Living in city

Last Updated: 28 Jan 2021
Pages: 2 Views: 377

Body paragraph: Topic sentence: There are many advantages and benefits for people who live In scales Example reasons: plenty of universities and job opportunities -The life is more exciting -The medical services are better Cotter-argument: City life is so competitive, so people have to face up to many difficulties and easier to get stress and some mental diseases. Refutation: Facing up to difficulties, people will work harder and become mature. Conclusion: City life is more exciting and beneficial for anybody who want to experience interesting trials.

Nowadays, more and more people from country trend to move to cities for studying and working. Comparing to countries, there are more Job opportunities and entertainment centers for people In cities. Living In cities Is better than living In countries In several ways. There are many advantages and benefits for people who live in cities. Cities are the best place for young people studying and finding jobs. Ho Chi Mini city has 60 universities where teachers are more professional and studying facilities, equipments are modern and sufficient.

After graduating from these universities, students can find Job easier because of plenty of Job opportunities from foreign and domestic companies. Therefore cities are the best place for people who want to make more money. The life In clues will be more excellent because of good entertainment, shopping centers and delicious restaurants. If you live in small town, you will feel so bored at weekend because no where you can go and no interesting activities you can Join. But living In cities is different. After the hard-working week, you can go out with your friends or family to eat dinner, go shopping or watch movie t movie theater.

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You will feel so Interesting and exciting with the entertainment centers In Ho Chi Mini city Like bar, disco, galaxy cinemas, megastar cinemas and Vinson, Now zone, Ben Than market... Besides, you can find any kinds of restaurants that you enjoy like Japanese, Chinese, American,... The medical services in cities are better than those in small town. There are plenty of big hospital with professional doctors and several modern medical equipments, so they can give the best medical services to take care of human health.

Besides above advantages of city life, some people say City life is so competitive, so people have to face up to many difficulties and easier to get stress and some mental diseases. This statement is not completely right. English has one proverb is "no pain, no gain". Human have to deal with difficulties, so they can become mature and try their best. If not, they are only work slowly and no desire to get promote. They Just do the same thing in their whole life without changes, so day by day they are becoming outdated. In short, City life is more exciting and beneficial for anybody who want to experience interesting trials.

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Living in city. (2018, Sep 12). Retrieved from

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