Essay about Human a&P Ch. 22 Respiratory System

Last Updated: 11 Sep 2020
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Link to: 22.

Inhaled air travels in the upper respiratory system

1. Which of the following is not part of the upper respiratory system?

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  • A) Nose
  • B) Oral cavity
  • C) Pharynx
  • D) Trachea
  • E) Nasal meatuses

Ans: D

Link to: 22.

1. Inhaled air travels in the upper respiratory system

2. The conducting zone does NOT act to

  • A) clean air of debris.
  • B) conduct air into the lungs.
  • C) add water to the air.
  • D) warm air.
  • E) It does all of the above.

Ans: E

Link to: 22.

1. Inhaled air travels in the upper respiratory system

2. Which of the following is a passageway for air and food?

  • A)  Pharynx
  • B) Larynx
  • C) Paranasal sinuses
  • D)Trachea
  • E) Esophagus

Ans: A

Link to: 22.

1. Inhaled air travels in the upper respiratory system

2. The opening to the pharynx from the mouth is called

  • A) Palatine
  • B) Hypopharynx
  • C) Meatuses
  • D) Fauces
  • E) Vestibule

Ans: D

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. This structure prevents food or water from entering the trachea.

  • A) Arytenoid cartilage
  • B) Epiglottis
  • C) Nasopharynx
  • D) Thyroid cartilage
  • E) Paranasal sinus

Ans: B

Link to: 22.

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. During swallowing, which structure rises?

  • A) Pharynx
  • B)esophagus
  • C)Trachea
  • D)Palatine tonsils
  • E)Primary bronchi

Ans: A

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. These are triangular pieces of mostly hyaline cartilage located at the posterior and superior border of the cricoid cartilage.

  • A) Corniculate cartilage
  • B) Arytenoids cartilage
  • C) Cricotracheal cartilage
  • D) Cuneiform cartilage
  • E)Laryngeal cartilage

Ans: B

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. Pitch is controlled by

  • A) vibration of the vocal cords.
  • B) tension of the vocal cords.
  • C) layers of cartilage in the vocal cords.
  • D) arrangement of the vocal cords.
  • E) None of the above

Ans: B

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. This is located anterior to the esophagus and carries air to the bronchi.

  • A) Trachea
  • B) Larynx
  • C) Nasopharynx
  • D)Pharynx
  • E) None of the above

Ans: A

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. This is the primary gas exchange site.

  • A) Trachea
  • B) Bronchiole
  • C) Nasal sinuses
  • D) Alveolus
  • E) Bronchus

Ans: D

Link to 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. Which of the below tissues maintains open airways in the lower respiratory system?

  • A) Stratified squamous epithelium with keratin
  • B) Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells
  • C) Hyaline cartilage
  • D) Mucous membrane
  • E) Bone

Ans: C

Link to 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. Which of the below tissues provides the functions of the inner layer of the conducting organs?

  • A) stratified squamous epithelium with keratin
  • B) ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells
  • C) ciliated cuboidal epithelium with goblet cells
  • D) transitional epithelium with cilia
  • E) columnar connective tissue with goblet cells

Ans: B

Link to 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. The point where the trachea divides into right and left primary bronchi is a ridge called:

  • A) Carina
  • B) Secondary bronchioles
  • C)Parietal pleura
  • D) Visceral pleura
  • E) Diaphragm

Ans: A

Link to: 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. Which of the below tissues forms the exchange surfaces of the alveolus?

  • A) Stratified squamous epithelium
  • B) Ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with goblet cells
  • C) Simple squamous epithelium
  • D) Hyaline cartilage
  • E) Columnar connective tissue with goblet cells

Ans: C

Link to 22. 2

1. Inhaled air travels in the lower respiratory system

2. These are cells of the alveoli that produce surfactant.

  • A) Type I alveolar cells
  • B) Type II alveolar cells
  • C) Type III alveolar cells
  • D) Surface cell
  • E) Macrophages

Ans: B

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Essay about Human a&P Ch. 22 Respiratory System. (2017, Jan 02). Retrieved from

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