Multiculturalism Analysis

Category: Multiculturalism
Last Updated: 07 Jul 2020
Essay type: Analysis
Pages: 2 Views: 195

Dry. Loyal Multiculturalism for Our Next Generation. The World is plagued by many things these days now; no one Is safe from anything anymore. Now we hold the power to kill one another with Just the flick of a switch, push of a button, and even the pull off trigger. And because of things done In the past, the fights fought, the loved ones died, and plenty of other atrocities' that have happened.

Because of these actions taken many people have come up with many inceptions about different cultures that are wrong, and to solve this problem we can teach the next generation the differences between what people think and what Is known about a culture. Like the stereotype that the Russians drink vodka and are evil spies that want to over throw America and rule the world, but that Is mostly from what happened with what Hitler did during the WI, or Chinese people have squints eyes and know bedaubs martial arts skills/styles that can kill you in one of many different ways.

Though the point being is that most if not ALL of what is known about other cultures is usually based off of second hand knowledge, the media, stereotypes, all based on first hand to second hand knowledge based on another's experiences. Our Schools should make sure multicultural perspectives are incorporated into all aspects of school life by incorporating multicultural perspectives across all learning domains. Well what about the cases where multiculturalism was introduced into a school system.

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Such as Multiculturalism in Canada which is discussed in the article called "Multiculturalism at the Millennium. " Which comments on the effects of Multiculturalism has on Canada and it economy. But how can we compare ourselves with other countries counties success if we ourselves have yet to try it. Well we could rather look at it as looking forward to what it could bring use in the future, such as moving further into establishing better equal rights laws or job opportunities. Multiculturalism By Small-martin

Engle. 120 The World is plagued by many things these days now; no one is safe from anything push off button, and even the pull off trigger. And because of things done in the past, the fights fought, the loved ones died, and plenty of other atrocities' that have can teach the next generation the differences between what people think and what is spies that want to over throw America and rule the world, but that is mostly from the future, such as moving further into establishing better equal rights laws or Job

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Multiculturalism Analysis. (2018, Sep 19). Retrieved from

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