Why We Need to Discipline Children
They are everywhere, malls, grocery store, airports and even public places. Running screaming as loud as they can where everyone can hear them. So that their parents will give in to them just to keep them quiet. The reason why the children behaved this way is that the children knows their rights. Parents are anxious to reprimand their children or even punish their children in a certain way, otherwise, they will be charged with child abuse. Innocent parents are the one being reported to the child protected workers for pking their children with their hands or just picking up a squirming hard onto the child and removing them from any public places.
And if the observer assumes that that the child is making noise they think and conclude that the parents is causing them harm, then call the protective services. Children can tell stories that can get the sympathy of the workers just like telling a horror movie. The service workers will entirely believe in the heartbreaking story of the children, because little children doesn’t know how to fabricate stories and that they don’t tell a lie. Children knows that there is a law that the parents cannot reprimand or hurt them in public places as a result, the children will make scenes especially in public place. They are the ones who are abusing their parents.
There should be a boundary to the amount of discipline a parent can impose upon their children. Child abusers should be punished. No such parents who physically or emotionally abuse their children are allowed to raise them. However, the real problem is children abuse their rights to the point that normal caring parents do not dare to set limits in fear of losing their children.
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Every year, many children are temporarily removed from their homes due to mistaken reports and children telling stories to turn innocent parents to disciplinary actions in child abuse. This fear has led the parents to allow their children in control. Children who grew believing they can get away breaking laws as they did parental rules. The society is full of discourteous people.
In the past, parents reprimand their children when they misbehave implementing rules to follow and obey them. Unfortunately, during the past parents seem to discipline their children to the point that actual abuse occurred. Appropriate to this abuse, laws were created and implemented to protect the rights of the children. However, due to the laws, parents are forced not to take disciplinary actions for their children. They are not allowed to do what they ought to do in order to discipline them. There should be some focal points on this. Parents should be able to discipline their children at some points. In this generation, children know that parents are afraid to pk or scold them most especially in public places.
Children take advantage of this by showing tantrums, refusing to listen to what parents say, ignoring them can be a lot of trouble also to the parents. This behavior allows the child to be in control of their parents rather than the latter. Parents are more likely to feel manipulated by this kind of behavior They do not have to listen or obey because they can get what they want. The last few decades have shown a rise of disobedience along with violence among children. and adolescents.
This child learns that they don’t have to listen to anyone but themselves This children will grow up into spoiled, disrespectful adults and turn into a menace of the society. They do not listen to anyone, they believe in themselves and so they will break the law just to get what they want just like when they were still little children.
Before, when children are well disciplined by their parents, they were taught to respect the elders and other people, as well as the law unlike in this modern generation now. In taking away, the rights of the parents in implementing their own disciplinary actions to children, the society now is full of people that don’t care about anyone or anybody. They only think of themselves only. It is sad to know that the laws designed for the protection of the children were abused and used by the children. . This laws are good if you use it for the better and not exploit it.. While it is true that extreme and pointless punishments is rude and make children to imitate violence later, there is a focal point between the two extremes.
If we look at it the other way, children will raise parents according to their manner as spoiled brats, discourteous individuals what will happen to the society? In reality, when an individual become a parent, most likely they do not want to inflict harm to their helpless child. They want to give the child the best of everything. Hence, protecting them from harm, showering them with love and affection. They want that child to grow up into a happy, healthy, well adjusted and good mannered adult.
Parents should set limits, discipline and teach their children about the rules and the law. They should inculcate the young minds with the rules and train them in a nice way so that when they grow up they will not depart from it. Parents should not be afraid in doing so. There are specific guidelines in constituting abuse. It is sad to realize that the laws was designed to protect the children but there is no result on the whole society because if we cannot discipline our children when they are still young, they will be more violence in the future they always think that they are always right.
This is not in general but most children go in the wrong path in the future if they don’t know what discipline is. In the early generations children were closely controlled and monitored by their parents and they were trained how to respect for their elders and other people as well as they are the rulers. There’s a big difference between children born yesterday than today. Most modern children don’t know what respect is they have their own set of laws and one of their rules is parents should follow their set of laws. They don’t even call their parents as mom and dad, they only call them by names, not only their parents but for their sisters and brothers and even their elderly.
They press on their way to the front of lines even if it means stepping on all of the people in front of them. They don’t care if other peoples hurt or not as long as they know that they are content of what they doing. Captivating away the rights of parents to teach their children to be deferential to others. But new society is creating an entire group of people who do not care about the right of a parent.
A society where people run over and squash each other in malls to get the last hot children’s toy in the store before Christmas. Stampedes like those who are like a scared farm animal’s leave people hurt or even dead when huge groups of people all try to enter popular events or exit buildings in a hurry. It’s so depressing to discover that laws wished-for to protect children have effectively led to an entire society who do not care about anyone but themselves. The laws were considered essential, but some people have said that violence leads to violence and therefore children should never be subjected to corporeal discipline.
Research shows that although, love is the crucial basis on a child’s moral and civilized character is build, it is not enough. Parental discipline is extremely vital in helping a child to develop moral and civilized character.
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Why We Need to Discipline Children. (2017, Feb 02). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/lack-of-proper-discipline/
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