Management Assignment essay sample

Category: Motivation
Last Updated: 22 Jul 2020
Essay type: Assignment
Pages: 8 Views: 191

A recommendation for an Ineffective communication problem Is to set up a weekly meetings and consultations every Monday morning. This will encourage a two-way communication into the workplace as well as allowed Keith to give feedback on employee's performances. Therefore, it is expected to increase positive relationship in the workplace as well A reward and recognition program is set up to award an employee who reaches an organization's goal in order to motivate them to work.

This will cost approximately $500 per month and the expected outcome Is to Influence there employees to follow the motivated staff to work harder In order to achieve organization's goals. 1. Problem identification and analysis 1. 1 Leadership mismatch Leadership Is use to Influence and direct employees to achieve organization's objectives (Robbins, Bergman. Stag and Coulter. 2012). The mismatch leadership style will lead into the complex and complicated working environment (Cotter, J.

P. , 1990). The universities of Iowa studies describe autocratic management style as "a leader who dictated work methods, made unilateral decisions and limited employee participation. " (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012, p. 06) According to the case study, Keith uses Autocratic leadership style to lead the employees as he used to work In the Army, which Is a totally different working environment from Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital.

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Keith strictly regimented on women by set up the "ladies lounge" consequently women had to go upstairs to take a break and left others to work in the kitchen as well as shifted some of cleaner's responsibilities to women. Keith also made a few unilateral decisions such as only water can be drunk at the work place and removed the large table where employees usually had lunch. This affects employees' satisfaction towards their Jobs and develops a negative relationship towards Keith. 1. 2 Lack of motivation Herbage's two-factor theory consists with motivators and hygiene factors (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012).

Where motivators are "factor that increase Job satisfaction and motivation" (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012, p. 562) and hygiene factors are "factors that eliminate dissatisfaction, but do not Employees who works at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital strongly shows their Job dissatisfaction, as Keith does not fulfill hygiene factors. This is evident when the women complained about the organization's new policy, yet Keith does not take their opinion seriously and told them to 'get on with their Job'.

Consequently, it impact on the relationship between Keith and employees. Moreover, Keith failed to acknowledge employees' personal life, as there is no replacement for worker who is ill or on holiday. Furthermore, the conflict between Madison and Julia cause disagreement into the workplace when Julia states that she is "confused, hurt and angered" after receiving a letter of reprimand from Madison. Therefore, hygiene actors in the workplace do not satisfy employees' company policy, personal life and relationships with supervisor and subordinates (Chattel, A.

R. , Thompson, E. D. , 1990). Consequently, employees are not motivated to increase their working performance. 1. 3 Ineffective Communication skills Communication skills refer to the process of transfer and receive information (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012). Lack of communication skills in an organization may impact on employees' working performance as well as their relationship towards the employer. Keith strongly uses one-way communication to ell with the situation at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital.

This is evident when there is no meeting or consultation available in the workplace consequently limited employees' opportunity to ask Keith and Madison questions about the changes and problems in an organization. Furthermore, Keith made no attempt to give neither positive nor negative feedback to employees as he spends most of his working hours alone in the office. This suggests that Kith's ineffective communication skill helps develop problems in an organization (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012) 1. 4 Ineffective Teamwork skills

An effective teamwork will lead to a successful business as it helps building positive relationship among employees and also save time (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012). According to the case study, Kith's decision to set up starting, break and finishing times decrease a level of flexibility in the workplace thus, cause a poor teamwork system. This is evident when employees decided to left at the set time whether the work was completed or not and not help each other over the busy periods therefore the food often not ready in time.

Moreover, Kith's ineffective immunization skills also has a negative impact on a teamwork as Keith does not encourage any group behavior in an organization, instead he limited group activity by removed the lunch table which is where employees usually socialize. Hence, this decreases a group interaction at the workplace and reflects a poor performance at work. 2. Statement of Key problems The major problems in the case study are leadership, communication and motivation. An inappropriate leadership style used in the case study cause negative impacts on the working environment at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital.

Not only the manager UT also develop negative relationships between manager and employees as well. The limited communication in an organization affects the relationship between employer and employees as it shorten the opportunity for employees to understand about their Jobs. Moreover, they will not know how improve their skills in order to achieve an organization's goal without employer's feedback Dissatisfaction towards Jobs in on organization stops employees from being motivated to achieve an organization's objectives.

Employees need to be satisfy with the company policy, relationship in the workplace and their personal life in order to increase their working performances. 3. Generation and evaluation of alternative solutions 3. 1 Leadership 1. Train Keith Improve and develop appropriate leadership skills to Keith through professional management class. Advantages Improve leadership skills Improve organization's overall performances Disadvantages Expensive Time-consuming Keith feel disrespected and intimidated 2. Delegation Transfer authority to someone else while Keith is still responsible for the decision- making.

Less time consuming Save cost Increase decision making and problem solving skills Keith may have negative feelings towards the person who delegate the power to. Keith may resist to transfer power 3. 2 Communication 1 . Weekly meetings and consultations Provide opportunity for employees to express their opinions and question about the Two-way communication Built positive relationship between Keith and employees Gain trust Keith may lose level of authority Employees may resist to attend the meetings 2. Informal events Set up informal events such as dinner or movie night for all employees in an organization to gather and socialize.

Built positive relationships in the workplace Develops teamwork Cost money Some employees may resist to attend the events 3. 3 Motivation 1. Goals Set up a clear and challenging goal for employees to ensure that the food will be ready in time. Food will be serve on time Create challenging work environment Pressure on employees Boredom 2. Rewards and recognition Award an employee who has the best working performance to encourage other employees to follow his or her actions by provide monetary bonus or credit to the employee of the month.

Improve working performances Create employee's empowerment Develop teamwork spirit Time consuming 4. Recommendations 4. 1 Leadership Delegate Keith and appoint another supervision to inspire democracy leadership style into an organization. According to the case study, it is clearly shows that Keith is undertaken an autocratic leadership style to lead employees at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital. As he hold the authority to make decisions and limited employees participation by removed the table where employees have their lunch and change some of the company's policies.

Furthermore, Keith had been working in the military for the past 20 years therefore he adopted a dictating working methods from the army. Consequently, it is hard for Keith to re-train his leadership skills as he is used to autocratic leadership styles. Delegate Kith's power to another employees will encourage a more democracy leadership style into the workplace as this will involves two way communication into the problem solving and decision making parts (Coleman, D. , 1998).

However, Keith is still responsible for making the final decision in an organization therefore he won't feel so disrespectful or intimidated. The University of Iowa studies suggests that democracy leadership style shows "both good quantity and good quality of work" (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012, p. 06). The solution to delegate Keith will not only create an effective leadership at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital by increase the overall performance of the organization but it will also save more time and cost compare to the decision to retrain Kith's leadership skills (Varies, M. 1996). 4. 2 Communication Set up weekly meetings and consultations to encourage two-way communication at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital. The case study suggests Keith using one-way communication to runs an organization. Keith does not provide an opportunity for employees to share their thoughts about he company as well as not given any positive nor negative feedback for employees to improve their working skills. In order to overcome the lack of communication problem consultations which will create a more two-way communication system in the workplace.

Not only this solution will allow employees to receive feedback from Keith, it will also allow employees to discuss about the organization's weekly performance result. Moreover, this meetings and consultations may encourage the all-chain communication network into the workplace where everyone helps each other transfer ND receive information in order to earn the highest member satisfaction (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012). Consequently, the communication will flow constantly and the relationship between Keith and employees will also be improved. 4. Motivation Provide reward and recognition to employee who achieve weekly goal. The obvious dissatisfactions of employees towards their Job are recognized throughout the change in company policy, relationships with Keith and personal life issue. Frederick Herbert states that "eliminate factors that created Job satisfaction could bring about workplace harmony but not necessarily motivation. (Robbins, Bergman, Stag and Coulter, 2012, p. 561). Therefore, these dissatisfactions from the hygiene factors must be removed by an effective communication and leadership styles in order to motivate employees (Edwin, A. L. 1990) According to the Herbage's two-factor theory, employees will increase their Job's satisfaction and motivate to work when motivators factor is fulfilled. Keith needs to set up a clear and attainable weekly goal for an employee who manage his or her time effectively by provide the food to customers on time and given reward and recognition to an employee who achieve that goal. In this way, not only this acts as an example for other employees to follow and satisfy their achievement, recognition, responsibility and advancement but it will also motivate employees to work harder in order to improve organization's performance (Tubs, M. 1991). 5. Implementation 5. 1 Leadership Mr.. Instants Deep, the director of the hospital will hold the authority to delegate Keith and appoint another supervisor to help Keith create a more democracy leadership in an organization. Mr.. Deep should find another supervisor as soon as possible as leadership mismatch considered as the biggest issue at the workplace. Mr.. Deep can either recruit a new employee from a public or a private career recruitment company or promote an existing employee to become a new supervisor.

While recruiting a new employee may develop new ideas and perspectives towards an organization however, it will cost approximate $75,000 per year and will take time to find an appropriate candidate who is suitable for the Job. Compare to promote a new supervisor from an existing employees, this will cost approximately $20000 more. A new supervisor will be responsible for employees' performances and decision making however, Keith is till holding the highest authority to make final decision. Therefore, it is will cost less time and money, but an existing employee is more trustful and accepted from the team than a new supervisor.

In this way, Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital will successfully create an effective leadership style from the decision to delegate Mr.. Keith Davis. 5. 2 Communication In order to implement the lack of communication skills in the workplace, it is Mr.. Keith Davit's responsibility to organize weekly meeting and consultation to discuss the result, progress and development of each week. This will provide employees to express their perspectives as well as questions about the changes and problems at workplace.

Besides, Keith will be able to give feedback to employees, which will encourage a two-way communication into an organization. Keith may set up a meeting on every Monday morning to discuss about the previous weeks results and performance in the meeting room at the Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital. This implementation will cost time rather than money to complete. Furthermore, an effective communication will increase the overall performance of an organization as ell as increase positive relationship between employees and employers 5. 3 Motivation Mr..

Keith Davis will be responsible to implement the lack of motivation among employees at Sir Charles Wildflower Hospital. His duty is to select the most hard working employee who manage time effectively by follow the set times accordingly as well as ensure that the food will be served to customers in time. The selected employee will be reward and recognize with monetary bonus of $500 and recognize as the best employee of the month on every Monday morning after that weekly meeting. In this way, employees will not resist to skip the meetings and consultations, as they would want to know who would be rewarded.

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Management Assignment essay sample. (2018, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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