How To Overcome Shyness
Enjoy a happier life by overcoming your shyness!
One of the most common (and effective) obstacles to success is shyness, or a reluctance to interact with other people. Getting ahead in life requires the ability and willingness to communicate with others, and shyness prevents many people from communicating effectively.
Overcoming shyness can be done with a bit of effort and willpower. If shyness is holding you back, here are a few ways to control and even eliminate it: Tell yourself that you have nothing to fear by talking to other people. Most people are friendly and easy to talk to. This basic understanding is essential for overcoming your shyness!Order custom essay How To Overcome Shyness with free plagiarism report
Make an effort to talk to everyone you meet during the day, even if it's just to say hello. And take the initiative. Don't wait for the other person to speak first.
Make eye contact with everyone you speak to. Eye contact actually diminishes shyness and puts you at ease.
Get involved with groups and organizations that require you to interact with the other members. Be an active participant and speak up when in group settings.
Don't be intimidated by those in positions of authority over you, such as teachers, police officers, politicians, etc. They're human just like the rest of us, even if they have achieved great things in life.
You can overcome your shyness by taking charge of the situation. Always try to speak to everyone you encounter during your day.
Even if you start out by saying just one sentence, before long your confidence will grow, you'll find yourself more at ease speaking in public, and you will be well on the road to overcoming your shyness.
5 Student Hurdles and How To Overcome Them
It’s not always fun and games being a student – with pressures of time, money and work weighing down on you it can be stressful.
There are a few major concerns that most students face at some time during their university careers. Here are 5 common concerns, and what you can do to alleviate them.
1.I’m Never Going to Find a Job
This is something a lot of third year and post graduate students start to think about as the end of university approaches. It might seem that unless you did a degree in Engineering, Medicine or Law – where it’s quite obvious what roles you might move into – the post-graduation job search could be difficult. Your degree might not provide an obvious indication to how you might use what you have been studying. But the truth is – many graduate schemes and employers look for graduates from a range of degrees because studying and getting a degree alone shows that you have the capacity to research, reason, write, debate and perform under pressure.
2. My Dissertation isn’t good enough
It’s quite common for students to start to feel like their dissertation is way off track; after all, you’ve been performing self-guided study, research and writing for the last few months – it would be easy to feel a bit lost without your lecturers guidance. However, many tutors are more than happy to offer advice and insight into your work and will offer their time to answer any questions or fears you might have. If you would like some help making sure your dissertation gets a passing grade, then our site offer dissertation writing and editing services.
3.I’m all alone
When the pressure is on with rent due, deadlines looming and – for many students – being far away from home – it can start to feel like you are very isolated from anyone who can help you. However, there are loads of services around that are designed for students who feel like this – many universities offer free counselling services where you can drop in and speak to a qualified professional. If you are feeling isolated with your studies, websites like our site can really help support you in your academic research and writing concerns.
4.I don’t know how to meet people and make friends
One of the hardest challenges of being a student and going to a new city or place is meeting people. This is a problem felt by a lot of international students who have travelled from overseas to study. There are lots of things you can do if you are struggling to make new friends – join a sports club or society, or do some volunteer work with a local charity. All of these activities are great ways to meet like-minded people, and they also look great on your CV – double bonus!
5.I can’t stay healthy while I’m a student!
Many students often complain that the cost of eating healthy is too much – after all a Pot Noodle costs a lot less than a big mixed salad! However, you shouldn’t ever compromise on your diet or exchange healthy food for quick snacks and – more commonly in the case of students – beer! Manage your finances more carefully, shop at more affordable supermarkets, and do not put drinking alcohol ahead of a healthy diet!
Essay on Overcoming Obstacles
Overcoming Obstacles What is life? Life consists of experiences, challenges, and achievements; all of which are building blocks that essentially create ones path to success. In one’s lifetime they can experience tough and difficult challenges. Sometimes these challenges become unbearable, especially when the odds are against you. However, going against all odds is something everyone is capable of doing, and to overcome these challenges everyone needs to have a “never quit” attitude in life. If we develop it, we'll overcome quite a bit.
Many people all around the world face challenges and obstacles every day in their daily lives. One man in particular is Nic Sheff; a man who was a drug addict and wrote an autobiography called “Tweak”. In this book, Nic describes himself as a drug addict who spends all his money on drugs instead of food and bills. The main person that had a bad influence in his life was an older woman named Zelda. Nic liked being with her because he saved her from her ex-husband. However, at the end of the book, Nic’s parents made a decision for him to go back into rehab in Arizona.
Nic always said that he has done a twelve step programs and went into rehab so many times that nothing changed. But at the last program, it was different, Nic turned into whole different person, finally loving him and life. Also, in the book Nic explains how he faces different obstacles and has an extremely difficult time staying sober. But in the end, because he didn’t give up it did pay off in his future. He became a more successful person and a writer who now shares his experiences of his childhood to prevent other teens into getting into the kind of lifestyle he did.
Nick isn’t the only one who faces these kinds of problems and challenges. About 570,000 people die annually due to drug abuse. Illegal use of drugs is most common among young adults who are ages 18 to 25 years old and that can change who they are as they grow up, financially and mentally. After a person takes drugs and are addicted to it there are certain thoughts and views that society has of them. Society doesn’t usually think of drug addicts as “good people” and they end up losing their respect and reputation as they grow up.
If these teens and young adults don’t change who they are when they are young, they won’t be able to fix themselves as they grow older which can be a bad influence. Bad habits start as a kid and if you don’t change those habits you won’t be able to when you get older! Many people face challenges and obstacles at a very young age and that can change who they are as they grow up. My grandma faced a very harsh and unfortunate childhood. Her father died when she was 17 and that changed her life and her future. It meant she was given many responsibilities since she was the eldest out of her siblings.
She had to do many house chores such as cooking, washing the clothes and dishes and waking up early in the morning to get water from a nearby well every day! This placed a very large obstacle in her life at a very young age. She had to leave school at a very young age because of all the responsibilities she was given and had to overcome these obstacles and face them with great integrity. But due to these obstacles that she has overcome, it has changed who she is now. She struggled in life right from when she was just a little kid. But if she hadn’t overcome these obstacles she wouldn’t have been a very independent woman like she is today.
If her father hadn’t died when she was young, she probably would have had a completely different future and lifestyle, not worrying about anything and going to school and having a better education. Lastly she overcame these obstacles and that changed her attitude and her character. All the experiences of my childhood have shaped me into the person I am today. I wouldn't have been the same kind of person I am today if it wasn't for all the challenges and obstacles I faced and overcame. Fortunately for me I didn’t have wake up every day concerned about what I'm going to eat and make money and survive another day.
Some unfortunate people struggle in their daily lives just to just to survive! Those people definitely would have different characteristics than me because I don’t have to work right now, instead just focus on my education, go to school and depend on my parents for getting my things I need and providing the basic survival needs and fulfilling my wants. I face challenges in my life too. An example is waking up early in the morning to get ready for school, even though it’s a very minor thing, it can sure have a huge impact. It impacts my life because then I wouldn’t be ready for school on time and I would be late for class very day and miss the beginning on class which slowly can add up and bite me on a test or assignment. We all face many different challenges and obstacles and we have to overcome them in order to make ourselves a better person. Even if it’s very easy to overcome, you must be determined to succeed. As a little kid I always did my homework. As soon as I got home I would finish my homework before doing anything but after a few years, that wasn’t the case anymore. I would usually procrastinate and leave my homework till the last day and I usually wouldn’t do a good job.
As my report cards arrived I got an “S” in the homework section meaning satisfactory. My parents were furious because they trusted me and believed I would finish my homework but then found out I was actually wasn’t and not doing a very good job on it. For the next few years it impacted my life because my parents would check my agenda every day and sign off to indicate to my teacher that parents saw my homework and checked that I actually did it. This was an obstacle in my life because I would have to finish my homework and then I was allowed to watch T. V or go out.
I didn’t like this at all but in order to overcome this obstacle and gain my parents trust back, I would have to do my homework. So after that day I always did my homework and eventually got an “E” in the homework section indicating excellent and gaining back my parents trust. If I had given up, I would have this obstacle hurting me like a needle for a few more years and my parents would constantly be watching me and making sure I was doing my work and I was on task, which isn’t a good thing. Also I wouldn’t be able to change as I grow older because if you don’t get rid of bad habits they can last forever.
In conclusion, it is very important to overcome obstacles because if you don’t, it could have a negative impact on who you are. Life is like a rollercoaster, you will never know what challenges and obstacles you will face in life but you have to hold and make sure you overcome these obstacles without giving up! Live has its ups and downs, but hold your head high and face those obstacles and overcome them with great determination. There are many trials ahead, be a person who had indwelling desire to succeed, and believe failure was not and never could be an option.
Overcoming Obstacles
In life overcoming obstacles is not something that is easy to do. Depending on what you are trying to overcome it may take days, months, or even years. One mistake I made in life was dropping out if high school when I was in the ninth grade. This was my obstacle that I had to overcome. At times I would sit and think about where I could have been in the years that had passed me by. As years went by I wanted more and more to receive my GED so I could further my education and make something out of myself.
So in 2011, I decided to enroll in the GED program at the community college in my city. I was attending GED classes twice a week at the tech which wasn’t easy since I had been out of school for over fifteen years. However, because I dropped out of high school in the ninth grade I knew receiving my GED would be a challenge. Once I started taking my GED test, I would take test after test praying that I was getting closer to my goal.
Finally, two years later I have my GED, and soon after I applied at the community college and started taking classes. I knew I wanted to further my education, but I’m still not sure about what I want to do. In a month, I will be finished with my first semester of college and I’m ready to start my next. In final analysis, overcoming an obstacle is not easy to do, to overcome my obstacle took me two years, but it was well worth it.
Overcoming the Odds
Overcoming the Odds In life there will always be obstacles that are placed before us. Some will be easy and others will be difficult. I could remember a few incidents that made me think I would not be able to overcome certain roadblocks to achieve my goals. It was the summer of 2009; we had just got back home from Antigua & Barbuda of the sixth CVC Basketball Classic tournament. My high school coach had received a letter of acceptance to Word of Life Traditional School in Wichita, Kansas awarding me a full scholarship to play basketball for their school.
At that time my mother was unemployed and we were not receiving help from other family members. The only thing that was going through my mind was saying, “Yes, I’ve got a school abroad to better myself and make my mother proud. ” When I was looking at my mother’s face as she read the letter; it was full of happiness and stress at the same time. The ticket to Kansas was around eight hundred to one thousand dollars, school was opening in less than three weeks, and we did not have a dollar for my ticket or living expenses.
My mother and I had asked family members, friends, and private companies. It has been three weeks and we only had received five hundred dollars. All I could do is cry realizing I can’t go. As my mom witnessed my pain and frustration, she held me and said “God knows best and everything happens on his time, not ours. He wouldn’t bring us this far to fail. ” The first week of school had passed and things was still looking bleak. That Friday morning I was shooting on the basketball court trying to clear my head.
This guy saw me and asked me why I was not in school I told him about my situation. The man pulled out his wallet and gave me his card and told me to stop by his office that afternoon. Later that day I went to his office and he handed me a check for one thousand dollars. He said, “always work hard and follow your dreams and you will always have support,” I got up and thanked him for giving me an opportunity to pursue my dreams, believing in me, and how I will forever be grateful for his kindness.
Once I left the office, I ran all the way home with tears in my eyes and out of breath to show my mom the check. She dropped to her knees and said, “Thank you Lord I know you would make it come through for my baby. ” That weekend I spent packing my bags to leave on Tuesday morning. My mother sat down with me and told me that she wasn’t going to take this journey with me, she was frighten because I was only fifteen, and I have never been anywhere out of the country without her. The thought of now having to go to a strange state where I do not know anyone.
She had second thoughts about me going. I said to her it cannot be that hard to do this and I am covered in the blood of Jesus. When Tuesday came it was that time to say goodbye, my mother started crying I held her and told her it will be ok even though I was scared yet I had to embrace it also trying to hold back the tears. All in all some things might seem impossible for you; as long as you stick with it, you will be successful. Going through this has truly made me stronger person physically, mentally, and it also has helped me grow to be more mature.
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