Essays on Sexuality

Feeling stuck when writing Essays on Sexuality? If you are unable to get started on your task and need some inspiration, then you are in the right place. Essays on Sexuality require a range of skills including understanding, interpretation and analysis, planning, research and writing. To write effective Essays on Sexuality, you need to examine the question, understand its focus and needs, obtain information and evidence through research, then build a clear and organized answer. Browse our samples and select the most compelling topic as an example for your own!
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Dumaguete City Boulevard: A Breeding Ground for Prostitution

Prostitution is a never ending war like abortion which is considered as an immoral activity in the society. Dumaguete is known for its women who sell sexual services which has been going on for years now. In October 1997, the Marina Clinic of the SUMC …

Words 92
Pages 1
Sexuality, Corruption, and Power Dynamics in the Bloody Chamber

Sexuality, corruption and power dynamics in The Bloody Chamber Sexuality is a prevalent theme in Angela Carter’s story The Bloody Chamber. Sexual violence within a relationship often reveals aspects of each party’s identity and character as well as affects its power dynamics. Carter depicts sex …

GenderHomosexualitySexualityThe Bloody Chamber
Words 2023
Pages 8
Premarital Sex: Negative Effects On Teenagers’ Life

After analysis, we disagreed teenagers involve in premarital sex. Premarital sex is sexual intercourse engaged by persons who are unmarried. Although many teenagers have strong thoughts that premarital sex will lead to a better lifestyle, in reality premarital sex has many negative effects on teenagers’ …

AdolescenceFamilyPremarital SexSexSexuality
Words 441
Pages 2
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Premarital Sex Argumentative Essay

Based on what the researcher’s have read premarital sex is sexual intercourse engaged in by persons who are unmarried. It is generally used in reference to individuals who are presumed not yet of marriageable age, or between adults who will presumably marry eventually, but who are engaging in sexual activity prior to …

Words 3919
Pages 15
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II

Military has a long history with the allegations of homosexuality. They both have always made strange bedfellows. The leadership of armed forces all over the world, usually traditionalists, has in general seen homosexuals as morally wrong, and a threat to solidity. At the start of …

HeroesMilitarySexualityWorld War Ii
Words 63
Pages 1
Tennessee William’s Battle with Homosexuality Through Brick in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Tennessee Williams’ Battle With Homosexuality Through Brick Tennessee Williams wrote a variety of plays over the course of his life. Although all his characters have differences from play to play, there are many patterns that can easily be recognized which reflect his struggles in his …

Cat On A Hot Tin RoofHeroesSexuality
Words 1265
Pages 5
Sexuality in Bram Stokers Dracula

In this article we will examine the role of sexuality in Bram Stokers Dracula and how major a role it plays in the book. Because of certain aspects in the writers life and because of certain symbolism a great deal of sexual meaning has been …

Words 99
Pages 1
What Makes an Act Sexually Perverse

Course Philosophy of Sex And Love What makes an act sexually perverse? In a recent discussion, the subject of perversion was raised; the question was asked what makes an individual a pervert, or what kinds of acts could be considered perverted? The answers received were …

Words 2681
Pages 10
Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized

Same-Sex Marriage Should Not Be Legalized As we know, same-sex marriage has been discussed and argued for a long time. Within the controversial topic of gay rights, there’s no area more controversial than same-sex marriage. And all of us ask ourselves if same-sex marriage should …

GenderHomosexualityLgbtMarriageSame Sex MarriageSexuality
Words 913
Pages 4
Attraction, Gender Roles, and Homosexuality: an Analysis of Brokeback Mountain

In this paper, I will identify examples from the film Brokeback Mountain that exemplify concepts of human sexuality – specifically, attraction; gender roles and socialization; and sexual orientation – in attempts to discuss the accurate portrayal of the concept within the scene, in concordance with …

CameraGenderHomosexualityHuman SexualitySexSexuality
Words 1286
Pages 5
How to prevent Teenage Pregnancy

Each year the United States is acknowledged for having the highest number of pregnant teens in the industrialized world. We have clueless teenage females of every race having children while they are in high school. Sex is on the minds of so many teenagers that …

AdolescencePregnancySexSexualityTeenage Pregnancy
Words 109
Pages 1
Presentation of Sex and Sexuality in Brave New World

presentation of sex and sexuality in Brave New World brave new world is a dystopian novel about an authoritarian regime and how they control people, in it there are characters that resist the leadership. Huxley’s Brave New World is a darkly satirical novel that uncovers …

Brave New WorldSexSexuality
Words 1123
Pages 5
The Sexual Content in Angela Carter?S the Bloody Chamber

The Sexual Content in Angela Carter? s “The Bloody Chamber” The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, is a selection of fairytales which have been re-written by Angela Carter to place them in the modern day. Carter has taken seven fairytales whose “latent content” she says …

FeminismSexismSexualityThe Bloody Chamber
Words 1646
Pages 6
Why Premarital Sex Should Not Be Accepted

Premarital sex is defined as when two people begin to engage in sexual intercourse before marriage. In todays society premarital sex has become part of the norm and has been accepted. Many young adults are living together before marriage and engaging in sexual activity. It …

Words 1523
Pages 6
Monogamy Versus Polygamy and Other Forms of Marriage

“I believe in monogamy if that is what a couple decides upon together, but it all depends on the personal history and culture of the two involved. ” -K. D. Lang. The traditional family system–a lifelong alliance of a man and a woman–has in the …

Words 851
Pages 4
A Swinger’s Lifestyle

Would you trade, share or swap your intimate partner with another? This is a very difficult but intriguing proposition that actually exists amidst controversies and criticisms. In today’s modern, liberal and flexible world, one lifestyle has earned much popularity and, surprisingly, the preference of a …

Human SexualitySexSexuality
Words 48
Pages 1
Sexual Biography

To be honest, I do not remember any milestone or turning point of my sexual biography. My sexual awareness came smoothly and naturally as I grew up. The events I am going to tell will be pretty vague in terms of time order and my …

Words 548
Pages 2
Sex education in Malaysia

Sex affects all aspects of human life. Sexual desires, feelings and activities extend from childhood through adolescence, adulthood and old age. As such, it is only rational to treat sex as an integral and positive facet of our lives. However, (most) Malaysians have a tendency …

AdolescenceEducationSexSex EducationSexuality
Words 916
Pages 4
Artificial Birth Control

Definition of Artificial Birth Control Artificial birth control can be defined as any product, procedure or practice that uses artificial or unnatural means to prevent pregnancy. Barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms, hormonal methods such as the pill and IUDs, and surgical sterilization procedures …

BirthBirth ControlPubertySexuality
Words 78
Pages 1
Family Planning Critical Essay

Real Distinction between the Natural Family Planning to the Artificial Family Planning What is Family Planning? What are the differences between the Natural and Artificial Family Planning? Family planning is the planning of when to have children, and the use of birth control and other techniques to implement such plans. Other …

CondomFamily PlanningPubertySexSexuality
Words 3217
Pages 12
Artificial Insemination 4

Historical Milleu of the development of the bioethical issue The reproductive revolution is upon us. The past half-century has seen the development of reproductive technologies previous generations could not even imagine. The term reproductive technology refers to various medical procedures that are designed to alleviate …

Words 2547
Pages 10
Human Sexuality Critical Essay

According to our lecture sexuality activity has improved and became open more and more as the years past. Not only have the activity has improved, but the conversation on sexuality has also improved. In this paper, I will compare and contrast the difference in conversation …

HumanHuman SexualitySexuality
Words 1320
Pages 5
T.C. Boyle Writes of Infidelity

Katherine Meyer English 1100 Sec. 131 November 4th, 2008 Indefinitely Infantile Infidelity As an apparent defiance of one of the Ten Commandments, Adultery, the act of voluntary sexual involvement between a married individual and someone whom is not his or her spouse is a widely …

AdulteryEssay ExamplesHarassmentMarriageMotivationSexuality
Words 1181
Pages 5
Homosexuality: Nature Versus Nurture

All things belong to Mother Nature: the trees, the flowers, insects, the great waters, animals, and even the human race. All follow the laws of nature that we are instinctively born with. However, somewhere along the line, something or someone defies those laws and goes …

HeroesNatureNature Vs NurtureSexuality
Words 2036
Pages 8
Foucault: History of Sexuality/ A Reading

According to Foucault, power from the 18th century began to be exercised in two dimensions. The first one was formulated by the disciplinary techniques and methods of ‘bio-power’, the power over life which increased the capacities of the human body, and at the same time …

Words 3033
Pages 12
Sex and Sexuality: a Cultural Taboo

Introduction There is high recognition for morality, family life, community life, sociability and solidarity. This is shown through initiation, stories and rites of passages, but could differ from tribe to tribe and from culture to culture. The issue of sex and sexuality is often challenging …

Words 1560
Pages 6
Sexual Offences Act 2003

One of the driving forces behind the creation of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 was the low conviction rate on rapists. In 1999 9,008 rape cases were reported and only 1 in 13 resulted in a conviction . Within this essay I will discuss whether …

Words 2620
Pages 10
An Essay on Why Prostitution Should Be Legalized

Prostitution should be legalized Prostitution was estimated to date back to at least 2400 B. C, along with doctor, scribe, barber and cook (Little known facts in the prostitution debate, n. d. ). Despite this length of service, whether sex industry should be legalized or …

Words 962
Pages 4
Discussion of the Dispossession of Lolita’s sexuality in Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita

In the novel Lolita, the concept of sexuality is greatly emphasized by the author. It is apparent in the character of Lolita and Humber that one is in control over the other. Humbert possesses greater power over Lolita to make all her needs possible. (more…)

Words 44
Pages 1
The Third Gender

Kaleen Rodriguez ENC 1102 Exploratory Essay The Third Gender What is the role of the third gender in South Asia? How does Asian society identify the third gender? I walked into my best friend Joel’s room this morning extremely excited to have lunch with him …

Words 1676
Pages 7

Frequently asked questions

What is the importance of sexuality?
Sexual expression is important for many reasons. It allows people to express their desires, needs, and feelings. It can help people feel more connected to their bodies and intimate partners. It can also be a source of pleasure. Sexuality can be a source of strength and power. It can also be a source of vulnerability.Sexual expression can be a way to explore and learn about ourselves and our bodies. It can help us understand our desires and boundaries. It can also help us feel more comfortable in our own skin. Sexuality can be a source of joy, pleasure, and intimacy. It can also be a source of pain, shame, and fear.Sexual expression is an important part of our humanity. It is a natural and normal part of life. It should be respected and protected.
What is your concept of sexuality?
Everyone's concept of sexuality is unique to them. However, some key themes that could be explored in an answer to this question include:-How we view and experience our own sexuality-How our sexuality affects our relationships with others-How our sexuality is shaped by our culture and society-Our sexual preferences and orientations-How our sexuality changes over timeThese are just some of the many aspects that could be explored in an answer to this question. Ultimately, sexuality is a complex and personal topic, and everyone's concept of it will be different.
How do you write about your sexuality?
Everyone experiences and expresses their sexuality in different ways. However, some tips on writing about sexuality might include being honest and open about your experiences, sharing your thoughts and feelings about sex and sexuality, and exploring your sexual identity in a safe and comfortable environment. It can also be helpful to talk to others about their experiences with sexuality, either in person or through online forums or other resources. Ultimately, the best way to write about your sexuality is in a way that feels true and authentic to you.
How does sexuality affect a person's life?
While sexuality is just one aspect of who a person is, it can have a significant impact on a person's life. For example, a person's sexuality can influence their relationships, self-image, and even their career choices.Sexuality can affect a person's relationships in a number of ways. For example, a person's sexual orientation (whether they are attracted to people of the same or opposite sex) can influence who they are attracted to and who they feel comfortable being in a relationship with. Additionally, a person's sexuality can affect how they communicate with their partner and how they express their love and intimacy.A person's sexuality can also affect their self-image and how they see themselves. For example, a person who is not comfortable with their sexuality may have low self-esteem or feel like they are not good enough. Additionally, a person's sexuality can affect how they see themselves in the future. For example, a person who is not comfortable with their sexuality may not see themselves getting married or having children.A person's sexuality can also affect their career choices. For example, a person who is not comfortable with their sexuality may not feel comfortable working in a traditional office setting. Additionally, a person's sexuality can affect their choice of partner or spouse.

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