tend to serve me well. Thinking about my decisions with regard to how the outcome will affect others is important to me.

I use reason to analyze problems according to my ethical lens inventory. I have been raised in the culture of Southern hospitality. In the South, manners are taught and expected. I find that I assume that others will mind their manners and I am offended if they choose not to do so. It makes sense that my ethical lens vice is becoming judgmental and legalistic. The female nature is to be the caregiver and nurturer of the family. I fall into this behavior and try to meet the needs of others before I take care of myself.

My crisis, according to the ethical lens inventory, is becoming exhausted. My ethics have been formed over a lifetime of experiences. Because of these experiences and my personal beliefs, I use my rationality to decide what my duties are. I believe that each individual is independently responsible for their own morals. This corresponds with my personal preferred lens which is rights and responsibility. When faced with adversity, I use my practical nature to determine the best course of action. I want to ensure I have examined all angles and outcomes prior to making a decision.

AHIMA Professional Code of Ethics

The “American Health Information Management Association or AHIMA” for short has several reasons for developing a Code of Ethics (American.., 2004). This started from the premise that the “Health Information Management” has the commitment and responsibility of displaying acts which mirror “values, ethical principles, as well as, ethical guidelines” (American.., 2004).

The Code of Ethics created by the “American Health Information Management Association” carries out or implements the aforementioned values and ethical principles to direct or motivate the proper behavior (American.., 2004).

The Code of Ethics prepared by the “American Health Information Management Association” is essential and applicable to all the members of the aforementioned, as well as, those “Health Information Management” professionals and students who were given such credentials whatever tasks & functions they are assigned to; no matter where the location they’re at; and whatsoever race they serve (American.., 2004).

Explaining further, the “American Health Information Management Association” has six specific reasons for developing the aforementioned Code of Ethics and these are the following:

First of all, it categorizes the morals on which the “Health Information Management” is founded upon (American.., 2004).

Second, it goes over the main points of the extensive moral principles that mirror the profession’s core ideals, as well as, institute a collection of decent philosophies to be utilized as a guiding light in coming up with decisions and actions called for by the occurrence of critical situations (American.., 2004).

Third, it lends a hand to “Health Information Management” professional pinpoint essential deliberations or reflections in instances where responsibilities conflict or when hesitations based on ethics comes up (American.., 2004).

Fourth, it serves as a set of rules for the “Health Information Management” professional to be held responsible if it’s called for by the people or the public (American.., 2004).

Fifth, it plays the role of getting together practitioners who are not familiar to the “mission, values, as well as, ethical principles” of the “Health Information Management” (American.., 2004).

Last but not least, it is for the purpose of the “Health Information Management” professional to personally evaluate himself or herself in a situation wherein, he or she feels that he may have engaged in an immoral or dishonorable act (American.., 2004).

Importance of Adhering to Professional Code of Ethics

It is very important to adhere to the Code of Ethics. Allow me reiterate further on its importance by specifically stating the reasons for it:

Without a Code of Ethics, they will not be able to know their responsibilities (American.., 2004).  Of course, if members are not familiar with it:

1) they will not have the capacity to uphold the aforementioned principles stated in the Code of Ethics;

2) they will not be able to remember to carry out any good conduct stipulated in the Code of Ethics;

3) they will not be able to maintain a healthy competition within the organization;

4) they will not be able to get rid of the possible occurrence of exploitation of professional relationships;

5) they cannot “further the interests of their profession”;

6) they will not be able to respect and trust their co-professionals;

7) most likely, they will not be able to improve or develop the pride and distinction of the profession through encouraging individual acts;

8) they will not have any reason of abstaining from engaging in activities that may disgrace or degrade the integrity of their co-professional or the profession itself;

9) they may not avoid using their profession or membership to a certain group to advance or support products and services that do not have anything to do with their profession;

10) they will have a reason not to be truthful to their professional communications that may consequently lead to undesirable and irrational effects; 11) and so on and so forth (American.., 2004).

In addition to that, with the absence of a Code of Ethics, professional members would have more reason to act in a manner that is unacceptable, dishonorable or moral (American.., 2004).

This is because they would think that no Ethics Committee will punish them for it anyway (American.., 2004). They will have the courage to do whatever they want since nobody will be there to file a complaint against them, nobody will assess if the complaint is valid or not, nobody will recommend censure, probation, suspension, and especially suspension (American.., 2004).

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics Comparison Paper Melissa J. Diehl Liberty University September 2, 2012 Abstract Different organizations are driven by specific sets of code of ethics, which are used to protect many different aspect of the organizations, specifically the client, counselor, and organization. Concerning the standards of a counselor, their ethics are not only provided by the laws of the state or their practice, but also outside sources who present basic values and regulations of ethical standards in their code of ethics.

This paper will look at two specific associations: the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). The purpose of this paper is to discuss both the similarities as well as differences of these two organizations and their standards of ethics. While discussing the AACC and ACA organizations standards, this paper will also look at three specific areas which we chosen to compare and contrast: confidentiality, fees, and competence. ACA and AACC Code of Ethics Comparison The ACA and AACC codes of ethics were put into practice to protect the client, counselor, and organization.

The ACA code of ethics was put into practice in 2005 with the mission to promote the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity. (ACA, 2005, p. 1) In 2004 the AACC code of ethics was designed with the primary goal of honoring Jesus Christ and his Church, promote excellence in Christian counseling and bring unity to Christian counselors. (AACC, 2004, p. 1) One of the bigger differences in the two codes of ethics is the Christian principles and biblical foundation that guides the AACC code of ethics.

Each code of ethics explores the rights of the client and counselor, as well as describes the protection of each party. The ACA code of ethics is composed of eight different sections: 1- the counseling relationship, 2- confidentiality, privileged communication, and privacy, 3- professional responsibility, 4- relationships with other professionals, 5- evaluations, assessment, and interpretation, 6- supervision, training, and teaching, 7- research and publication, 8- resolving ethical issues (ACA, 2005).

The AACC code of ethics is composed of seven different sections: 1- do no harm, 2- competence in Christian counseling, 3- informed consent in Christian counseling, 4- confidentiality, privacy, and privileged communication, 5- ethical practice in Christian counseling and evaluation, 6- ethical relations in the professional workplace, 7- ethics in advertising and public relations (AACC, 2004). Although ACA has a greater number of ethical sections, each code of ethics seeks to outline the rights of the client and provide guidance for how the counselor should carry out his or her duties for their client.

Confidentiality Both the ACA (2005) and AACC (2004) code of ethics require the counselor to maintain client confidentiality to the fullest extent. Working in the counseling field, trust is a rock in the foundational of a helping relationship and confidentially plays a large role in the client counselor relationship. Both codes share similarities regarding their stance on confidentiality. When counseling others, a counselor is to inform their clients about their commitment to confidentiality as well as their limits before beginning the counseling process.

According to both codes of ethics, a counselor is not to disclose any of the client’s information to anyone without consent from the client, unless required by law. Some reasons for disclosure of information due to law include: life-threatening harm, the duty to protect others, child abuse, etc. Although both codes of ethics share similar stances on confidentiality, each code has its differences. According to the ACA code of ethics (2005) B. 3. fc, “counselors protect the confidentiality of deceased clients, consistent with legal requirements and agency of setting policies” (ACA, 2005, p8).

The AACC code of ethics does not mention confidentiality concerning the confidentiality of deceased patients, however the AACC code of ethics does discusses advocating privacy rights against intrusive powers in ES1-470. According to ES1-470, “Christian counselors are called to wisely protect and assertively advocate for privacy protection on behalf of our clients against the pervasive intrusion of personal, corporate, government, even religious powers” (AACC, 2004, p. 13).

Each party share similarities, and have differences concerning their clients confidentiality, but both code of ethics discuss the importance of protecting the client and maintaining a confidential helping relationship. Fees Regarding the fees what come along with counseling sessions, both the ACA and AACC codes of ethics take into consideration of the client’s financial status and ability to pay for services. Both codes of ethics require that the counselors set fees that are fair and reasonable for the services provided and time performed.

Each code of ethics agree that the fees should established in advance before services are performed and are agreed upon by both the client and counselor practice. When it comes to differences regarding the fees for clients, the ACA (2005) code of ethics discusses the issues related to bartering and receiving gifts in codes A. 10. d. and A. 10. e. With the ACA code of ethics, counselors are able to receive gifts due to the fact that certain cultures give gifts as a toke of respect and gratitude.

While the AACC code of ethics does not discuss bartering or receiving gifts, it does however bring up the concept of pro bono work. According to the AACC (2005) code of ethics, “Christian counselors are encouraged, beyond their fee schedule, to make a portion of their time and services available without cost or at a greatly reduced fee to those unable to pay” (AACC, 2005, p. 14). Competence As a counselor, he or she is expected to practice within the boundaries of ones ability.

Both the ACA (2005) code of ethics and AACC (2004) code of ethics discuss the importance of counselor practicing within his or her boundaries concerning education, training, credential, and experiences. In general, counselors should not work in areas, which they are not trained for; the ACA and AACC code of ethics place a big emphasis on this concept. The ACA (2005) code of ethics states in C. 2. a. that, “counselors practice only when the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, state and national professional credentials, and appropriate professional experience” (ACA, 2005, p. ). According to the AACC (2004) code of ethics, “We do not offer services or work beyond the limits of our competence…” (AACC, 2004, p. 9). Both codes also state that the counselors are able to expand their levels of competence by seeking more education and others of higher levels of knowledge. With similarities comes difference and one of the differences concerning the competence of a counselor is the emphasis made in the AACC code of ethics regarding the importance of using Christian referrals. Conclusion

This current research and study discussed the similarities and differences between the American Counseling Association (ACA) and American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC) code of ethics. This study focused on general similarities and differences as well as specific similarities and differences regarding confidentiality, fees, and competence. Each code of ethics shares commonalities as well as differences in each of the specific areas. The code of ethics in counseling is put into practice for the best interest of the client, counselor, and practice.

It is important for both the counselor and client to be aware of their rights which partaking in counseling sessions. References American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC, 2004) Code of Ethics. Retrieved September 1, 2012, from http://www. aacc. net/about-us/code-of-ethics/ American Association of Christian Counselors (ACA, 2005) Code of Ethics. Retrieved September 1, 2012 from http://www. counseling. org/Resources/CodeOfEthics/TP/Home/CT2. aspx

Ethical and Moral Issues in Business (according to

The "Dictionary. Com" (2012) website defines ethics as the rules and conduct recognized too particular class of human actions. Ethics Is how people act and behave in public and how it's accepted. Society dictates the ethics and what is and is not accepted in society. Ethics are what most people would commonly consider to be what Is right and what is wrong. Ethics may change as society changes and what once may have been acceptable may no longer be acceptable and vice versa. Just because something is not illegal, the action may not be ethical or accepted by society.

According to "Dictionary. Mom" (20121 "moral Is pertaining to or concerned with the principle rules" (Para. 1). Morals are generally taught by a person's parents and family. Morals can define a person's honesty or dishonesty. Everyone has heard of the voice In a persons head, telling them what Is right and what Is wrong; that Is actually the person's morals helping direct them to what is right and what is wrong. Some people find themselves answering questions on what their friends or family would think If they found out about the decision they made; this helps some people sake the right or moral decision.

Differences in Personal and Business Ethics

Personal ethics are the ethics that apply to a particular person and may vary between people. Personal ethics are established based on religion, culture, family, and beliefs. Personal ethics are a code that a person holds themselves up to; the person's code may include trust, honesty, loyalty, integrity, responsibility, and being courteous. Personal ethics will change from person to person and no one person's personal ethics are better than another's. Personal ethics begin to develop for a errors from a very early age, when the person begins to think and act for themselves.

According to "Dictionary. Com" (201 2), "business ethics Is the study and examination of moral and social responsibility in relation to business practices and decision-making in business" (Para. 1). A person may be asked to conduct business In a way that goes against their personal ethics. If businesses operate using ethics that are wrong or could be called into question the business could lose money from clients or investors or could even be shut down.

Examples of Ethical Problems In Business

There are several examples of each of the aforementioned ethical and moral issues people face every day.

This section will provide some of those examples as they discrimination. Employees, including potential employees, are protected from an employer or potential employer discriminating against them based on age, disability, equal pay, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, retaliation, sex, and sexual harassment (USA. Gob, n. D. ). It is important that a business upholds the standards of the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission so the genuineness decision to hire or not to hire a person is not called into question.

Personal ethics vary between each person in a business and should be made known. If a person is asked to complete a task or do something such as lie to a client about a shipment and it goes against a person's personal ethics, the person should politely and professionally let it be known they are not comfortable completing the task at hand. A business within reason should not ask a person to go against their personal ethics. Business ethics could be called into question if there are accounts reported of favoritism or business being conducted for personal gain. Also read utilitarianism and business ethics essay

Favoritism includes allowing certain employees to take extra breaks or longer lunches than other employees. Personal gain includes hiring a family member's company to complete a task for the company. The above examples are not illegal, but could be considered unethical business behavior.


There is a fine line when it comes down to business ethics. Ethics and morals carry an important role on how business is conducted. It is essential for an employer to operate ethically for the business to be successful.

Ethics Reflection Paper

Ethics Reflection Paper Ethics and social responsibility are key factors when planning one’s personal life or planning for the success of a business. When companies develop strategic plans, they must consider what role ethics will play and how social responsibility will affect the plan keeping stakeholders need at the forefront. If businesses and individuals are making a conscious effort to display ethical behavior, ethical perspectives and beliefs should evolve over time much like what has happened in the master’s of business administration (MBA) program.

Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning Ethics are guidelines used to help management and employees conduct themselves according to the values and standards set forth by the company. To ensure employees understand the rules and make good ethical decisions, a company’s plan should embody the beliefs and values that the business and their employees view most important. These beliefs and values can be outlined in a company’s mission, vision, and philosophy statements which provide direction, purpose, and a clear understanding of an organization’s behavioral expectations and decisions made by the stakeholders.

When adhered to, the mission and vision statements can be the baseline for goal-setting and strategic planning while keeping ethics at the core of all decisions. Pearson and Robinson (2004) stated “central to the belief that companies should be operated in a socially responsive way for the benefit of all stakeholders is the belief that managers will behave in an ethical manner” (p. 60). Even with a plan in place and ethical guidelines established, unethical behavior is always a possibility which could occur at a management or subordinate level.

Too many top-level management and executives have acted inappropriately and have violated company policies. This was witnessed through events such as the Enron, WorldCom, and Bernie Madoff scandals where unethical behavior was called into question. Employees, specifically those in a management position, have an obligation to do what is right for the sake of their customers, the industry, and to help maintain the company’s image and reputation.

When this fails to happen, the owners and board of directors must take the appropriate action to get rid of those individuals, not only to set an example but to make the point that unethical behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances. To minimize the possibility that similar atrocities will occur, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was instituted to mandate Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) to take responsibility for reports generated and to acknowledge that the information included in the reports are true and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

If the information is not true or is fraudulent, both have a responsibility to report the findings to auditors. Like ethical behavior, “social responsibility is a critical consideration for a company’s strategic decision makers…” (Pearson & Robinson, 2004, p. 23). Owners need to ensure that they hire managers who are going to carry out their wishes and be the voice in their absence instead of managers who will protect their self-interests. Decisions made by management have to be aligned with the beliefs of the owner and the company’s stakeholders to guarantee profitability and survivability.

To encourage managers to make appropriate and ethical decisions, owners and executives should provide incentives through bonuses, appraisals, and recognition programs. Managers who do receive performance incentives will be held accountable by stakeholders. Stakeholders include stockholders who want a good return on investment, employees seeking job satisfaction, satisfied customers and suppliers, governments seeking law abiding companies, competitors seeking strong competition, responsible citizens and the public seeking a good quality of life (Pearson & Robinson, 2004).

Outside of being accountable to owners and the business, managers also have to select the ethical approach that will ensure the consumer is getting the best service at a reasonable cost, jobs are being offered to those who need them, consumers do not have to fear product risk, and that they are taking care of their financial responsibilities to the government. Regardless of the approach selected, consistency is important as not to send a signal of injustice and consistency allows companies and individuals to reach their end-state goals without having to waste time and money.

Ethical Perspectives At the start of the MBA program, ethics and ethical behavior were and still are a very important part of conducting business and in how others are treated and perceived. This program reemphasized the importance of the role of ethics and how people in society should work hard to create a personal and corporate culture that fosters accountability and ensures everyone conducts business in an ethical manner.

Being a part of a team during each class was a very good test of ethics, beliefs, and the ability to display patience and understanding towards other people. Some team members had little respect and showed disregard for others or their feelings. Although assignment completion was the most important aspect, some members were written off because of a lack of effective writing abilities, communication, or personal skills. Although many of those decisions were based on personal preference, one still has to question if the decisions were right or wrong.

A major source of failure in most team assignments as well as collaborative projects within an organization is usually caused by a lack of admiration for individual judgment. Respect for individual judgment was evident in the Assessment of Ethical Choices in the Workplace (2009). When teammates acknowledge the judgment of others, they encourage open communication, build trust, and promote cohesiveness that could potentially prevent unethical behavior from occurring.

Having an ethical profile closely aligned with character is an asset when trying to judge others (University of Phoenix, 2009). Conclusion For businesses and individuals to remain successful there must be intent to remain ethical and socially responsible. The ethical and social decisions made have to support the better good of the organization or society and every effort should be made to call attention to and reject improper behavior. Although one might perceive his or her ethical concepts to be intact, improvement is always encouraged.

References Pearson, J. A. , & Robinson, R. B. (2004). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (9th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. University of Phoenix (2009). Williams Institute: Ethical choices in the workplace. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week One, STR 581 - Strategic Planning and Implementation. University of Phoenix (2009). Williams Institute: Ethics awareness inventory. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from University of Phoenix, Week One, STR 581 - Strategic Planning and Implementation.

Nursing Code of Ethics

Ethics refers to the adherence to practices and processes, which are morally acceptable.  Ethical issues are what shape public opinion about an organization. In addition, a code of ethics serves as the benchmark for decision-making.

In nursing and healthcare, the issue of culture is more pronounced than anywhere else. In deed, it is in the understanding of the need for a more diversified an ready to serve call that led the University of phoenix to develop a code of conduct for students which guides the nursing students and indeed a the whole university community into understanding how best to deal with the issues of professional relations .

The fact that nurses are required to serve many people from various ethnic, religious, racial and cultural backgrounds who come forth to hospitals and healthcare centres in search of health solutions means that, the conduct of nurses must be guided by a common concept which in this case is the code of ethics.

Due to these cultural disparities, patients often fail to receive quality services because of practices that are lacking in cultural competence. As a result, the American Association of Nursing has in place a code of ethics which aims at offering guidelines for nurses in the course of service. A code of ethics for nurses and indeed for nursing students is aimed at making sure that, nurses offer service with competence and in an efficient manner in a cross-cultural setting thus enhancing the system’s or institution’s capacity to function in effective ways.

The American nursing code of ethics emphasizes on integrity, honesty, care giving, and accountability. Under the provisions in the American code of ethics, nurses are required to strictly act in accordance with the guidelines so as to ensure a smooth running of health care provision in the United States of America.

The code of ethics for both nurses and students at the University of Phoenix is aimed at ensuring that, in their professional growth, professional attain qualities which influences the individual’s values, perceptions, beliefs and opinions in corresponding to the professional standards expected of nursing professionals.

The US is comprised of the most culturally diverse population.  A big percentage of the world’s ethnic, religious and cultural groups are represented in this population.  This has created a most unique opportunity as well as challenge to many professionals including nursing professionals.  Nurses are presented with patients with very diverse cultural backgrounds.

Culture influences how different people will respond to the different ways of health service delivery, interventions and treatment, as a result, the code of ethics is designed to streamline the actions of the nurses in regard best practice. In deed the American nursing code of ethics is designed to guide the nursing professionals into the future. In more the same way as a business strategy, the code of conduct imparts discipline and control in the nursing profession thus making sure that, the profession is ready to face future challenges.

Because of the demographic situation in America service providers are under pressure to provide more culturally correct services.  The nursing profession cannot be left behind and therefore the need to comply with the changing needs is overwhelming.  One ethnical principle that guides nurses in their endeavour to provide culturally appropriate care is the appreciating that everyone regardless of their cultural persuasion is entitled to receive quality health care.

Cultural differences can influence the caregiver’s prejudices and bias towards a patient.  In a similar way a patient can misconstrue the caregiver’s actions and words.  This can serve to lower the quality of care given to this particular patient.  Professional ethics require that there be no form of discrimination in the provision of health care but in a situation where there is prejudice on either party, then the quality of care is compromised.

Nurses are usually supposed to care for the general well being of a patient, they ought to be able to understand and empathize with the patient inorder to cater for their physical and emotional needs.  On an individual level, a nurse has a responsibility to learn the practices that are in accordance to cultural competence.

In the year 2010 more than 45% of all patients in the US will come from minority cultures.  This is due to immigration that is the greatest contributor to the cultural diversity.  The health sector has realized the reality of these facts and medical practitioners are now given incentives to encourage them to take up learning on cultural diversity.

The above reasons amongst others are worthy considering in regard to how nur4ses in this country are governed. To achieve the health goals, the American nursing association must constantly address the issues at hand and specifically consider reinforcing high values. This is what the American code of conduct seeks to achieve as well as the University of Phoenix Student Code of conduct and the American code of conduct.


  1. University Phoenix student code ethics.
  2. American nursing code of ethics. accessed on 07/05/2007


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A personal ethics statement is a document that outlines your ethical principles and values. It should include your beliefs about right and wrong, and how you intend to apply those beliefs in your personal and professional life. When writing your personal ethics statement, be sure to be clear and concise, and to include any relevant examples that illustrate your beliefs.
What Is a Personal Ethics Statement?
A personal ethics statement is a document that outlines an individual's ethical beliefs and values. It is a reflection of the individual's commitment to living and working in accordance with their ethical principles and values. It is also a way for the individual to articulate their ethical standards to others.
What is an example of a personal ethics statement?
An example of a personal ethics statement is a set of values and principles that guide an individual's behavior and decision-making. It should include a commitment to honesty, integrity, respect, and fairness, as well as a commitment to upholding the law and acting in the best interests of others.
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A code of ethics is a set of principles and guidelines that an organization or individual follows to ensure that they are acting in an ethical and responsible manner. Examples of a code of ethics include honesty, integrity, respect for others, and compliance with laws and regulations.

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