Organizational Behavior Critique Essay
Organizational behavior may be defined as the investigation of the behavioral factors that affect modern organizations and their management at the individual, group, and organization-wide levels. Although managers supervise many activities as they direct employees of difference task. Organizational behavior mainly concentrates on the people side of a business, whether it is nonprofit, private or a governmental entity.
The concept of organizational behavior is designed to help a company accomplish its full potential by creating a satisfying and positive environment that leads to a higher level of success, profitability, and growth. By creating a satisfying and positive environment an organization is able to connect the human element with the operational elements of an organization. However there are many things that impact the behavior of an Organization and its people (Baack, 2012). Also there are many important areas which must be considered when analyzing the condition of a selective organizational behavior.
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When an organization is selective to be analyzed there are areas that must be measured for its effectiveness in order for managers to become effective, as well as for the people to enjoy being productive in their work environment. This paper will analyze various behavioral components, within the Holder organization, viewing its culture, the modes of communication within, its social rank, and the organizations motivations, how well the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence and virtual organization.
Organizational behavior may be defined as the investigation of the behavioral factors that affect modern organizations and their management at the individual, group, and organization-wide levels. Although managers supervise many activities as they direct employees of difference task. Organizational behavior mainly concentrates on the people side of a business, whether it is nonprofit, private or a governmental entity.
The concept of organizational behavior is designed to help a company accomplish its full potential by creating a satisfying and positive environment that leads to a higher level of success, profitability, and growth. By creating a satisfying and positive environment an organization is able to connect the human element with the operational elements of an organization. However there are many things that impact the behavior of an Organization and its people (Baack, 2012). Also there are many important areas which must be considered when analyzing the condition of a selective organizational behavior.
When an organization is selective to be analyzed there are areas that must be measured for its effectiveness in order for managers to become effective, as well as for the people to enjoy being productive in their work environment. The Holder Construction Culture which is what they really call it. The Holder way is the way Holder do business, meaning the way they dress the way they act, and the expectation of attitudes across the broad as it relates to respect, response and responsibility.
Holder takes the word responsibility and looks at it as the ability to response with respect to all and the actions of all employees’ exhibits that behavior within the Holder culture. Within the Holder culture we have a diversified makeup of employees from 80%White Americans, 10% Black Americans, 2% Hipic and 8% others, however the authority recognized social rank is of the 80% White Americans which have set the ethical standards of the organization. The Holder organization is a family own business and has be in existence for over 50 years.
Over the past 20 years the company has made some major transition in order to remain competitive pursuing talent as well as working consistency to retain good employees. As a matter of fact they say they what the best of the best. In order to understand how strategy impact organizational culture and why, an in-depth understanding of culture needs to be obtained. An organization’s culture is actually developed by the company’s way of doing business. It starts with how employees and customers are treated within the organization and if the stakeholders are empowered to contribute and be heard (Baack, D. 2012). Many in the Holder organization understands that culture is necessary in order to establish values and beliefs that shape the organizations objectives of how and what they want to accomplish (Pearce & Robinson 2009). They also understand clearly that the holder culture represents their shared values among employees and shareholders. The loyalty and commitment which each employee exhibits, out of the sense of respect for each other provides an atmosphere of family. The employees have a set of standards that guide them as individuals as well as groups to achieve the organizational gold’s.
They are approachable and have no problem with questions asked and allow opportunities to ask questions. The culture is Pluralism, full of freedom, and democracy based. There is rarely outburst, or non- compliance from employees, mainly because the working environment is very positive. Although there is segregation once each ethic group depart from the work environment, once they all return to work the Holder culture began. It’s as everyone leave as much of their culture of origin at home, except the founding culture which is the dominant culture which is 80% white American.
However this is understood and is likable to all culture so as it relates to culture attire, the attire is to meet the white American business attire, for example no braids for African America are allowed in the office work area. Although in the earlier decades, the modes of communication in the Holder culture was dominated by a form of verbal, face to face communication, due to the rapid pace of artificial intelligent such as fax machines cell phones and emails most communication is now non- verbal which is welcome by all Holder teams.
In any changing organization, learning from mistakes is very important and the most important communication skill is listening. So due to the rapid pace of artificial intelligent communication has change in many ways. The ability to understand difference writing skill is very important, because of the frequent use of texting and emails. At Holder one main constant which everyone is aware of is if an email disappoint or seems to make you anger, do not answer that email until after 1pm that day if it was read that morning embracing a great amount of emotional intelligent.
There are many variations in attitudes and managing the emotions that prompts feeling are sometime hard. However attitudes describe an individual's feelings toward a person, objects, concept, or event, and can be broken down into three components: cognitive, affective, and behavioral (Baack 2012) By waiting until after 1pm this allows Holder employees to become self awareness of their own emotions and then allow themselves to become sensitive the feelings of others, making time for their cognitive abilities to improve (Sole 2011). The Holder way emphasizes the mportance of clear, concise communication as a critical part of the success of the company and how effective communication occurs when the "sender’s message is interpreted the way the sender intended it to be. When communication is interpreted the way the sender intended it to be understood, work can be accomplished accurately and efficiently (Johnson & Johnson, 2009, p. 133). Communication in groups is sometime difficult, mainly because each member has differences personal circumstance and the motives sometime have hidden agendas. Holder has a motivation programs which is tailored to fix each Individual employee.
The extrinsic motives which are tangible and visible, all employees have an ideal of others performance appraisals, pay raises and other compensation packages. These motives can be adapted to fit the needs of various organizational members, so each member communicates in ways that is competitive among each other (Baack 2012). Holder has also used group bonus incentives for performance and group achievement which sometime create friendly interactions with members of the group; also create a greater financial portfolio which serves at the individual needs level (Baack 2012).
The Holder culture also know that change is to be anticipated, and their managers must work to give their employees a sense of control over changing situations as motivation technique to change (Rosenberg 1993). The Holder organization is a construction company in Atlanta GA and (Baack 2012) position on motivation theories says that many say that accountants and engineers are not necessarily representative of every type of occupation. Interviews of construction workers might result in different answers regarding workplace satisfaction and motivation, as would answers given by employees from other countries and cultures.
In spite of these criticisms, many managers believe the two-factor theory helps explain workplace dissatisfaction. One of the strengths of two-factor theory, when compared to other need-based theories, is that the research was conducted in a work environment and was directed toward employment-related, rather than more general, motives. Herzberg's two-factor theory proposes that a certain set of factors is responsible for workplace dissatisfaction, while another set is responsible for workplace satisfaction.
The theory has also been described as motivation-hygiene theory, because Herzberg calls the factors that affect satisfaction "motivators" and the factors that cause dissatisfaction "hygiene factors (Baack 2012). Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is areas of important at The Holder organization in so much that all leadership positions before filled, the person that apply for the position must have completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) testing as well as have spent two week in the mountains of Denver to interact under observation with other peers.
It is also a requirement at Holder that each salary employee takes at least one class per year to update their awareness of emotions which is an emotional awareness class that Holder provides in house. The Holder Company understands that there are many variations in attitudes and managing the emotions that prompts feeling are sometime hard. These attitudes which describe an individual's feelings toward a person, objects, concept, or event, must be under control at all times in the Holder organization.
As (Baack 2012) indicates these feeling can be broken down into three important components which is the cognitive component, affective, and behavioral components. The thoughtful logic of an attitude is a significant part of the cognitive component of an attitude. The cognitive component provides reasons with premises in a person thought life that is important in the everyday business at Holder. The affective component is and very important component because the holder way say no matter what you are thinking in your head as it relates to your cognitive component, the outcome must not exhibit a negative behavior.
How ones attitude is affective on behalf of the cognitive reasoning which one has concluded, the behavioral component of an attitude is based on how a person may intends to act or respond toward a situation which is presented by their cognitive reasoning, so that is why if there is an email that one may be unconformable with that email can’t be answered until after 1pm that day (Baack, 2012). According to Sole (2010) Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that can be learned and improved when the awareness of emotional issues are increased, as well as attaining the ability to identify, manage , assess, and feel.
By improving cognitive abilities to reason, and improving the awareness emotional issues, a person attitudes could be emotional difference, as well as the behavioral component would have difference intents. Holders culture really embraces Emotional intelligence, understanding that an attitude is a predisposition toward a person, object, concept, or event, the outcomes of one’s attitudes can be favorable or unfavorable (Baack, 2012). Most employees at Holder try and take the approach when take become angry at someone, to ask themselves three things which are learn in the Holder classes. Does anything need to be said? 2 Do they need to be the one to say it, and 3 does it need to be said then? According to (Baack 2012), emotional intelligence reflects a person's ability to detect and manage emotional cues and information. In Holders culture it is expected that everyone has a self awareness of their own emotions and able to process reason. Managing emotional is sometime very difficult, however as Sole and Baack indicated self awareness of one’s own emotions and being able to sense the feelings of others, then ones cognitive abilities can improve.
Believing just because there’s something going on up in a person head, doesn’t mean it needs to come out of my mouth. In the process of reasoning, some time people have to, what Holder calls "(play the tape all the way through)"; this is to insure their the cognitive reasoning has been reviewed, and all the details as well as all the consequence has been accurately assumed . However there are times when the consequences or outcomes are negative in a given situation, then the opportunity to learn and develop new emotional understanding of self is availed.
The understanding that attitudes always affect logic is very important at Holder; so the intent to act or respond toward a situation needs to be carefully approached because difference outcome provided difference awareness of an emotional state. Analyzing various behavioral components, within the Holder organization, viewing its culture, the modes of communication within, its social rank, and the organizations motivations, how well the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence and virtual organization.
Organizational behavior may be defined as the investigation of the behavioral factors that affect modern organizations and their management at the individual, group, and organization-wide levels. Also there are many important areas which must be considered when analyzing the condition of a selective organizational behavior. The Holder Construction Culture which is what they really call it. The Holder way is the way Holder do business, meaning the way they dress the way they act, and the expectation of attitudes across the broad as it relates to respect, response and responsibility.
The Holder organization is a family own business and has be in existence for over 50 years. Over the past 20 years the company has made some major transition in order to remain competitive pursuing talent as well as working consistency to retain good employees. Many in the Holder organization understands that culture is necessary in order to establish values and beliefs that shape the organizations objectives of how and what they want to accomplish (Pearce ; Robinson 2009).
Although in the earlier decades, the modes of communication in the Holder culture was dominated by a form of verbal, face to face communication, due to the rapid pace of artificial intelligent such as fax machines cell phones and emails most communication is now non- verbal. The Holder way emphasizes the importance of clear, concise communication as a critical part of the success of the company and how effective communication occurs when the "sender’s message is interpreted the way the sender intended it to be.
Communication in groups is sometime difficult, mainly because each member has differences personal circumstance and the motives sometime have hidden agendas. Holder has a motivation programs which is tailored to fix each Individual employee. Holder has also used group bonus incentives for performance and group achievement which sometime create friendly interactions with members of the group; also create a greater financial portfolio which serves at the individual needs level (Baack 2012).
Holders culture really embraces Emotional intelligence, understanding that an attitude is a predisposition toward a person, object, concept, or event, the outcomes of one’s attitudes can be favorable or unfavorable (Baack, 2012).
- Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Johnson D. W. , Johnson F. P. (2009). Joining Together: Group Therapy and GroupSkills.
- Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Pearce J. , & Robinson R. (2009).
- Strategic management: Formulation Implementation and? Control (11th ed. ) New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
- Sole, K (2011) Understanding Interpersonal communication San. Diego,CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc. , Rosenberg, D. (1993).
- Eliminating resistance to change. Security Management, 37(1), 20-20. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/231144681? accountid=32521
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