Marijuana Also Known as Cannabis
Even the Persian founder of Suffix, who struggled with depression until discovering the plant, requested in his death, 'to be buried amid cannabis leaves so his spirit may walk in the shade Of the plant that eve him much joy in his lifetime" (Medical-Marijuana-Mentor. Com). However, if marijuana has been embraced by diverse faiths and civilizations, why is marijuana such a controversial subject now? In America's inception marijuana was used to generate vast government money by our founding fathers; George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp on Mount Vernon.
But in 1932, the Confirm State Narcotic Act gave legislative control of marijuana from the federal government to the states, thus prohibiting the use of marijuana (The Free Dictionary). Nevertheless, numerous studies have shown the benefits of marijuana outweigh its negative effects. Therefore, the stigma should be lifted so that the people of the Lignite States can enjoy the benefits of marijuana. The legalization of marijuana in the U. S. Would lower crime, stimulate the economy, and provide medical relief.
First of all, the legalization of marijuana would lower the crime rate in the United States by creating a safe environment for its users. If marijuana is taken off the street, and out of the hands of the dealers, the crimes associated with these types of dealings would also be taken off the street. It would put marijuana into a legal market where it could be controlled by the proper authorities. "By providing legal supplies of currently illegal drugs the price will fall, leading to a collapse in the illegal drug industry, and a reduction in crimes committed by both drug suppliers and users" (Legalization of Marijuana).
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To illustrate this, just three months after the state of Colorado legalized marijuana, crime decreased 14. 6% and in Denver from the same time last year... Violent crime also went down 2. 4% (Natural Society). Another disconcerting problem with marijuana being sold on the street is its accessibility to minors. Drug dealers do not discriminate and do not care whether the buyer is a minor or not; their interest is solely in their own profits. High school students have reported that illegal drugs are easier to access than alcohol and tobacco.
This would obviously explain why the percentage of teens using weed is drastically on the rise. On the other hand, if marijuana was legalized and sold as cigarettes, the buyer or consumer would have to produce a valid identification before purchasing it, and a vendor cannot legally sell alcohol and tobacco to minors. As a result, legalizing Arizona would establish more of control of its distribution, and would also reduce the usage of it among minors. With the economy in the United States in shambles, legalizing marijuana would allow it to be a taxable item and would produce millions of dollars into the system. The new measure is expected to bring... [in] $550 million combined, with more than 300 economists previously estimating that legalizing pot could save the U. S. Up to $14 billion a year" (Huff Post Business). We should not allow drug dealers the ability to control the market and benefit on a product that has the potential to ring in high profits into our much-needed empty confers. With marijuana being sold on the black market drug dealers charge exuberant prices because they have the monopoly on the market; keeping pot illegal is inadvertently enriching greedy drug dealers.
On a similar note, by legalizing marijuana the demand will rise for more farms and dispensaries. With this comes more jobs because establishments like this would be hiring farmers, growers, and employees would be needed to run the new dispensaries, thus creating a new and large job market. By legalizing Marijuana it can be something the American people can profit from as a whole, as well as the U . S. Government, instead of a small group of criminals who's only priority is to enrich themselves. Lastly, and most importantly marijuana can treat diverse mental and physical illnesses.
Medical marijuana or cannabis has already been legalized in 20 of the 52 states in the U. S. Marijuana can treat cancer patients suffering from the affects of chemo and radiation by dehydrogenation's (TECH) -? which has pain-relieving properties. It can also be used to prevent the spread of cancer cells. "CB (one of the components n cannabis) represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease old-l expression in metastasis breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness" (National Library of Medicine).
Furthermore, marijuana can be used to treat and prevent eye disease such as glaucoma. It has also been know to treat mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. In addition, some independent studies have shown Marijuana to prevent suicide in those who use it for medical purposes. Marijuana is, at present, successfully treating people suffering from the effects of illnesses, but only in the states that have legalized it. However, everyone should have access to the medicinal properties found in cannabis and the ability to use them legally.
Therefore it should be legally available to those whose health can benefit from it. In closing, it is safe to say there are many beneficial uses to this controversial drug known as marijuana. Prohibiting the use of marijuana does not prevent it from being used, but rather gives a small and dangerous group a large portion of control and power. If we are to learn anything from the history of prohibition in the hearties in relation to alcohol is that it did the opposite of what it was intended, "Alcohol became more dangerous to consume; organized crime blossomed; courts and prisons systems became overloaded" (1 920-30. Mom). Such is the case of the country today in regards to marijuana. The legalization of marijuana would not raise but rather lower crime, and would allow marijuana to be more controlled by the governing authorities. It would produce billions of dollars into an economy frocked with debt and create jobs in a time where unemployment is at record highs. It would allow those offering from the horrors of illnesses to find a means to ease their pain, and in some cases actually treat the illness itself.
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Marijuana Also Known as Cannabis. (2018, Apr 14). Retrieved from
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