Leadership Critique Essay

Category: Death, Grief, Leadership
Last Updated: 23 Mar 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 112

This paper will discuss leadership as it relates to healthcare and nursing. There is a difference between incomplete grief and maturational grief. Not being able to properly Identify the grief can result In unproductive therapies. Incomplete grief occurs when any symptom of grief, such as depression, poor appetite, or denial of death is unresolved or prolonged more than a normal grief process. Persons may also start to display inappropriate identification with the deceased parent. This can come in the form of taking on the roles and mannerisms and attitudes of the ceased.

It Is hard for a child to grieve the loss of a parent especially when the parent was the primary caregiver, The children may be expected to take on the roles of the deceased parent or memorial the deceased, leading to more grief. Maturational grief occurs when life events happen that remind the child of the deceased and they temporarily re-live the grief again. Such events can include the birth of a child, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries or any event that comes with maturing.

When emotions are properly addressed and worked through, they will not eave any residual effects to the child. This study looks at 21 5 participants that responding to a standardized point self- reporting scale totaling 26 questions. Participants included 174 females and 41 males. In this article, Embassies and Washday evaluated how the cause or onset of death affected the grief process. Participants were separated into five groups, "bereaved by suicide, accident, acute illness, shorter illness, and longer illness".

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How they perceived their overall physical and emotional health was measured. It appeared that most reported more of an emotional reaction to death. And the group who lost someone due to suicide were noted to have the most devastating bereavement process. Although the suicide group reported more depression, it was found that "unanticipated or unnatural loss" group had a more severe bereavement response. Participants perception of their mental health remained poor even after more than five years following the loss of their loved one.

According to this research, this folding was considered consistent with the Idea that "the Impact of bereavement resist for several years". This qualitative study sampled twenty five men from ages 19-25 after experiencing the death of a male friend within the last 3 years. Data was collected using two semi structured interviews as well as photo-elicitation techniques. Young men within this age group were noted to have dulcet time grieving when they lose a friend from risky behavior such as a "motor vehicle accident, adventure sport, drug overdose and fights" (p. 35).

They do not believe that crying or showing any weak emotion is viewed as masculine by society. When faced with the death off close friend, young men usually fall into one of three categories: "the adventurer, the father figure, or the lamplighter". The adventurer tends to embrace life and all of the dangers it involves. They explore the unknown and do things they normally would not do because of the risk. The father figure feels a sense of responsibility and honor towards their friends improving their health, and work hard to improve academically or within their current Jobs.

The lamplighters report that they stayed away from the risky behavior hat caused the death of their friend, and encouraged other people following in that path to steer away from the behaviors as well. These men report feeling alone and alienated at the time of the death. They did not feel that they had a strong support system as many females do because of the negative connotation of men grieving. Although they expressed they felt these emotions, they felt it was unacceptable to display these emotions even with their family or close friends.

Their fear of appearing less masculine lead them to deal with their emotions in their own way. In order to determine the effects of losing an adult child on an elderly person, 31 female participants with a mean age of 72. 63 were divided into focus groups. Through structured group interviews, it was found that the older the child is at the time of death, the more difficult it was for the parent, regardless of the cause of death. It was also noted that the grief and depression were ongoing and continued until the present day.

With the responses to the interviews, the groups were divided into four themes, describing who the participants felt after the death of their child. Their reactions were listed as (1) loss of a special relationship or connection, (2) loss of seeing their child achieve or contribute to society, (3) loss of purpose in life or their investment to society, and (4) loss of their future or current caregiver. There were also feelings of not having enough influence on the behaviors of their child leading up to their death. They felt they were not able to make them take care of their medical health, or addictions that could have lead to their death.

They felt that they ere not giving the opportunity to be present at the time of their child's death, or at least get to say goodbye, as well as limited involvement in making or planning the funeral. They also felt there was a disconnect with their grandchildren. The surviving parent made it difficult for them to continue to have a relationship with the child, or the new stepparent made it problematic. Some parents were left with the responsibility of caring for the children. This brought about extra stress because they felt they were too old to adequately care for younger children or teenagers.

Implications for practice Working in the Neuroscience 'CUE, I have encountered many patients with acute or traumatic illnesses and injuries that have resulted in their death. Of course, the death is unexpected to family and friends. I personally think that is is harder to cope with the death of someone who one might have Just spoken with, or seen a few days ago. When a person has a chronic condition, one is sometimes more likely to understand the death process and feel that that patient is better off because they are not suffering anymore.

I think it is important to know that different ages and family dynamics may result in a different grief response. There is not one type of individual. Through these articles, I have learned how parents, children, and SSE friends friends react to death. With the knowledge that I have gained from these articles, I will be better able to interact with my patients family and anticipate their psychosocial needs. Often times, the death of the patient is not immediate, and the family has a few days to deal with the reality that they are losing a loved one.

I am blew to better refer them to the proper resources that we have on the unit, such as chaplain services, and child life services, and prepare them for this difficult time. Even if death is not expected, the loss of function of the patient can also be a contributing factor to grief as well. Knowing how the loss of the patient will affect each family member different will prepare me to better interact and console each person individually. This information will also help me prepare family members for the reactions they might see in small children, young adult friends, and elderly parents.

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Leadership Critique Essay. (2018, Sep 10). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/leadership-5-3/

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