My Arguments Against Gun Control

Last Updated: 28 Feb 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 173

If you were a thief, would you rather steal from people with guns or without guns? I'm here to persuade you that gun bans are not what will protect Americans. My main points will be as follows: guns allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves, murderers don't have any qualms about breaking a minor law such as buying an illegal weapon, and would school shootings have happened if teachers had a gun in their desk for emergencies? I'll introduce you a bit more to the topic.

In the recent light of massacres committed with the use of firearms, there has been an outcry for the ban of firearms from Americans (at least the portion of the population represented by mass media). By gun bans, they mean further restrictions on the type of weapons that citizens can legally purchase. Particularly, these restrictions include taking away high capacity magazines and the banning of assault weapons. You may also ask what an assault weapon is. It's not an assault rifle (a full automatic weapon). An assault weapon is simply a semi-automatic rifle that "looks" like an assault rifle. An assault weapon is similar to a hunting rifle, but less accurate and powerful. Now you know the basics.

The main arguments for gun bans are as follows. 1) Guns are tools designed to hurt people. Removing them would cause less people to be hurt. By removing tools of destruction, there is less destruction (the problem with this argument is that they assume that making guns illegal removes them... not really the case for criminals). 2) It's very easy for anyone to buy a gun, and then to use it however someone wants to, should we extent that much trust to average Americans? Depending on the state, most citizens can go into any gun shop and buy a gun and ammunition. After which they are free to use it however they wish. Is it smart to extend that much trust to average Americans? (Fallacy is that average Americans are far more likely to have crimes committed against them than to commit crimes). 3) Banning guns would prevent school shootings and other massacres in the future. If guns were banned, then these murderers wouldn't be able to get them and shoot people in schools. (Fallacy is that someone willing to murder children (or any other people) wouldn't be willing to illegally purchase a firearm?) Now I'll tell you why these arguments don't mean diddly squat.

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Here are the main arguments against gun bans:

  1. Guns allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves. According to an article written by Larry Elder and published in 2005, 12548 people died because of non-suicide gun violence. Studies estimate that the number of times guns are used defensively is somewhere between two and a half or three million. Another study showed that out of the people who used guns defensively; one out of six of them believed that they would be dead if they had not used their firearm. This comes out to approximately 400,000 out of the 2.5 million estimated uses where the use of the gun saved a life. That means that if only a tenth of the people who say that using a gun saved a life were correct, guns would still save 40,000 lives a year. This far outweighs the 12,548 deaths.
  2. Would a murderer, someone willing to kill another person, have any qualms about breaking the law to get a gun? Where a criminal who has no problems breaking laws won't be more than inconvenienced by a restriction on firearms, an average citizen who obeys the law will be left with no less protection against said firearms, and will therefore be a better target for criminals.
  3. If teachers had guns, the school shootings would have happened differently, if they had happened at all. There's a big difference between someone with a gun going into a "gun free zone" where they know no one else has a gun versus a criminal going into a school where they know that every teacher there is equipped with a firearm in case a situation arises in which they need to protect themselves or their students. If you were to imagine yourself as someone looking for a good place to kill a bunch of people, those place don't include places where other people will have guns. This is because those guns allow someone else to stop you. Another argument could be from history itself.
  4. To refer back to the constitution, the second amendment states that citizens have the "right to bear arms". This isn't just the right for guys to own firearms and feel manly. This is every citizen's right to revolt against their own government in case the institution that was established for their own security is perverted into an act of tyranny. It is the right that was exercised and resulted in the creation of the United States of America. After having fought the war, the founders wanted to make sure another one didn't happen and therefore, made the second amendment in order to provide the citizens a check to balance the power of the federal government.
  5. When a shooting happens at a school, a movie theatre, or any other public place where most people don't carry around firearms for common use, what do people do? They call the police. The police then show up with guns in order to protect the American citizenry. When someone important travels anywhere, whether it be another country or their own, the security doesn't plan to call someone else if there is a problem. They carry guns to protect the person in question. Why should citizens have to wait for someone with a gun to show up in order to be safe? Shouldn't their safety be something that they can take into their own hands and protect? This concludes my arguments against gun control.

I hope the points I have presented in this speech will at least get you to think about changing your view on the subject if you disagree with me or, to strengthen your convictions on the subject if you already did agree with me. I'm presenting this speech in order to persuade you that gun control will not protect Americans and the reasons stated are that guns allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves, murderers don't have any problem breaking laws to buy a gun, school shootings could be prevented if teachers had guns, guns are the citizenry's right to revolt if the government doesn't do its job, and that guns are used in many cases to protect people. What makes the average citizen not worth that protection? We protect our ambassadors, president, and other valuable with guns, what makes regular citizens and children not important enough to afford the same protection?

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My Arguments Against Gun Control. (2023, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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