ICT implementation report

Category: Computer Science
Last Updated: 19 Apr 2023
Pages: 5 Views: 216

1. Range of data

This is my data, which offers all the different cars and the details about them. The table is set out in and sorted by the specifications of the cars and also includes their prices.

2. Creating order sheet

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3. Customer details of order sheet

This is the top part of my order sheet, which are the customer's details and the company logo on the top right hand side of the page.

4. Setting up combo boxes

I have created combo boxes so that customers can choose what they wish from my data of cars. Each combo-box category has 5 cars and an empty space left encase the customer chooses not to choose a car from a certain category. This selection is linked to the cell next to it as each car has a preset number and the number is what makes the cell named "cars" change to what is selected in the combo box.

5. Spinners

The quantity is done using spinners. As the customer selects the type of car they prefer the price automatically comes up in the "price cell" and they can change the quantity up to 6 cars for each which is highly unlikely. As the quantity number changes the price is multiplied by the number in the "quantity" cell.

6. Totals

After these processes are done the total price is calculated by multiplying the quantity chosen with the price of the car.

7. Lookups

Column F uses a 'VLOOKUP' in order to find what car has been chosen by the customer. This is done by linking it with 'Column C' and this column shows a number which is the number of the car chosen on the combo-box and the number in the combo-box is the number which the cars are set as in the Data sheet. Hence displaying the selected car.

There is also a VLOOKUPS done for the price which also works in the same way.

8. Tick box and IF statement for Online Discount

This is the online discount tick box which is linked to the cell next to it as you can see above. As the box is ticked and un-ticked the cell next to it will change to TRUE or FALSE this enable me to create an IF statement formula that links to this cell in order to give discount or not.

This IF statement is designed to give a 15% discount if B25 displays TRUE and if not then 0 will be shown.

9. Delivery YES, NO buttons and IF statement

As shown in step 8 the Buttons are linked to the cell next to them. However this time the cell C28 will display either 1 or 2 which represent YES or NO. From this the IF statement in I24 can be done. If cell C28 is displaying 1 then a �6.99 charge will be put on the totals if number 2 is being displayed then cell I24 will come up as blank as there is no Delivery charge.

10. Tick box and IF statement Claims Bonus Discount

This is the Claims Bonus discount tick box which is linked to the cell next to it as you can see above. As the box is ticked and un-ticked the cell next to it will change to TRUE or FALSE this enable me to create an IF statement formula that links to this cell in order to give discount or not.

11. Sub-Total

This is a sum formula which adds all the prices which are displayed in the selected columns.

12. Working out VAT%

Simply input the percentage I wanted as my VAT into cell H26. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the VAT in cell I26.

13. Working out discount price.

Simply input the percentage I wanted to discount into cell H25. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the discount in cell I25.

14. Working out Claims bonus Discount price

Simply input the percentage I wanted to discount into cell H27. In the cell next to it a multiplication formula is used to multiply the percentage by the sub-total which leaves the discount in cell I27.

15. Grand-Total

This is a sum formula however is more complex because it is subtracting discounts and adding different prices. This formula automatically alters and changes according to what is displayed in the cells above it.

16. Add Macros

These macros are recorded to copy the details of the chosen car from each row and insert them on to the invoice sheet. They are also set to change the font option and insert a new row so that cars which are chosen do not replace each other so that the user can select more then one car or extra.

17. Go to Invoice & Go to Order

These macros have been set up so that the user can toggle between the two sheets without any hassle. They are both very simple macros designed so that the user can change or add anything they want to their receipt.

18. Print Macro

This has been created in order to present the user with a print menu once it is selected or print as soon as it is pressed, so that they can select their print option or directly print the receipt.

19. Logos, company details and picture

This print scheme shows the company logo and the colour scheme which is matching throughout the project and the picture in order to make the project more attractive. Part of the logo is the company details that are merged with it.

20. Invoice number and date.

Located below the logo, this is one of the essentials for the receipt, however there is no formula or calendar option used so the date has to be manually changed every day and the invoice number every time the invoice is being saved and printed.

21. Order details

These details are automatically pasted from the order sheet using the Add Macros. Therefore the titles are set in that order according to the data sheet and the font has been set to be changed as part of the processes of the add macro.

22. Customer details on the invoice.

These formulas simply display the information/details which the end-user would fill out at the top of the order sheet.

23. Calculation formulas on invoice

The print screen above shows all the formulas used I order to calculate the grand total. These are the same formulas used as the order sheet which I have explained in detail, however these have different cell references and copy the if statements from the order sheet so that the customers order is transferred correctly and so I do not have to repeat the process again.

Cite this Page

ICT implementation report. (2017, Sep 28). Retrieved from https://phdessay.com/ict-implementation-report/

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